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S-300 vs Agile Fighter Jets?

MT-LBu command vehicle with radar. Official designation: PPRU-1M with 9S80M Dog Ear.

Warsaw Pact / Russian Air Defence Command Posts

My point exactly. Plus, such systems aren't unique, not to MKI, not to Russia or India etc. Which also means, they don't make for complete invulnerability or some other miracle. Let's keep perspective and be realistic, folks!

Dude thanks so much :cheers:
My point exactly. Plus, such systems aren't unique, not to MKI, not to Russia or India etc. Which also means, they don't make for complete invulnerability or some other miracle. Let's keep perspective and be realistic, folks!

I never said it would be a miracle, actualy I didn't saw an Indian mentioning it in this thread anyway, I only replyed to your questions about what jammers the MKI have right now and what it might get with the next upgrade.
However, an MKI is a good plattform for powerful jamming and with a load of up to 6 x ARMs, it's definitely a capable SEAD aircraft which can't be denied either.
Why not, the detection of the radar is the same, be it for an F16 CJ, a Growler, Rafale or the EF. They all use the detected radar to pinpoint the location. While the US fighters usese HARM to attack the radar, which in the past was difficult when the enemy simply turned off the radar, the GPS coordinates Rafale or EF provides to Scalp / Storm Shadow will remain viable.
Scalp / Storm Shadow also have low level, terrain following capabilities to avoid radar detection and would not attack from high altitudes like HARM or JSOW right?

Especially against such highly capable SAMs, cruise missiles seems to be the only logical choice, since it's still cheaper to loose the missile, than to loose a fighter that has to get much closer to the target with LGBs, cluster bombs, or ARMs or?

The MKIs have Israeli self protection jammer so far, but not high power escort jammer like these. Russian system is on offer for India and the wingtip pods are already sold to export countries like China, but similarly Rafael is offering the Skyshild pod and DARE has developed own EW upgrades for the MKI, which reportedly include jamming pods too (most likely the Russian once, with customised systems).

How did the cruise missiles which are terrain hugging acquire the moving target? specially firing away as far as more than 300-500 kms?
How did the cruise missiles which are terrain hugging acquire the moving target? specially firing away as far as more than 300-500 kms?

Air and space based stand-off recon systems, I would thinlk.
just wanted to correct one mistake (or lie) in this topic, syria never had pantsyr S1.....all of thier SAM's are so old, and if there is a deal nothing has been delivered to them yet.
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