WS-13 Taishan is years away fro induction, read this -
According to CAST blog, in interview to CAST representative at Zhuhai a Deputy Director of SARI has reported that the current TBO of WS-10A Taihang is only 300 hours. Progress with improving TBO and other characteristics is persist, but going slow. By his words, it is impossible to name a single issue causing difficulties with Chinese aircraft engines - there are a range of issues, including those related to process organisation and personnel. The situation with WS-13 Taishan, which should replace the Russian RD-93, is even more complicated than with Taihang - TBO for WS-13 is less then that 1/2 than for WS-10A."
bmpd -
I dont know how PLAAF/PLANAF can power J-11/15 with WS-10A which such a low TBO ??
And how can WS-13 power J-31 under operational condition with a TBO of less than 150 hours?
It'll spend more time in the hangar waiting to be overhauled every now and then.