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Russian Gold Reserves have crossed the 1,000-tonne mark

What the f.uck was your army doing in Moldova in 1940? "Russia Stronk!!!11!!", right? And you wonder why we all joined NATO and why you will end up with a missile shield right next to Kremlin in a couple of years?

Btw, my grandad was from Moldova and fought in ww2, do you want to swap stories? I can tell you a lot about what your ancestors did

Edit: as Flamer said, I don't have a issue with what you took after WW2 as compensation + 50 years of communism..it was a war, we lost, life sucks, let's get over it..
But what we gave you for safe keeping, as allies in WW1, is a whole different story
What did we do in Moldova? Returned occupy Russian terrytories in 1918.
I will not remind you, thanks to whom you gained independence from Turkey.
And for gold appeals to those who stole all the gold reserves of Russian Impire and stole all the gold reserves of the USSR and moved it from the country.
Where? Give a hint - in London and the United States. About 4,000 tons.
What did we do in Moldova? Returned occupy Russian terrytories in 1918.
I will not remind you, thanks to whom you gained independence from Turkey.
And for gold appeals to those who stole all the gold reserves of Russian Impire and stole all the gold reserves of the USSR and moved it from the country.
Where? Give a hint - in London and the United States. About 4,000 tons.

Are you seriously implying the Moldova is "Russian territory"? Wow dude..just wow..go look on the ethnic composition at 1918 or now..or the historical maps.
Or let me put it this way: Kamceatka is as much Romanian territory as Moldova is Russian territory

Point is, if you want to normalize relations a little, giving back that gold would be a good start.It's not our problem that you lost it, nor will 93 tons affect your reserves in any way.
If not, then enjoy having all the neighboring countries suspicious of you and clamoring to get in to NATO/EU/missile defense shield..etc
What did we do in Moldova? Returned occupy Russian terrytories in 1918.

Wow,just wow...a brief history of Moldova:

In accordance with the Treaty of Bucharest of 1812 and despite numerous protests by Moldavian nobles on behalf of the sovereignty of their principality, the Ottoman Empire (of which Moldavia was a vassal) ceded to the Russian Empire the eastern half of the territory of the Principality of Moldavia along with Khotyn and old Bessarabia (modern Budjak), which Russia had already conquered and annexed.

The new Russian province was called "Oblast of Moldavia and Bessarabia", and initially enjoyed a large degree of autonomy. After 1828 this autonomy was progressively restricted and in 1871 the Oblast was transformed into the Bessarabia Governorate, in a process of state-imposed assimilation, "Russification". As part of this process, the Tsarist administration in Bessarabia gradually removed the Romanian language from official and religious use.[15] The western part of Moldavia (which is a part of present-day Romania) remained an autonomous principality, and in 1859, united with Wallachia to form the Kingdom of Romania.

The Treaty of Paris (1856) returned three counties of Bessarabia — Cahul, Bolgrad and Ismail — to Moldavia

Moldova in 1918:

World War I brought in a rise in political and cultural (ethnic) awareness among the inhabitants of the region, as 300,000 Bessarabians were drafted into the Russian Army formed in 1917; within bigger units several "Moldavian Soldiers' Committees" were formed. Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, a Bessarabian parliament, Sfatul Ţării, was elected in October–November 1917 and opened on December 3 [O.S. November 21] 1917. The Sfatul Ţării proclaimed the Moldavian Democratic Republic (December 15 [O.S. December 2] 1917) within a federal Russian state, and formed a government (December 21 [O.S. December 8] 1917).

Bessarabia proclaimed independence from Russia on February 6 [O.S. January 24] 1918 and requested the assistance of the French army present in Romania (general Henri Berthelot) and of theRomanian army, which had occupied the region in early January.[23] On April 9 [O.S. March 27] 1918, the Sfatul Ţării decided with 86 votes for, 3 against and 36 abstaining, to unite with the Kingdom of Romania.

I will not remind you, thanks to whom you gained independence from Turkey.

Oh pls,remind me who helped who you soviet illiterate:

Initially, before 1877, Russia did not wish to cooperate with Romania, since they did not wish Romania to participate in the peace treaties after the war, but the Russians encountered a very strong Turkish army of 50,000 soldiers led by Osman Pasha at the Siege of Plevna (Pleven) where the Russian troops led by Russian generals suferred very heavy losses and were routed in several battles.[5]

Due to great losses, Nikolai Konstantinovich, Grand Duke of Russia, asked Carol I for the Romanian Army to intervene and join forces with the Russian Army.[5][6]

Prince Carol I accepted the Duke's proposal to become the Marshal of the Russian troops in addition to the Command of his own Romanian army, thus being able to lead the combined armed forces to the conquest of Plevna and the formal surrender, after heavy fighting, of the Turkish General Osman Pasha. The Romanian Army won the battles ofGrivitsa and Rahova, and on 28 November 1877 the Plevna citadel capitulated, and Osman Pasha surrendered the city, the garrison and his sword to the Romanian colonel Mihail Cerchez. After the occupation of Plevna, the Romanian Army returned to the Danube and won the battles of Vidin and Smârdan.

On 19 January 1878, the Ottoman Empire requested an armistice, which was accepted by Russia and Romania. Romania won the war but at a cost of more than 10,000 casualties. Its independence from the Porte was finally recognised by the Central Powers on 13 July 1878.

Ofcourse,afer we helped and fought side by side withe the russians we were yet again betrayed by our so called allies and christian orthodox brothers:

Russia would nevertheless occupy as a so-called "compensation" the old Romanian Southern counties of Bessarabia (Cahul, Bolgrad and Ismail), which by the Treaty of Paris of 1856 (after theCrimean War) were included in Moldavia. Prince Carol was most unhappy by this imposition of Russian occupation of Romanian territories that seriously breached the Russo-Romanian treaty of 4 April 1877

Spare me your propaganda you bolshevik troll.
Are you seriously implying the Moldova is "Russian territory"? Wow dude..just wow..go look on the ethnic composition at 1918 or now..or the historical maps.
Or let me put it this way: Kamceatka is as much Romanian territory as Moldova is Russian territory

Point is, if you want to normalize relations a little, giving back that gold would be a good start.It's not our problem that you lost it, nor will 93 tons affect your reserves in any way.
If not, then enjoy having all the neighboring countries suspicious of you and clamoring to get in to NATO/EU/missile defense shield..etc
Treaty of Bucharest (1812)
Treaty of Bucharest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (1812)
I'm certainly not a historian, but I'm sure that by the end of WW2 debt to Romania of Russian Empire was decommissioned.
Treaty of Bucharest (1812)
Treaty of Bucharest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (1812)
I'm certainly not a historian, but I'm sure that by the end of WW2 debt to Romania of Russian Empire was decommissioned.

Yes..in 1812 the Ottoman Empire gave you a part of Moldova, and 90 years later they voted themselves out of it..no russians to be seen ..
It's like Germany giving us Volgograd after they conquered it, and we considering it romanian territory 100 years later.

It's not cancelled because it's not a debt, it's a deposit (was actually)

Edit: Vostok, read more about the 1877 war, you asked us for help
Treaty of Bucharest (1812)
Treaty of Bucharest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (1812)
I'm certainly not a historian, but I'm sure that by the end of WW2 debt to Romania of Russian Empire was decommissioned.

What's with that treaty clown? Does that make it right,snatching a romanian populated area ?

After all these years Moldova is still populated with romanians,despite the killings of romanians,deportation of romanians,russification of romanians ,torture of romanians.

You know why we are still the majority,you soviet garbage ? Because we are a nation of survivors,because we are of the few indigenous nations in this area surrounded by invaders,magyars and slavs.
For a 1000 years the romanians in Transylvania were tortured,forced magyarisation,they were prohibited to own buildings of stone and have an education unless they became hungarians and catholics.What happened with them? They've built their wooden churches,carried their lives in misery and went on believing that some day truth will prevail ,and it did in 1918! You think you can bring us down ? HA -we were here long before you ,we will be after because we're experts at surviving in every conditions !

Why do you think we're the largest country in this corner of the world ? Hungary fell apart,Yougoslavia did to,Bulgaria it's a former shadow....One american once told me:"It's absolutely astonishing how you guys still go at it when it comes to Romanian Unification,time and time again.You did in 1600,you lost it,you did in 1859,you lost again some territories in 1878....you did it again in 1918 completely ,but lost again some of them in 1940 only to recover them in 1941 and 1945".Now Moldova is independent and be sure we'll try again,and again.....You can't keep the same nation apart,we'll bide our time and do it again,and again......and again.!
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Yes..in 1812 the Ottoman Empire gave you a part of Moldova, and 90 years later they voted themselves out of it..no russians to be seen ..
It's like Germany giving us Volgograd after they conquered it, and we considering it romanian territory 100 years later.

It's not cancelled because it's not a debt, it's a deposit (was actually)
Look, people who were freed from the occupation , do not behave as Eastern Europeans . They do not begin to die en masse and leave en masse their (independent???) homeland .
Western Europeans are not very friendly to you , right? Just business , no friendship among nations. You work for them illegally , getting 5 times less than the locals . And for this they clap you on the shoulder and tell stories about democracy .
If you think that Moldova has to decide , then you are obliged to give the same right Gagauz and Russian and Ukrainians living in Moldova.
By the way , the Germans living in Northern Italy , Switzerland, Austria , Czech Republic and many other places . Why Germany does not lay claim to these lands as Romania claims to Moldova ?
And the Hungarians of Transylvania - they also need to give the right to be reunited with Hungary.
I did not mean form of obligations . I meant that by the end of WW2 all obligations Russia to Romania were closed.
Look, people who were freed from the occupation , do not behave as Eastern Europeans . They do not begin to die en masse and leave en masse their (independent???) homeland .
Western Europeans are not very friendly to you , right? Just business , no friendship among nations. You work for them illegally , getting 5 times less than the locals . And for this they clap you on the shoulder and tell stories about democracy .
If you think that Moldova has to decide , then you are obliged to give the same right Gagauz and Russian and Ukrainians living in Moldova.
By the way , the Germans living in Northern Italy , Switzerland, Austria , Czech Republic and many other places . Why Germany does not lay claim to these lands as Romania claims to Moldova ?
And the Hungarians of Transylvania - they also need to give the right to be reunited with Hungary.
I did not mean form of obligations . I meant that by the end of WW2 all obligations Russia to Romania were closed.

Because in all of your examples they are not the majority in those lands,Romanians are in Moldova!! Not to mention that the others -gagauz,russian,ukrainians minorities - are just settlers......to decide what for them??...the majority decides in a democracy you buffoon!!

Why are you splitting hairs and talk all that crap?.......

Main ideea....you've occupied Moldova by force,killed/deported/imposed russification on romanians but the areea remained inhabited by romanians in majority despite all of that + settlements of russians,jews,gaugauz and ukrainians.You still failed in displacing the romanians .

Enough with your hocus pocus with the West and propaganda blah blah.And you still wonder:"oh why oh why do they hate us,why did they attack in ww2?" Are you russians retarded???? Seriously !!
Look, people who were freed from the occupation , do not behave as Eastern Europeans . They do not begin to die en masse and leave en masse their (independent???) homeland .
Western Europeans are not very friendly to you , right? Just business , no friendship among nations. You work for them illegally , getting 5 times less than the locals . And for this they clap you on the shoulder and tell stories about democracy .
If you think that Moldova has to decide , then you are obliged to give the same right Gagauz and Russian and Ukrainians living in Moldova.
By the way , the Germans living in Northern Italy , Switzerland, Austria , Czech Republic and many other places . Why Germany does not lay claim to these lands as Romania claims to Moldova ?
And the Hungarians of Transylvania - they also need to give the right to be reunited with Hungary.
I did not mean form of obligations . I meant that by the end of WW2 all obligations Russia to Romania were closed.

The Russians & other living in Moldova will get the same rights Romanians have and nobody will force them to leave.
Big difference is that Transylvania and Moldova are majority Romanian and are historical Romanian lands, with colonist later brought. If you can answer: do you consider that the Volga region should be German? On account of the German settlers brought there?

Russia can't unilateraly close it's obligations, and the gold issue wasn't settled (as in it's not war restitution, not was it lost/confiscated). The Soviet Union couldn't, Russia can't either.
Btw, the Soviet Union already returned some of it, after WW2, just not all
1 United States 8,133.5
2 Germany 3,390.6
3 International Monetary Fund 2,814.0
4 Italy 2,451.8
5 France 2,435.4
6 China 1,054.1
7 Switzerland 1,040.1
8 Russia 1,015.4
9 Japan 765.2
10 Netherlands 612.5
11 India 557.7
12 European Central Bank 502.1
13 Turkey 487.3
14 Taiwan 423.6
15 Portugal 382.5
16 Venezuela 365.8
17 Saudi Arabia 322.9
18 United Kingdom 310.3
19 Lebanon 286.8
20 Spain 281.6

Gold reserve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

how the hell does swiss have that much is it all thiers or of foreigners stored in swiss banks
how the hell does swiss have that much is it all thiers or of foreigners stored in swiss banks

lol...how can you ask that?

How can India have so little? Is it governments only or the small amount is the estimated sum of all the gold around the villages? :lol:

:omghaha: :rofl:
The Russians & other living in Moldova will get the same rights Romanians have and nobody will force them to leave.
Big difference is that Transylvania and Moldova are majority Romanian and are historical Romanian lands, with colonist later brought. If you can answer: do you consider that the Volga region should be German? On account of the German settlers brought there?

Russia can't unilateraly close it's obligations, and the gold issue wasn't settled (as in it's not war restitution, not was it lost/confiscated). The Soviet Union couldn't, Russia can't either.
Btw, the Soviet Union already returned some of it, after WW2, just not all
Look at this map.

Several centuries Russia fought with Turkey for that Orthodox Balkan countries were freed from the dominion of Muslims and finally did it in 1878.
Of the three Balkan countries, only Serbia grateful to Russia.
Of course, we did not ask for money for this release. As for release in 1944-1945.
And why Moldovans will not become part of Eurasian Union? They will have the same rights as all other nations. Romania can join it too. We will not force you to work in Russia for 5 times less money.
British Prime Minister recently said that they should restrict the entry of workers from Eastern Europe as long as the GDP of these countries do not reach the average European values.
That is - never.
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Look at this map.

Several centuries Russia fought with Turkey for that Orthodox Balkan countries were freed from the dominion of Muslims and finally did it in 1878.
Of the three Balkan countries, only Serbia grateful to Russia.
Of course, we did not ask for money for this release. As for release in 1944-1945.
And why Moldovans will not become part of Eurasian Union? They will have the same rights as all other nations. Romania can join it too. We will not force you to work in Russia for 5 times less money.
British Prime Minister recently said that they should restrict the entry of workers from Eastern Europe as long as the GDP of these countries do not reach the average European values.
That is - never.

I'm going to try a reasonable aproach .You think we don't want to have good ties with Russia ? We were neighbours for centuries,we both are orthodox christians ,we would benefit greatly in having good relations with the superpower in our vecinity .
As you've said,in the 18th century we hailed you as liberators but ,to our horror ,we found out that you were worse than the turks:

-.The turks didn't take land from the Romanian Principalities and in the small circumstances they did ,they didn't force the romanians living there to become turks.As long as we would pay the tribute,they would leave us alone.Russia ripped half of Moldova inhabited by romanians and began a russification and colonisation process.-but still today,romanians are the majority there.

What liberation from the turks ? You didn't gave us nothing !! We took it ourselves in the battlefield of Plevna.You've asked for romanian help and then stole land from us,your christian allies!!

The past is the past but you guys never acknowledge anything,nothing will change if you see history with coloured glasses.
can anyone please tell what exactly are gold reserves of india and us.
Forget the official Central Bank's holdings of gold reserves......

Indians hoard 20k tonnes gold worth record $1.16 trn!!

Indian households have piled up as much as 20,000 tonnes of gold, worth $1.16 trillion, an historic high. This shows that the government’s efforts to trim overseas purchases of the idle asset by imposing an import duty and raising it in short intervals to reduce the current account deficit (CAD) haven’t yielded the desired results.

The World Gold Council’s (WGC) latest estimate of India’s household gold reserves is 11% higher than the 18,000 tonnes it had been pegged at earlier.

Indians hoard 20k tonnes gold worth record $1.16 trn - Financial Express
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