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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

A short summary (few words) in English will be appreciated!

How is it your internal problem?
Taiwan is officially a independent sovereign country with their own Capital and currency, which does not say we belong to China.
You might wanna say whatever deems fit to your pony brain.
But the reality bites. right?

View attachment 149343
A short summary (few words) in English will be appreciated!
Sorry, my English is not good, this paragraph of word is more complicated, I can only express in Chinese,You can try to use translation software to translate
ws10,ws10a,ws15,ws13是不是都是太行系列的?还是太行和WS是完全不同的两种发动机? 求解。。
ws10,ws10a,ws15,ws13是不是都是太行系列的?还是太行和WS是完全不同的两种发动机? 求解。。
how am I dumb?在其他人面前抽自己老乡耳刮子很帅是吧。
By talking non sense out of subject ?
China completed WS13 engine research and development work, began to enter the preparatory stage of production line

Could you please try to keep your posts in English. Thank you.
Please keep posts in English as much as possible.
Please keep posts in English as much as possible.
I'm asking my fellow whether FC31 could super cruise with WS13, he said yes. he said he is not good at English, do I have to talk with him in Chinese.
Please keep posts in English as much as possible.
yes i know. but my english is realy bad ,please forgive me ,and i think ,Chinese is also the United Nations official language, I would like to use it is nothing serious......Because some of these languages, I use English cannot express clearly
yes i know. but my english is realy bad ,please forgive me ,and i think ,Chinese is also the United Nations official language, I would like to use it is nothing serious......Because some of these languages, I use English cannot express clearly

No forgiveness needed. It helps us understand if you are saying something interesting. You may use google translate for difficult words if needed. A good idea would be to coordinate with other Chinese members if you have something interesting that you are not able to post.

Chinese is not understood well by a lot of users on this forum from other countries which is why we chose english as the official language to allow for common communication.
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