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Russian Economy is as big as the 4 Asian Tigers are put together

And Indian economy is larger than Russia and Brazil put together...and US economy is larger than India, China, Russia, BRazil and the 4 Asian tigers put together....

How is India's economy larger than Russia and Brazil put together? Any source?

Never mind, don't bother to answer. You just pull one out of your behind that no one should waste any time answering. But I find that out the hard way by reading the thread.
Without Russia you wouldnt even be independent in the first place. You say Moldova but its BS, russian troops stay only in Transnistria which is an own region where the majority is slavic people who dont want to belong to romania. You do always like your innocent but you your self behaved like barbarians when moldovia got independence the first thing of course what these chauvanists wanted is abolishing russian language everywhere not even regional language.

You can see how the results would have been in the baltics like estonia for example where russians have not any right for their language, no citizenship and no right to vote.

Romanian War of Independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah,thanks for that to,our dear "allies",after you requested our help against the ottomans and we gave it to you,you still did what russians do best,backstabed us and again stole land.
Russians have no right to vote in the baltic states? What are you talking about?

:lol: Like how Romania invaded Russia and supplied the nazi war machine with fuel so they can ravage Europe?

Or how Romania fought wars against Hungary? What about Iraq? Or the many other wars you were involved in?

Do you see the irony? Has it at all occurred to you that NATO, the organization Romania is apart of and the organization that Romania pimps itself out to is responsible for starting, escalating, or supporting wars?

And while you accuse Russians of being invading barbarians the top NATO countries are know for colonization and wars. :rolleyes:

You know very well that we've entered WW2 on Germany's side because of this:

Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-it was a just war against an agressor state.

As for the invasion of Irak,Afghanistan I was always against our involevement and our soldiers dying in foreign lands for foreign causes,but i guess this is the way things go nowadays,you've got to give to receive.

Get over yourself racist. Some Georgian by the name of Stalin did some things and now Russians are scum. A real man, someone with rational thinking and intelligence can forgive. People that hold grudges, like you, have deep seeded issues and insecurities. The Germans done far worst to russians then what the Russians done to the Romanians, yet it's almost unheard of for Russians to hold grudges against the Germans.

Maybe because the germans have apologised and made restitutions for what they have done? If the russians would do the same I think we could see things in a more civilised way.Why don't you start by giving back those 93 tons of gold you stole from us?That would be a first good step towards good relations.

Us barbarians have contributed more to education, science, mathematics, medicine and engineering in a decade than Romania has in all of it's existence.

Never said the russians aren't educated folks,your constant war driven mentality towards Europe constitutes the danger and makes you barbarians.
Stupid comparison. :coffee:

Comparing 1 big apple to 4 small lemons but keeping out Watermelons. :lol:
Let's keep the India-China comparison out and stay on topic.
Russia was a superpower and still is a great power nowadays,no point to compare it with those 4 little places.
PIRLS didnt released their study for 8 graders yet and second your patents showing abroad its total patents not how many they do per year. Obviously russia wanst part of western patent system so you compare past achievements from western countries. You can clearly see russian patents abroad is increasing. Many of the patents in russia are also from former soviet union because russia is a saver place to patent your technology.

If you look at the picture you would have known what the parameters were. It is specifically for the year 2011, the most recent year available. It is categorized based on the patent applicants ORIGIN. That is why there is Resident and Abroad.

Yes, Russia's patent grants abroad is increasing, it is also rarely even in the top 20 in ranking. From 1997 to 2011, Russia has only barely made top 20 twice.
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