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Russian Fifth-Generation Fighter to Exceed Rivals

What people here don't seem to understand is that the F-22 Raptor is an ENTIRELY NEW BEAST.

What makes the F-22 so powerful is the it is made from new technology, the meat and potatoes of the F-22 are the super light metal that makes up the plane, the radiation absorbing paint, the control system that automates the F-22 for maximum stealth, and the computer system.

The F-22 is something that is built by combining EMERGING technologies in the fields of Nanotechnology, Metamaterials, Composite materials, computing.

Russia is probably around 20-30 years behind in these fields, the Flankers while impressive are nothing more than a demonstration that they have completely mastered the technology in the 1970's. They can engineer a plane perfectly using 1970 technology but will they be able to do this in 2010?

Not only does China have a BIGGER BUDGET but China has demonstrated mastery of these fields that surpasses even that of the United States.

China is the world leader in nanotechnology

Nanotechnology Now - Press Release: "Nanotechnology In China Is Focusing On Innovations And New Products. Strong Growth"

China is now one of the world leaders in terms of its number of newly registered nanotechnology firms, nanotechnology publications and nanotech related patents. Over the past three years, the number of companies in the field of nanotechnology in China has grown and reached over 800. This growth rate is very rapid and it has yet to show signs of slowing down.

Nanotechnology research papers: The world?s most prolific authors

Nanotechnology research papers:
The world’s most prolific authors


China has demonstrated mastery of meta materials

Chinese scientists create metamaterial black hole

Chinese scientists create metamaterial black hole

China leads in composite materials, polymer science, and metallurgical engineering (this will be needed to create the metal used)

EducationNews.org - Get ready for China's domination of science

It now also produces 20 per cent of global output in materials sciences, with a leading position in composites, ceramics and polymer science and a strong presence in crystallography and metallurgical engineering.

China has demonstrated mastery of control systems, by designing the Shanghai Maglev control system

China has demonstrated mastery of advanced computing using self developed loongson chip

Loongson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On December 26, 2007, China revealed its first Loongson based supercomputer with performance 1 teraflops of peak performance, and about 350 GFLOPS measured by linpack in Hefei, designated as KD-50-I[23]. This supercomputer was designed by a joint team led by Professor Chen Guoliang (陈国良) at the computer science technology department of the University of Science and Technology of China and ICT (the secondary contractor). KD-50-I is the first Chinese built supercomputer to utilize domestic Chinese CPUs, with a total of more than 330 Loongson-2F CPUs, and nodes are interconnected by ethernet. The size of the computer was roughly equivalent to a household refrigerator and the cost was less than RMB 800,000 (approximately USD $120,000, EURO €80.000 ).

Russia may be able to develop the airframe and the engine but will they be able to develop the paint? or the metal used to construct the airframe to make it light but strong and heat resistant? Or the control system that makes it operate at perfect stealth?

And there is no shame in "importing" parts needed to build planes from other countries. Even the USA imports parts that they need for their military planes and ships from China.

Dangerous Fakes - BusinessWeek

Dangerous Fakes
How counterfeit, defective computer components from China are getting into U.S. warplanes and ships
yes you are right but here we are talking about 5th gen fighter

they are still strugling for j10b and how any expect that they can make batter 5th gen plan as compare to russia ????

struugling for J-10?.....J-10B is about to be inducted in PLAAF this year boy....and you call it struggling??? do visit J-10/FC-20 MRCA thread:hang2:
Russia is probably around 20-30 years behind in these fields, the Flankers while impressive are nothing more than a demonstration that they have completely mastered the technology in the 1970's. They can engineer a plane perfectly using 1970 technology but will they be able to do this in 2010?

You are very wrong about the Flanker using technology from the 1970's. Firstly, todays Flankers have nothing in common with the Flankers of the 1970's....absolutely nothing. Radars, fire and controle system, EW system, engines, OLS and fly-by-wire system are radically different from anything in the 70's, 80's, and even 90's. Today's Flanker, the SU-35BM, can be programed to complete a mission, it also has an accident ovoidence system which will prevent the pilot from performing a maneuver that will lead to an accident.

So yes they are doing it in 2010.

Russia may be able to develop the airframe and the engine but will they be able to develop the paint?

We have been working on RAM for decades, infact, it's nothing fantastic, Radar absorbent material has been around since WWII.

or the metal used to construct the airframe to make it light but strong and heat resistant?

The F-22's airframe is made up of titanium and aluminum, in fact, it's 67% titanium and 22% aluminum, both metals have been used in Russian aircraft for decades. For instance, the Mig-15 had aluminum parts and the Mig-25 had titanium parts, this was the 50's and 70's respectively. Clearly the pak-fa's airframe is light and strong because it uses the above metals, but it is also made up of other composite materials such as a new plastic honeycomb material that is extremely light, strong and able to absorb radar waves.

Next time be careful when throwing around vague statements such as Russia is 20-30 years behind.

Or the control system that makes it operate at perfect stealth?

Expalin this "control system"?

As for the pak-fa being Russia's first attempt at stealth, that's true, but the F-117 was America's first attempt at stealth too, and this was during the 1970's, and as we all know the F-117 was a great LO platform.

As for people saying the pak-fa doesn't look very stealthy, well any aircraft looks poor when it's covered in primer.

Here is a painted pak-fa:

Stealthy enough?

Russia also has several other stealth programs, a bomber which little is know about, and several UCAV's.

Here is one of them.

This is important becuase now a sysytem of trial and error can be used.
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You are very wrong about the Flanker using technology from the 1970's. Firstly, todays Flankers have nothing in common with the Flankers of the 1970's....absolutely nothing. Radars, fire and controle system, EW system, engines, OLS and fly-by-wire system are radically different from anything in the 70's, 80's, and even 90's. Today's Flanker, the SU-35BM, can be programed to complete a mission, it also has an accident ovoidence system which will prevent the pilot from performing a maneuver that will lead to an accident.

So yes they are doing it in 2010.

The since of all of this is from the 1970's its just a 1970's plane with better engine, radar, avionics etc...

We have been working on RAM for decades, infact, it's nothing fantastic, Radar absorbent material has been around since WWII.

The creation of RAM paint is done on the nano scale. It is not whether it is new or not but the quality of the paint that can be created.

Using a RAM paint that is publicly available will most likely be inferior to the ones the USA and China are going to be using. China has the worlds largest nanotechnology industry followed by the USA while Russia's industry is behind countries like Italy. Most of the major scientific breakthroughs in nanotechnology are coming from China and the USA.

The F-22's airframe is made up of titanium and aluminum, in fact, it's 67% titanium and 22% aluminum, both metals have been used in Russian aircraft for decades. For instance, the Mig-15 had aluminum parts and the Mig-25 had titanium parts, this was the 50's and 70's respectively. Clearly the pak-fa's airframe is light and strong because it uses the above metals, but it is also made up of other composite materials such as a new plastic honeycomb material that is extremely light, strong and able to absorb radar waves.

Nobody knows what the F-22 airframe is made out of, a quick google search brings up many different sites all giving a different percentage of its composition. But it is well known that the F-22 uses many exotic materials in its airframe.

Again my post is mostly saying that I have doubts that Russia can produce exotic materials on the same level. Especially since the Industry of things like composite materials, thermo plastics, nano materials etc... are practically non existent in Russia. Its like claiming that Russia can build the best car on earth yet Russia has no car industry and everybody is buying Japanese cars instead. The key to the F-22's power is these exotic materials and powerful computer (microprocessor design industry is almost non existent in Russia) systems so far all Russia has shown is that they can make a plane out of metal.

Next time be careful when throwing around vague statements such as Russia is 20-30 years behind.

This may be only go up to 2003, but if you look at the numbers behind it the Russian decline in science is speeding up.


Russia's lack of high tech industries only confirms my suspicions

Expalin this "control system"?
Depending on how the F-22 moves depending on the orientation and the speed of the plane at different angles and different speeds will effect the visibility on radar. The control system is designed so that the F-22 stays in the best orientation at all times
So the F-16 Block 60 is just a 1970s plane with some bells and whistles ? Seeing as it isn't even classified as a 4th gen fighter i would think otherwise.

The since of all of this is from the 1970's its just a 1970's plane with better engine, radar, avionics etc...
Ahem.... so the latest flankers, falcons, eagles, fulcrums all have better engines, radar, avionics jammers and what ever. The airframes are built with latest tech and materials, they are stronger and lighter than they were in the 70s or 80s right? So now the question is doesn't that make them a brand new aircraft altogether. The only thing they share from the 80s are the names and the airframes designs which however as we all know are excellent in terms of aerodynamic performance and we are yet to see many modern fighters that are aerodynamically better than the above mentioned fighters.

The creation of RAM paint is done on the nano scale. It is not whether it is new or not but the quality of the paint that can be created.

Using a RAM paint that is publicly available will most likely be inferior to the ones the USA and China are going to be using. China has the worlds largest nanotechnology industry followed by the USA while Russia's industry is behind countries like Italy. Most of the major scientific breakthroughs in nanotechnology are coming from China and the USA.

Do you have any idea on how much maintenance is required to maintain the stealthiness of F-22. Russia has been working on RAM for a long time.
Now lets consider your hypothesis and say that ok so you guys got advanced stealth... But what about other more important parts like engines, radars, avionics, jammers and not to forget aerodynamics of an aircrafts.
You still have to make a stealthy enough airframe that doesn't compromise on aerodynamic performance. There have been reports of Russians developing RAM paints that can reduce RCS by 10-15 times (sorry can't find source now, maybe Russian members can help). India has huge expertise in composite materials from their experience on LCA... most of the outer skin is made up of composites.

Nobody knows what the F-22 airframe is made out of, a quick google search brings up many different sites all giving a different percentage of its composition. But it is well known that the F-22 uses many exotic materials in its airframe.

Again my post is mostly saying that I have doubts that Russia can produce exotic materials on the same level. Especially since the Industry of things like composite materials, thermo plastics, nano materials etc... are practically non existent in Russia. Its like claiming that Russia can build the best car on earth yet Russia has no car industry and everybody is buying Japanese cars instead. The key to the F-22's power is these exotic materials and powerful computer (microprocessor design industry is almost non existent in Russia) systems so far all Russia has shown is that they can make a plane out of metal.

And what is purpose of these exotic materials? Will it allow Raptors to perform sustained 11G maneuvers? PAK-FA is already said to make use of a lot of composite materials and alloys making it as light as F-22. Maybe the materials may not be as good as Raptors but it doesn't make any significant difference either.

This may be only go up to 2003, but if you look at the numbers behind it the Russian decline in science is speeding up.


Russia's lack of high tech industries only confirms my suspicions

Ohh brother.. this is utter BS. You are comparing decreasing percentage share of published articles to declining in science. First understand what that chart is about. It doesn't show the number of articles released by a country, what it shows is how much percentage of articles released throughout the world is from a particular country. Russian % share are on the decline because of improvements made by other countries. Russians might have released twice or thrice the number of articles in 2003 as compared to 1993.

Depending on how the F-22 moves depending on the orientation and the speed of the plane at different angles and different speeds will effect the visibility on radar. The control system is designed so that the F-22 stays in the best orientation at all times
In other words, pilots are just puppets.
The since of all of this is from the 1970's its just a 1970's plane with better engine, radar, avionics etc...

The airframe is a 1970's design with new new avionics, Just like the F-15 and F-16 are 1970's designs with new avionics, that doesn't change the fact that the above aircraft are the still the best legacy fighters on earth.

The creation of RAM paint is done on the nano scale. It is not whether it is new or not but the quality of the paint that can be created.

And you have had the chance to examine Russian nano ram? Clearly not, so i'm assuming your basing your argument on which country leads in patents and science, which is doesn't nessesarily translate into creating cutting edge military technology. Again, lets use Israel as an example, Israel is a nobody compaired to many contries. However, it continues to create some of the best systems on earth.

And don't forget India is invloved in the project too, meaning there scientists will share their knowledge.

Using a RAM paint that is publicly available will most likely be inferior to the ones the USA and China are going to be using.

Are you being serious because i just spit coffee all over my monitor. Who offers rams over the counter and when did Russia say it was going to use "publicly" available RAM? Whatever that is.

By your logic China should be light years ahead of Russia esspecially since the 1990' seen a decline in many scientific areas, yet to this day China has to rely on Russia to supply engines for the JF-17.

There are many countries with big budgets and decent scientific backrounds that have failed miserably in creating a half decent platform weather it be a jet engine, a gas turbine engine, or radar. Russia still has a sizable scientific community, one of the most college graduates in Europe, very respectible institutions, and most importantly experienced and usualy well funded military firms.

China has the worlds largest nanotechnology industry followed by the USA while Russia's industry is behind countries like Italy. Most of the major scientific breakthroughs in nanotechnology are coming from China and the USA.

Nano technology is broad, thus being in 1st, 2nd, or 5th in a certain feild means little.

In other words there are hundreds of civilian products that derive from nano technology.

For instance, creating the best condom from nano research means squate. :lol: and certainly has nothing t do with RAM.

The Russian military has both state owned and private companies that do reasearch and much of the time the their breakthrough do not make it to scientific journals, nor do they release their findings. I have mentioned this several time, but i will say it again, one of my realatives was in the KGB, very high in the KGB, and the KGB had a number of technologies that to this day are not officially acknowledged, and certainly will not be published in any journal.

Nobody knows what the F-22 airframe is made out of, a quick google search brings up many different sites all giving a different percentage of its composition. But it is well known that the F-22 uses many exotic materials in its airframe.

Boing, the people that manufacture parts for the F-22 say this:

Boeing: F-22 Raptor - F-22 Aft Fuselage Facts

The aft fuselage is 67 percent titanium, 22 percent aluminum


Again my post is mostly saying that I have doubts that Russia can produce exotic materials on the same level. Especially since the Industry of things like composite materials, thermo plastics, nano materials etc... are practically non existent in Russia.

Like a mentioned earlier being a top thermo plastics producer or nano producer doesn't translate into into superior military technology (Israel--hint) (France--hint), infact it's a flawed argument because many of the new plastics or whatever else will not make it into military applications. And if you think the mentioned feilds are "practically non existent in Russia" then good for you but the Soviet Union and now Russia has had a long history with most of the feilds listed. Lastly, from first hand experience i know many scientific breakthroughs that come from Russia stay out of the public, so if it makes you feel better than, sure, those feilds are practically none existent.

Its like claiming that Russia can build the best car on earth yet Russia has no car industry and everybody is buying Japanese cars instead. The key to the F-22's power is these exotic materials and powerful computer (microprocessor design industry is almost non existent in Russia)


That's why Russia has microprocessors thiner than human hairs.

systems so far all Russia has shown is that they can make a plane out of metal.

Once again, Russia has used titanium, aluminum and carbon fiber for decades. In an interview an engineer spoke of a new plastic based honeycomb specifically to be used in the pak-fa, so your argumen or lack there of, is mute.

And again India is involved in the project and as we all know the Indians have extensive experience in composites.

This may be only go up to 2003, but if you look at the numbers behind it the Russian decline in science is speeding up.


Why didn't you post this:

It came from the same source you used, picking and choosing are we? Again India must aso be included since it's invloved in the project.

I said this in other forums but S&E articals mean nothing, countries such as Spain are ranked 9th and yet Spain can't produce anything meaningful. And once again, China has ranked higher than Russia for a while yet China is yet to catch up to Russia. And based on the way things are going with the pak-fa, AESA radars, stealth drones, S-400, S-500, SU-35bm, SU-34, KA-52 and literaly dozens of other programs i don't see any threat from China overtaking Russia, not now--not anytime soon.
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Ahem.... so the latest flankers, falcons, eagles, fulcrums all have better engines, radar, avionics jammers and what ever. The airframes are built with latest tech and materials, they are stronger and lighter than they were in the 70s or 80s right? So now the question is doesn't that make them a brand new aircraft altogether. The only thing they share from the 80s are the names and the airframes designs which however as we all know are excellent in terms of aerodynamic performance and we are yet to see many modern fighters that are aerodynamically better than the above mentioned fighters.

A more logical comparison would be planes made in the 1970's = Toyota camry

Recently produced Flankers = Hummers

F-22 = Tesla roadster

Just because you have experience making cars that run on gasoline does not translate to success in making an all electric car.

So far Russia has just been making bigger and bigger Toyota Camry's

Do you have any idea on how much maintenance is required to maintain the stealthiness of F-22. Russia has been working on RAM for a long time.
Now lets consider your hypothesis and say that ok so you guys got advanced stealth... But what about other more important parts like engines, radars, avionics, jammers and not to forget aerodynamics of an aircrafts.
You still have to make a stealthy enough airframe that doesn't compromise on aerodynamic performance. There have been reports of Russians developing RAM paints that can reduce RCS by 10-15 times (sorry can't find source now, maybe Russian members can help). India has huge expertise in composite materials from their experience on LCA... most of the outer skin is made up of composites.

And what is purpose of these exotic materials? Will it allow Raptors to perform sustained 11G maneuvers? PAK-FA is already said to make use of a lot of composite materials and alloys making it as light as F-22. Maybe the materials may not be as good as Raptors but it doesn't make any significant difference either.

These materials are pretty much the equivalent of god, the applications of meta materials are so fast and the F-22 is chock full of them.

Metamaterial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Metamaterials are artificial materials engineered to provide properties which may not be readily available in nature. These materials usually gain their properties from structure rather than composition, using the inclusion of small inhomogeneities to enact effective macroscopic behavior.

Now a demonstration of the power of Meta materials

Meta materials can deflect radiation

Meta materials can control noise
Change magnetism

You can configure them

The possibilities are endless unless Russia is capable of breaking into this field, Russia has no hope of making something that can fight the F-22.

Ohh brother.. this is utter BS. You are comparing decreasing percentage share of published articles to declining in science. First understand what that chart is about. It doesn't show the number of articles released by a country, what it shows is how much percentage of articles released throughout the world is from a particular country. Russian % share are on the decline because of improvements made by other countries. Russians might have released twice or thrice the number of articles in 2003 as compared to 1993.

This means that the rest of the world is speeding up past Russia, a country as big and wealthy as Russia should not have such a small and declining percentage

In other words, pilots are just puppets.

Well my main point was that to make the control system possible you need many censors, censors that are extremely tiny and powerful computers to process them. The airframe of the F-22 is extremely light because it gets weighed down because so many electronics are packed into the F-22 in such high density.
The airframe is a 1970's design with new new avionics, Just like the F-15 and F-16 are 1970's designs with new avionics, that doesn't change the fact that the above aircraft are the still the best legacy fighters on earth.

And you have had the chance to examine Russian nano ram? Clearly not, so i'm assuming your basing your argument on which country leads in patents and science, which is doesn't nessesarily translate into creating cutting edge military technology. Again, lets use Israel as an example, Israel is a nobody compaired to many contries. However, it continues to create some of the best systems on earth.

And don't forget India is invloved in the project too, meaning there scientists will share their knowledge.

Are you being serious because i just spit coffee all over my monitor. Who offers rams over the counter and when did Russia say it was going to use "publicly" available RAM? Whatever that is.

By your logic China should be light years ahead of Russia esspecially since the 1990' seen a decline in many scientific areas, yet to this day China has to rely on Russia to supply engines for the JF-17.

There are many countries with big budgets and decent scientific backrounds that have failed miserably in creating a half decent platform weather it be a jet engine, a gas turbine engine, or radar. Russia still has a sizable scientific community, one of the most college graduates in Europe, very respectible institutions, and most importantly experienced and usualy well funded military firms.

Nano technology is broad, thus being in 1st, 2nd, or 5th in a certain feild means little.

In other words there are hundreds of civilian products that derive from nano technology.

For instance, creating the best condom from nano research means squate. :lol: and certainly has nothing t do with RAM.

The Russian military has both state owned and private companies that do reasearch and much of the time the their breakthrough do not make it to scientific journals, nor do they release their findings. I have mentioned this several time, but i will say it again, one of my realatives was in the KGB, very high in the KGB, and the KGB had a number of technologies that to this day are not officially acknowledged, and certainly will not be published in any journal.

Boing, the people that manufacture parts for the F-22 say this:

Boeing: F-22 Raptor - F-22 Aft Fuselage Facts


Like a mentioned earlier being a top thermo plastics producer or nano producer doesn't translate into into superior military technology (Israel--hint) (France--hint), infact it's a flawed argument because many of the new plastics or whatever else will not make it into military applications. And if you think the mentioned feilds are "practically non existent in Russia" then good for you but the Soviet Union and now Russia has had a long history with most of the feilds listed. Lastly, from first hand experience i know many scientific breakthroughs that come from Russia stay out of the public, so if it makes you feel better than, sure, those feilds are practically none existent.


That's why Russia has microprocessors thiner than human hairs.

Once again, Russia has used titanium, aluminum and carbon fiber for decades. In an interview an engineer spoke of a new plastic based honeycomb specifically to be used in the pak-fa, so your argumen or lack there of, is mute.

And again India is involved in the project and as we all know the Indians have extensive experience in composites.


Why didn't you post this:

It came from the same source you used, picking and choosing are we? Again India must aso be included since it's invloved in the project.

I said this in other forums but S&E articals mean nothing, countries such as Spain are ranked 9th and yet Spain can't produce anything meaningful. And once again, China has ranked higher than Russia for a while yet China is yet to catch up to Russia. And based on the way things are going with the pak-fa, AESA radars, stealth drones, S-400, S-500, SU-35bm, SU-34, KA-52 and literaly dozens of other programs i don't see any threat from China overtaking Russia, not now--not anytime soon.

So basically your entire argument is that Russia is technologically advanced, but they just keep it a secret from the world. We just don't produce any scientific breakthroughs or have industries that utilize our technological advancements.

Stealth technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russia doesn't even field a single stealth ship

Sorry to break it to you, but Russia is not the USSR
So basically your entire argument is that Russia is technologically advanced, but they just keep it a secret from the world. We just don't produce any scientific breakthroughs or have industries that utilize our technological advancements.

Stealth technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russia doesn't even field a single stealth ship

Sorry to break it to you, but Russia is not the USSR

Stealth tech is not only complicated, its expensive too (production and maintenance). Russia cannot afford such tech everywhere.
I see some countries whose domestic economies are not good become victims of arms race. They think only buying state of the art hardwares would make them powerful.
These materials are pretty much the equivalent of god, the applications of meta materials are so fast and the F-22 is chock full of them.

Now a demonstration of the power of Meta materials

Meta materials can deflect radiation

Meta materials can control noise

Change magnetism

You can configure them

The possibilities are endless unless Russia is capable of breaking into this field, Russia has no hope of making something that can fight the F-22.

Metamaterials are nothing new and there are extensive studies going on it throughout the world over. Heck even I have worked on meta materials field in one of my projects. My friend has done extensive work on meta materials at IIT-K.
The F22 is in a league of its own.
But that does not mean anything.

Warfare is a different thing. I argued before over and over and over again.

there is a lot of people who put all their eggs in the stealth basket.

this is a gamble that may not pay off.

Some of our american friends are devotees of the F22 stealth capabilities, their prerogative,
noone has yet answered however how exactly TWO stealth planes will engage eachother.

EVERYONE in this forum keeps forgeting that the T 50 (pak fa) doesn't need to be as good as the F22 to be effective.

One of the most leathal aspects of the F22 is not its stealth abilities, but its capacity to detect and track targets within an extremely long range and hence fire at them much much earlier.

Russians are not stupid. The T-50 will be stealthy ( Far more so that the EF2000 or the silent Eagle and those two are formidable planes) and it is far more agile as well. The russian plane also enjoys IRST sensors .

that means two things.

1) The stealth aspects (even if not as good as the F22) will cut down drastically the range of detection. which means it is very very likely (i dare say calculated) that the F22 will be within the range of the IRST sensor by the time the T50 is picked up by the F22.

So what someone will say..

2) well now the T-50 pilot knows where the F22 is and how many there are potentially

The current weapons of the F22 are effective but their "no escape" zone is nothing that would be outside the capabilities of an Su27-35 plane, the T50 is expected to be far more agile and hence far more capable to evade the amraams fired at it.

I think that is the key element of the T50, to deny first look first shoot

Also something many overlook is, that a plane with the advertised capabilities of the T50, will render the missions of all Air tankers and AWACS very very difficult and perhaps dangerous to the point of denial of space.
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1) The stealth aspects (even if not as good as the F22) will cut down drastically the range of detection. which means it is very very likely (i dare say calculated) that the F22 will be within the range of the IRST sensor by the time the T50 is picked up by the F22.
you should have provided the range for IRST cuz the expected range for AIM-120D is 120 Miles while AIM-120C7 is approx 120-130 KM so IRST need to be of this range to prevent Rap from a shot
having said this IRST is working best when there is a lot of heat signature coming out of AC i.e. it is moving out at your 12.
Note that, like infra-red homing seekers, an IRST is more likely to detect a target with its engine exhaust pointed towards the detector than away from it. This means that many jet aircraft will be detected at longer ranges if they are flying away from the IRST-equipped aircraft rather than towards it. However, most IRST systems are sensitive enough to detect the heat of a jet from head-on as well, either infra-red energy generated from the hot air coming out of the engines, from air friction heating the airframe, or both.
and having said this look at the raptor's IR signature
3.0 Heat radiation reduction
Infrared radiation (heat) should be minimized by a combination of temperature reduction and masking, although there is no point in doing these past the point where the hot parts are no longer the dominant terms in the radiation equation. The main body of the airplane has its own radiation, heavily dependent on speed and altitude, and the jet plume can be a most significant factor, particularly in afterburning operation.


The jet-wake radiation follows the same laws as the engine hot parts. Various ways have been developed and tested to cool down the engine exhaust gasses. The ilustration above shows how the hot exhaust gasses can be surrounded by cooler air, significantly reducing the IR signature of the plane.

Air has a very low emissivity, carbon particles have a high broadband emissivity, and water vapor emits in very specific bands. Infrared seekers have mixed feelings about water-vapor wavelengths, because, while they help in locating jet plumes, they hinder in terms of the general attenuation due to moisture content in the atmosphere. There is no reason, however, why smart seekers shouldn't be able to make an instant decision about whether conditions were favorable for using water-vapor bands for detection.
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