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Russian Rebels did it again, its now 4 Ukrainian Helicopters shot in Total

When I lived in Moscow in the early 1990s, the Russians used to say that the big difference between Americans and Russians was that the Americans didn't realize that the US news was propaganda.
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Ukrainians didn't choose shit. A small group of them which was probably paid by the west, overthrew the elected govt and installed a western leaning govt. Not much better if you ask me.

Yeah, the 'elected' government of Yanukovych who ran off to Russia along with stealing billions of dollars of Ukrainian assets. wow! Must be such a lovely democratic leader.. one look at his mansion and his car collection would put him in the same catagory as Libya's Gaddafi.

The West must be pretty damn rich to pay off nearly half the population of Ukraine to go n protest against Yanukovych.. Looks like you watch a little bit too much of Putin tv. Time to change the channel n wake up to smell the coffee. The REAL world is a bit different from what is seen on Russian tv channels.

The Russian version of the Ukrainian crisis, which you are repeating here, is an extremely bad joke.
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