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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

yes i agree with brother nomi007 that this beast is just awesome but it should be considered as heavy while j-31 is medium one and fc-1 is light. so it should act more like a bomber while fc-1 and j-31 should be our frontline fighters.
1 squadron of these heavies can take down any thing for us. Our enemies will never "WHAT HIT THEM" :guns:
1 squadron of these heavies can take down any thing for us. Our enemies will never know "WHAT HIT THEM" :guns:
So can anybody tell me in which year we are expecting this birds (j-31 and j-20) in our skies.
J-20 big size, looks more like a Bomber than a Multi-role capability of J-31.
Actually J-20 fits more into the "multi-role" term. J-31 don't have enough internal space to carry even a typical A2A weapons which for example will be 4 PL-12's & 2 PL-5's(it can carry only 4 AAM's). & J-31's internal apace is also not suitable for bigger A2G munitions. In J-20 you have non of these shortcomings & plus it has "double the range" comparing to J-31.
Actually J-20 fits more into the "multi-role" term. J-31 don't have enough internal space to carry even a typical A2A weapons which for example will be 4 PL-12's & 2 PL-5's(it can carry only 4 AAM's). & J-31's internal apace is also not suitable for bigger A2G munitions. In J-20 you have non of these shortcomings & plus it has "double the range" comparing to J-31.

As per China, J-20 is more fighter bomber, have u seen the massive size of the aircraft its like two J10s, hence very easy to detect and locked on, it has more range and weapons space, but not an ideal platform for dogfights, for which u need low radar feasibility and better avionics sensors with increased speed.

We donot need so many missiles in our FC-31 P, limited number but definitely more than JF-17 will suffice, the best for defending Pak Skies.

Have u ever wondered y most modern world air forces 'prefer' to have small sized or medium sized aircrafts. Even the F-22 is smaller than J-20. it is overall capability and efficiency of aircrafts, notice Russian fighters are big and hence larges RCS and long turnaround times. The Russian big fighters have lost more in numbers, as compared to western or american jets of medium and small size, which hardly any shot down.

J-31 / FC-31 P fits the PAF bill perfectly as smaller size, its budgeted requirements, stealth qualities, fuel consumption, low maintenance, mission requirements and similarity to JF-17 as a new upgrade.
As per China J-20 is more fighter bomber, have u seen the massive size of the aircraft its like two J10s, hence very easy to detect and short down, it has range and weapons space, but not an ideal platform for dogfights, for which u need low radar feasibility and better avionics sensors with increased speed.

We donot need so many missiles in our FC-31 P, limited number but definitely more than JF-17 will suffice, the best.

Have u ever wondered y most modern world air forces prefer have small sized or medium sized aircrafts. Even the F-22 is smaller than J-20. it is overall capability of aircrafts, notice Russian fighters are big and hence larges rcs for missiles to lock and shoot. The Russian big fighters have lost more in numbers, as compared to western or american jets of medium and small size.

J-31 / FC-31 P fits the PAF bill perfectly, its budget requirements, fuel consumption, low maintenance, mission requirements and similarity to JF-17 as a new upgrade.
For your kind information(which you should verify from Chinese sources instead of self speculations) J-20's initial role will be of a pure air supremacy fighter for countering the threats of western 5th gen fighters & keeping the Chinese "shores" safe, multirole capabilities will be added in later variants. & As per Chinese sources it's more stealthy+maneuverable than J-31. J-31 was dropped by PLAAF because it wasn't "good enough" for them so Shenyang decided to carry it on it's own as an "export product" just like JF-17 which was never inducted by China.
Bigger size is the + point of J-20, & you should read about the testing reports by US Air Force stating that in simulations the F-22's were able to penetrate Chinese air space & come back successfully but wouldn't be able to make it back to stations because of low fuel capacity which is because of "lower size"...!
Money is the only problem We have otherwise there is no comparison at all between the two aircrafts.
So can anybody tell me in which year we are expecting this birds (j-31 and j-20) in our skies.

No J-20. J-31 / FC-31 P ideal size aircraft will be around 2020 timeline in 2 squadrons, when its fully developed into 5th generation capabilities.

PAF has already joined with J-31 developments updates from now in Shenyang, in its formative years.


Hint Engine, similarity! whoop whoop!

Kinda similar shape not exactly too much, but JF17 Block 3/4 will better have similarity to J-31s...unlike J-20.
As per Chinese sources it's more stealthy+maneuverable than J-31. J-31 was dropped by PLAAF because it wasn't "good enough" for them so Shenyang decided to carry it on it's own as an "export product" just like JF-17 which was never inducted by China.

Bigger size is the + point of J-20, & you should read about the testing reports by US Air Force stating that in simulations the F-22's were able to penetrate Chinese air space & come back successfully but wouldn't be able to make it back to stations because of low fuel capacity which is because of "lower size"...!

Money is the only problem We have otherwise there is no comparison at all between the two aircrafts.

Only real reason J-20 was prefered over J-31 by PLAAF is the that J-31 is small as it cannot cover the range of all china borders as do J-20. While for ur information J-31 is actively funded as a seed development by PLA and there are reports that J-31 navalised will be used on aircraft variants.

Its crazy to say while Shenyang J-6 and Chengdu J-7 China inducted in its own airforce, it exported to Pakistan as well in the shape of PAF F-6, and F-7. Do you know that?

J-20 does not fit PAF bill simply PAF has a smaller country to defend, then the long length-breath, big size of Chinese borders, and secondly J-20 is way to above PAF budget to afford.

Read this, J-20 as a bomber or a true air-superiority supersonic fighter: Stealth Fighter or Bomber? | The Diplomat

Only Shenyang J31....that is customised Pak Fc-31 fits PAF bill.
Actually J-20 fits more into the "multi-role" term. J-31 don't have enough internal space to carry even a typical A2A weapons which for example will be 4 PL-12's & 2 PL-5's(it can carry only 4 AAM's). & J-31's internal apace is also not suitable for bigger A2G munitions. In J-20 you have non of these shortcomings & plus it has "double the range" comparing to J-31.
I don't think J20 will be up for sale. Even if the Chinese agree to a sale it would be prohibitive cost wise.Also time wise you will probably have to wait at least a decade before getting any of the 5th generation platforms. So at best the talk is in preliminary stages. The chinese have a habit of surprising us and don't think these are the only 2 platforms they will churn out. So lets just wait and see what happens.
As per China, J-20 is more fighter bomber, have u seen the massive size of the aircraft its like two J10s, hence very easy to detect and locked on, it has more range and weapons space, but not an ideal platform for dogfights, for which u need low radar feasibility and better avionics sensors with increased speed.

We donot need so many missiles in our FC-31 P, limited number but definitely more than JF-17 will suffice, the best for defending Pak Skies.

Have u ever wondered y most modern world air forces 'prefer' to have small sized or medium sized aircrafts. Even the F-22 is smaller than J-20. it is overall capability and efficiency of aircrafts, notice Russian fighters are big and hence larges RCS and long turnaround times. The Russian big fighters have lost more in numbers, as compared to western or american jets of medium and small size, which hardly any shot down.

J-31 / FC-31 P fits the PAF bill perfectly as smaller size, its budgeted requirements, stealth qualities, fuel consumption, low maintenance, mission requirements and similarity to JF-17 as a new upgrade.

ok if China need j-20 because of its size its ok. But one thing that cross my mind is that is Pakistan going to play as defender for ever are we never going to respond to any threat made by our enemy. if yes than we should stick with just j-20 but if no than we have to get both j-20 and j-31 only in that way we can give answer to threats like india or any other by taking these beasts deep into our enemy's territory.
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