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Russian envoy: US invasion of Afghanistan was aimed at spying on Pakistan, China, Russia

India could've forced Pakistan on whatever term we told them to,but we didn't.But see,some countries are unworthy for these kind of generous attitude.

hahaha ... you could have FORCED us to whatever terms, really? Then force us now then too.

Please stop hallucinating so much. This supremacy bug will lead you to self-destruction!

As for treaties, you lot are known to breach them one by one. IWT is next in line.
The Kashmir dispute is recognized by the United Nations. Whether you accept it or not, the dispute is perpetuated by the Kashmiri people themselves. If that wasn't the case why the secrecy on Kashmir? Why hundreds of thousands of Indian soldiers in just ONE state of India? Why the special laws for Kashmir within the Indian Constitution? etc etc Allow international observers/Journalists into Kashmir. Why don't you? It is not a discussion for another day, it is very current and at the root of the dispute between India and Pakistan and a very dangerous one. Two nuclear states with retarded leaders are fighting over territory and water rights. That's pretty dangerous dude. Tens of thousands of Megatons on either side. Not good, and what was the deal in 1947? Muslim majority states to Pakistan. That was the deal. Dogra Hindu leaders hoodwinking,defrauding the Muslim Kashmiri populace has led to this and it wont go away that easy. What was it? 1992 or thereabouts the Kashmiri 'Intifada' began? The Kashmiri psyche has already had three generations (since 1947 approx) at least of wanting freedom from India. It's just one State dude, let it go. There are almost 2 billion people at stake.

oh please.Please concentrate on your state called Balochistan rather than lecturing us about Kashmir.We know history,geography and mathematics of Kashmir.Please,no need to reiterate history.I stated what is fact.Pakistan is itself lying to its people when they went to UN.And UN gave a proper slap for lying.Yet Pakistanis aren't convinced enough.

You've to resolve Kashmir issue??Shun terrorism and them come to table for negotiation.Nothing else willn't solve it.India will ensure cross border terrorism will become a thing of past in near future.I wonder what option Pakistan will have then.

hahaha ... you could have FORCED us to whatever terms, really? Then force us now then too.

Please stop hallucinating so much. This supremacy bug will lead you to self-destruction!

As for treaties, you lot are known to breach them one by one. IWT is next in line.

False bravado.Like Bhutto showed in UN.
oh please.Please concentrate on your state called Balochistan rather than lecturing us about Kashmir.We know history,geography and mathematics of Kashmir.Please,no need to reiterate history.I stated what is fact.Pakistan is itself lying to its people when they went to UN.And UN gave a proper slap for lying.Yet Pakistanis aren't convinced enough.

You've to resolve Kashmir issue??Shun terrorism and them come to table for negotiation.Nothing else willn't solve it.India will ensure cross border terrorism will become a thing of past in near future.I wonder what option Pakistan will have then.

False bravado.Like Bhutto showed in UN.

Balochistan is not disputed territory. It is legally part of Pakistan. So says Pakistani and International law. However, with Kashmir the situation is different. To try and draw a moral or legal equivalence between Balochistan and Kashmir is both morally disingenuous and legally repugnant. It wont work and I do understand the strategy that the Indians are trying to employ. It has not and will not work. You still needs hundreds of thousands of troops and Draconian laws to control the State of Kashmir. It is not working and never will.
Yeah just for the sake of keeping an eye the US spent hundreds of billions of dollars and several thousands solider lives. Typical Russian mindset.
America is no doubt worshipped by us and Afghans which is why half the problem exists. On Pakistan side despite a favourable nuke deal with India (which was denied to Pakistan) Presler Amendment, current refusal to sell weapons to Pakistan, offer of better F16's than ours to India and its spying activities against Pakistan in general we continue to worship them.

If Afghanistan, particularly its mullahs had aligned with Russia there would be a much better condition of female education, female employment and female rights. Russia is not the enemy. US is for us. They should be kicked in the teeth for supporting all forms of mullahs, including Zia Ul Haq and even Haqqanis once. They are nobodys friends. They use countries for their goals and once those goals are accomplished, abandon them. The world has an example in the Presler Amendment.
What's this Russia propaganda again?
Anyway, I can't blame Russian ambassador though, it's normal though, any Ambassador will do the same for his country, no surprise there. Even a British Ambassador will say the same thing for his countrys interests. what suprises me is some other people's reactions here. Lol
If Pakistan was so against the U.S intervention in Afghanistan, as sovereign nation they could have refused to cooperate whatsoever with the U.S/NATO invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11, since according to some people on here it was to "keep an eye" on Pakistan. ever mind that the U.S has had several military bases and massive influence in Pakistan for almost half a century now. Lol So the U.S has had a "BIG EYE" on Pakistan for decades and a close relationship with Pakistani military/political leadership and its main weapon supplier. They obviously didn't need to invade Afghanistan for that.

Moreover, AFGHANISTAN doesn't even border Russia as another member said here. So that's another mute point. So I fail to see the point here.
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Merely bombing Afghanistan was not the mission indeed otherwise, wouldn't have supported the same group in past but it was to achieve many goals with one to keep US presence against Russia, China and Pakistan so what OP stated could be one of the reason. Who knows about the great games and grand schemes of super powers that are never friendly nor enemy openly but keeps waiting for an opportunity to establish their own world order. The question arises how much they achieved and on other hand, we are confident too of our security that somehow they acknowledges.
What's this Russia propaganda again?
Anyway, I can't blame Russian ambassador though, it's normal though, any Ambassador will do the same for his country, no surprise there. what suprises me is some other people's reactions here. Lol
If Pakistan was so against the U.S intervention in Afghanistan, as sovereign nation they could have refused to cooperate whatsoever with the U.S/NATO invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11, since according to some people on here it was to keep an eye on Pakistan. ever mind that the U.S has had several military bases and massive influence in Pakistan for almost half a century now. Lol So the U.S has had a "BIG" eye o Pakistan for decades and a close relationship with Pakistanis leadership and Pakistan's military leadership and its main weapon supplier. They obviously didn't need to invade Afghanistan for that. Lol
Moreover, AFGHANISTAN doesn't even border Russia as another member said here. So that's another mute point. So I fail to see the point here.

You Anglo Saxon bro?

What's this Russia propaganda again?
Anyway, I can't blame Russian ambassador though, it's normal though, any Ambassador will do the same for his country, no surprise there. what suprises me is some other people's reactions here. Lol
If Pakistan was so against the U.S intervention in Afghanistan, as sovereign nation they could have refused to cooperate whatsoever with the U.S/NATO invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11, since according to some people on here it was to keep an eye on Pakistan. ever mind that the U.S has had several military bases and massive influence in Pakistan for almost half a century now. Lol So the U.S has had a "BIG" eye o Pakistan for decades and a close relationship with Pakistanis leadership and Pakistan's military leadership and its main weapon supplier. They obviously didn't need to invade Afghanistan for that. Lol
Moreover, AFGHANISTAN doesn't even border Russia as another member said here. So that's another mute point. So I fail to see the point here.

You sound more Indian than some of the Indians here Mikey boy.
You Anglo Saxon bro?

You sound more Indian than some of the Indians here Mikey boy.
Lol so now I'm Indian?:lol:. Just because I said something that isn't to your liking? Lol
Some people on here are very weird and funny.
I have been called Pakistani, Chinese, Israeli(New), Iranian, French(though I'm half ), Arab, and even Turkish(and many other countries I can't even remember) by some members in the past because I said something they didn't agree. To some people here you have toe a particular line if not they start calling you names. :lol:
I understand many on here are baffled by my stance. :D
Lol so now I'm Indian?:lol:. Just because I said something that isn't to your liking? Lol
Some people on here are very weird and funny.
I have been called Pakistani, Chinese, Israeli(New), Iranian, French(though I'm half ), Arab, and even Turkish(and many other countries I can't even remember) by some members in the past because I said something they didn't agree. To some people here you have toe a particular line if not they start calling you names. :lol:
I understand many on here are baffled by my stance. :D

You have been everything bruv, but what you have not been called is a Muslim/Pakistan apologist. Now that is no coincidence is it?
Moreover people shouldn't forget that even Russia supported U.S invasion of Afghanistan to evict the Taliban and Russia even provided their own territory to "evil' NATOS FORCES as transit route for supplies to NATO forces fighting in Afghanistan. So much for undermining U.S trying to to keep an eye on Russia or whatever that even means. Lol


People seem to have a very short memory.
Moreover people shouldn't forget that even Russia supported U.S invasion of Afghanistan to evict the Taliban and Russia even provided their own territory to "evil' NATOS FORCES as transit route for supplies to NATO forces fighting in Afghanistan. So much for undermining U.S trying to to keep an eye on Russia or whatever that even means. Lol


People seem to have a very short memory.
A week is a long time in Politics, a decade(or more) is an eternity. So, Mikey, you Anglo-Saxon? I doubt it. I doubt it very much.
What's this Russia propaganda again?
Anyway, I can't blame Russian ambassador though, it's normal though, any Ambassador will do the same for his country, no surprise there. Even a British Ambassador will say the same thing for his countrys interests. what suprises me is some other people's reactions here. Lol
If Pakistan was so against the U.S intervention in Afghanistan, as sovereign nation they could have refused to cooperate whatsoever with the U.S/NATO invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11, since according to some people on here it was to "keep an eye" on Pakistan. ever mind that the U.S has had several military bases and massive influence in Pakistan for almost half a century now. Lol So the U.S has had a "BIG EYE" on Pakistan for decades and a close relationship with Pakistani military/political leadership and its main weapon supplier. They obviously didn't need to invade Afghanistan for that.

Moreover, AFGHANISTAN doesn't even border Russia as another member said here. So that's another mute point. So I fail to see the point here.

Invasion of Afghanistan was to destabilise and breakup Pakistan, along with the Russia and China element. Main target was and is Pakistan and that was clear after US refusal Taliban's willingness to hand over OBL.

As for Pakistan not co-operating post 9/11, it was decided not to confront hell-bent US at that point considering the option of 'are you with us or against us'?

15yrs later, things are very different. We don't need to openly challenge US, China already warned US that attacking Islamabad will be considered an attack on Shanghai. Now Russia is stepping in the Afghan scene. We are playing the cards that we can to avoid direct conflict with US. India we can handle.
Invasion of Afghanistan was to destabilise and breakup Pakistan, along with the Russia and China element. Main target was and is Pakistan and that was clear after US refusal Taliban's willingness to hand over OBL.

As for Pakistan not co-operating post 9/11, it was decided not to confront hell-bent US at that point considering the option of 'are you with us or against us'?

15yrs later, things are very different. We don't need to openly challenge US, China already warned US that attacking Islamabad will be considered an attack on Shanghai. Now Russia is stepping in the Afghan scene. We are playing the cards that we can to avoid direct conflict with US. India we can handle.
Seriously why will the U.S attack/invade Islamabad/Pakistan? o_O never heard that before. Lol

China will intervene if U.S( we lol know it will never happen anywhere, since U.S has no reason to attack a longlasting ally like Pakistan) attack Pakistan? Seriously? If you really believe that then there's nothing much I can say.

A week is a long time in Politics, a decade(or more) is an eternity. So, Mikey, you Anglo-Saxon? I doubt it. I doubt it very much.
Who cares what you think about me?Lol you can believe what you want to believe. That's the least of my concerns. :-).
Seriously why will the U.S attack/invade Islamabad/Pakistan? o_O never heard that before. Lol

China will intervene if U.S( we lol know it will never happen anywhere, since U.S has no reason to attack a longlasting ally like Pakistan) attack Pakistan? Seriously? If you really believe that then there's nothing much I can say.

Who cares what you think about me?Lol you can believe what you want to believe. That's the least of my concerns. :-).

The world is not as simple as you view it to be. US invasion of Afghanistan was to destabilise and breakup Pakistan. That 'ally' bit is only that, a word/label without any resemblance to the reality. When your longstanding ally makes strategic alliances with your enemy that you've fought 3 wars with, that relationship is dead. If you are not smart enough to understand that then so be it.
They had to calm down the hallucinating Hindu and explain their plans of proxy war.

After 9/11 Indians were ready to throw their dhoti down and invite Americans in to use their territory to strike Pakistan. They just mad Musharaf out played Indians and USA, its one the reasons why both Indians and American think thanks hate Musharraf. :lol:

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