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Russian-born mentor is a victim of racism


Jun 28, 2010
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India's gymnastics coach cites racism, deserts team
AFP: India's gymnastics coach cites racism, deserts team

GUANGZHOU, China — India's gymnasts at the Asian Games were left without a coach after their Russian-born mentor walked out on them, claiming team officials were racist.

Vladimir Chertkov, 51, whose year-long contract ends after the Games, left the athletes village on Sunday and returned to India after being denied permission to take part in Friday's opening ceremony.

Indian chef-de-mission Abhay Singh Chautala admitted there was an argument with Chertkov over the uniform for the ceremony after the Russian insisted on appearing in jeans and a T-shirt.

"Our officials told him to adhere to the dress code. When he refused, they barred him from the ceremony. That's the last I have heard."

Chertkov, on returning to India, slammed the contingent officials as being racist and said he was humiliated and discriminated against.

"It was an insult straight on my face," Chertkov was quoted as saying by the Press Trust of India news agency.

"It was humiliation. It was discrimination. The way I was asked to go, I can say it was racism".

Recalling the incident, Chertkov said that when he told the official the uniform given to him did not fit, the latter replied he could wear "something close enough to the dress or same colour blazer, Olympic style".

Later, he was told that he could not take part as what he was wearing was "not fit" and he asked him to go away," Chertkov said.

"You cannot go with us. You can go," the coach quoted the official as saying.

"It was the last straw. I cannot take it any more. If I'm not good enough for participating in the opening ceremony, what have I to do?"

Chertkov, asked if he was willing to resolve matters and return to Gunagzhou, said: "I think it is already too late".

Chautala dismissed the Russian's racism claims, saying the other foreign coaches in the contingent had no such problem.

"Racism would have been there had we stopped all foreign coaches of our contingent from going to the opening ceremony," he said.

"But all other foreign coaches were there. Is there anyone who has complained? He is the only one to complain".

Chautala hoped the Indian gymnastics federation will make alternative arrangements to help the squad.

"If Chertkov had a problem, he should have spoken to the team manager or federation officials," the chef-de-mission said.

"He has no business to abandon the team. He draws his salary from the government of India."

Asked if a complaint had been lodged with local authorities, Chautala said: "Complaints are lodged for minors, not for grown-ups."

Chertkov is one of the many foreign coaches employed by India to raise the standards of sports in the country.

India's gymnastics coach alleges racial discrimination
India's gymnastics coach alleges racial discrimination

India's runaway gymnastics coach Vladimir Chertkov, who disappeared from Guangzhou following a row over taking part in the Asian Games opening ceremony, surfaced in Delhi Sunday and alleged discrimination in preventing him from marching with the Indian contingent.

Russian-born American Chertkov also alleged that Indian officials had a "racist" bias in stopping him from taking part in the march past.

Indians (Sikhs) often complain about how they were forced to remove their Turbans or else they would lose their jobs in foreign companies but yet Indians wouldn't allow their Russian Mentor to
wear casual clothings. Double Standard !!!
in foreign countries
Only a completely empty headed clod with absolutely no logical or reasoning skills will call imposition of dress code as 'racism'. In that case offices all over the world practice racism. And there are some even more empty headed clods who gleefully jump on the 'racism' business without applying their brains. Probably such people were driven out of jobs at one time and now sit in their mom's basement in a rage, opening thread after thread on internet forums.
Only a completely empty headed clod with absolutely no logical or reasoning skills will call imposition of dress code as 'racism'. In that case offices all over the world practice racism. And there are some even more empty headed clods who gleefully jump on the 'racism' business without applying their brains. Probably such people were driven out of jobs at one time and now sit in their mom's basement in a rage, opening thread after thread on internet forums.

I know Sikhs should stop complaining about the dress code in foreign countries !!!
I know Sikhs should stop complaining about the dress code in foreign countries !!!

If you take that stand, you probably oppose even all the dozens of Muslim demands related to dress code? Like suing the employer for insisting on face uncovered/no Hijab, going to the media for employers insisting on tight fitting clothes, British Muslim policemen suing the police department for not allowing full length beards, and so on? I take it that you agree that those demands are frivolous and outlandish too?
If you take that stand, you probably oppose even all the dozens of Muslim demands related to dress code? Like suing the employer for insisting on face uncovered/no Hijab, going to the media for employers insisting on tight fitting clothes, British Muslim policemen suing the police department for not allowing full length beards, and so on? I take it that you agree that those demands are frivolous and outlandish too?

I was pointing out the double standard imposed by India on the Russian mentor but you insist that dress code is not racism so I said Sikhs should also not complain about dress code then.
The basis of the OP (in posting this) is astoundingly stupid. The Athletes and Officials march in to the opening ceremony as representatives of their respective countries, hence the dress code is enforced. It is akin to soldiers on parade. Maybe Mr.Fizz is used to the idea of soldiers sauntering on parade in casuals and slippers.
I was pointing out the double standard imposed by India on the Russian mentor but you insist that dress code is not racism so I said Sikhs should also not complain about dress code then.

And how is "India" responsible, or in any way related, to Sikhs in foreign lands (very often citizens of those countries) protesting something in those far away countries?

There is a fundamental disconnect here. You assume that India ought to be the spokesperson of all Sikhs and Hindus worldwide, just like Pakistan aspires to be the spokesperson of Muslims worldwide and takes deep interest in looking at issues in a pan-Islamic manner. We don't look at things that way.

And the very premise of comparing Sikhs protesting dress codes versus this incident is completely flawed. Lots of offices in Bangalore (where I live, and work) impose a dress code, business casuals on weekdays. In some companies, it is very strict - an employee is liable to be warned by HR if he fails to follow the dress code. Now you can open one more thread about how companies in India are racist, and follow double standards when compared to foreign Sikhs.
Conclusion :

Indian users here BLINDLY supporting Indian Double Standard on racism (dress code).
Conclusion :

Indian users here BLINDLY supporting Indian Double Standard on racism (dress code).

Conclusion: thread starter thinks that Indian=Sikh and Hindu, even in foreign lands, which is of course, completely false. You see, we don't have this Ummah business - citizens of those countries belong to them, and a Sikh Canadian citizen protesting dress code in Canada does not have anything to do with India and Indians. So, whether I support the Sikhs or not, in this turban issue, is irrelevant to the point which you are trying to make.
Conclusion :

Indian users here BLINDLY supporting Indian Double Standard on racism (dress code).

:oops::oops: New concern :lol:

In a mega event like games there needs to have a dress code for each participating countries..

Would you complain he has worn a "bikini" then , saying thats his choice???

Comparing it to religious turban worn by sikh is so pathetic and lame..

Sikh has no issues with wearing tshirt or whatever they want its just the head turban that is the issue.. its not even interrupting the security issues of another country as the face is still visible..its not something like a "helmet".
To hafizzz:

First reply to post #4 and try to give a logical reasoning for your answer(for a change), rather than jumping to an arbitrary conclusion ant then giving those stupid and moronic one liners of yours.

Don't start criticizing just for the heck of criticizing.

You will be thoroughly disappointed my friend.
Conspiracy by U.S.

Either the Indian or the Russian was bribed by USA to behave that way.

U.S. is doing this so that Russia doesn't come in the way of there designs.
To hafizzz:

First reply to post #4 and try to give a logical reasoning for your answer(for a change), rather than jumping to an arbitrary conclusion ant then giving those stupid and moronic one liners of yours.

Don't start criticizing just for the heck of criticizing.

See message #5.

Benny was right!!
I am throughly disappointed!:disagree::disagree:
Hafizzz bedly needs medication for "illogical anti-india" sentiments!
Alas! One more victim of "Hate India" syllabus taught in pakistani schools and madarsas.

Pointing out Indian double standard is considered "illogical anti-india" ???

When Gandhi fought for India's freedom from the British the Indians saw it as a natural thing to do but yet the Indians deny the same right to the Kashmiris, the Aboriginals of Northeast India and the Sikhs. This is called double standard just like the Sikhs complain about dress codes but yet India deny the same right to the Russian mentor.
Those british were not the natives of india but belonged to europe. Their occupation of india was against our wishes. The people who are demanding independence from india are indians by birth. Certainly no one will fulfill their demands.

If a country starts disintegrating itself just because a group has raised its voice then india would have been smaller then pakistan today and pakistan would have been even smaller!

There are many independence movementes going in pakistan too. Why don't you grant them independence and set an example for india and the world?? Why blame india for such movements??

Kashmiri are not Indians.
Northeast Indians are not Indians !!!

Do these people look Indian ?


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