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Russian Helicopters You Can't Even Give Away

Hi, the USA bought some Mig-29s from Moldova a will back, and use them for training purposes. The Mi-17 is a decent copter. Saudi Arabia is supposed to be buying 200 of them. Moreover, a Canadian company was offering a glass cockpit version of it in conjunction with Mil.
How did the yanks get the Mi-17s in the first place?
they have su-27 mig-29 mi-8 AN-26 AN-2 MI-24 also busness mean money will done every thing.:lol:
Oh..You mean through defections and gifts by erstwhile eastern block countries. But pretty slick work these Yanks. Off-loading second hand stuff to Pakistan in the name of the WoT.
does Russia sold these items herself or it was Ukraine?
After the Soviet Union ignobly and spectacularly collapsed, the former Soviet satellites became possessors of much Soviet weaponry, including late model aircrafts, tanks and even nuclear missiles. They needed cash to keep their countries going. So they call up the guy with the most money -- Uncle Sam. Then the Pentagon went shopping with the world's largest shopping cart -- the C-5 Galaxy. Or rather a fleet of them. Flights are usually in the midnights and loaded to the gills.
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