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Russian Army to become a Muslim-Majority Army by 2015-2020.

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Good to know that Russians have given opportunity for Muslim to serve in the army.

These kind of articles are written to create fear in public and to promote Islamophobia.

In the end Army has to obey Gov, or else mutiny ensures. Different if Russia has Muslims President.

It is undeniable that the Muslim population of Europe and Russian is rising exponentially, and in my previous post I explain a few reasons why. Whether or not these articles are created to promote "Islamophobia" is a moot point.

I Guess "Asia Times Online" is also promoting "Islamophobia"...

"Russia's hudna with the Muslim world"

By Spengler
February 21, 2007 c.e.

"Russia's position in the world differs in fundamentals from that of the United States and Western Europe. United Nations projections show its population declining from about 150 million in 1989, when communism collapsed, to about 90 million at mid-century, and the median age will rise from 25 to 50 years. Russian women have 13 abortions for every 10 live births, and life expectancy has fallen to 65 years from 70 years in 1985. But Russia's Muslim majorities continue to grow and will exceed the non-Muslim European population in as little as three to four decades.

Linear projections are one thing, and the will to live is another. On paper, Russia's position appears hopeless; whereas current trends show a Muslim majority in Europe a century hence, Russia may have a Muslim majority in less than two generations."

Source: Asia Times Online :: Central Asian News - Russia's hudna with the Muslim world

The fact is it is simply true that Muslims make up a growing number of Russian soldiers. As the Muslim population in Russia rises, more of them enter into the Army just as they would enter into a different line of work. Like Engineer, technician, business men, mechanic, and laborer...

Again your making a moot point, but nonetheless point taken, hope your happy.:disagree:
When the Russian Army becomes a majority Muslim army, and Muslim Generals take hold of power in Russia, Inshallah this will bring a great boost to Muslim Military power back into the World. This means Muslims may once again achieve the Military superiority that we once had on Earth, several centuries ago.

Implications for India are very bad. An Islamic Russia will be hostile to India, an Islamic Russia will cut off Technological Aid, and Military support to India.

But an Islamic Russia will most likely share it's vastly high-tech Military technology and know-how with various so called "Muslim countries" like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and perhaps Turkey.

When the Russian Army/Military becomes a Majority Muslim Military it will be the most advance "Muslim Army" in modern history!

INSH'ALLAH! Russian military technology will be spread all over the Muslim world giving rising to Muslim military potential. There are about over 50 separate Muslim armies from each Muslim country. That's a huge military power. And Muslims feel the pain when Muslim forces are in war, and Muslims rejoice when Muslim forces win.

Muslim population is on the rise because they breed like rabbits. Check the average fertility rates and you'll find that Muslim countries have the highest, even though they do not have the economic resources to support such populations.

Right, Tallinn, Estonia. Read up on Estonia's history with Russia to see why they're raising this bogeyman of Islamic Russia.

I never said that Muslims in Russia were becoming more secular. In fact, the opposite is true since the Soviet atheism disappeared. But it does not and will not make Russia an Islamic country. More so because Russians themselves will never accept it - they are one of the most xenophobic nations in the world [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4969296.stm].

What points do you want me to provide references for?

The rise of Muslims in Russia is the reason President Vladimir Putin made Russia an observer member of the OIC (Organisation of The Islamic Conference).

Not only that, let me enlighten your denial self. The non-Muslim Russians drink and fornicate at an incredible rate. With that said, their health is weak and they die at an early age through life-threatening diseases or accidents through their drinking. We all know that Russia is known to be a country that drinks Vodka heavily.

"But whether men drank hazardous alcohol was the most potent predictor of mortality, Dr Leon said.

Men who did so had an approximately sixfold increase in death compared with men who did not. "

Read this article on how cheap alcohol is killing half of Russian men.
But it does not and will not make Russia an Islamic country. More so because Russians themselves will never accept it - they are one of the most xenophobic nations in the world

What points do you want me to provide references for?

What has xenophobia got to do with it?

Anyway why are you just considering the scenario as they would become an Islamic state. A muslim majority nation can carry on under the existing system. Only that Muslim chosen leaders would be serving in government then. The Public opinion would be what Muslims decide, the issues would be tackled as per Muslim wishes, so on.

Russia need not become an Islamic state if it becomes a Muslim majority.
Muslims Taking Rank in the New Russian Military

Paul Goble
September 21, 2004

Tartu-- A Moscow meeting of the heads of the Russian Federation’s Islamic educational institutions last week focused attention on how and how well the Russian military and security agencies are coping with the rapidly swelling number of Muslims in their ranks.

So far, only a summary of the meeting’s week-long sessions has appeared on the Internet on the RELIGARE - ÐÅËÈÃÈß è ÑÌÈ website. But even this brief notice is sufficient to show just how concerned both Muslim leaders and Russian officers are about dealing with this issue – one certain to grow as the share of Muslims in the draft pool passes 40 percent sometime in the next decade.

The meeting itself was organized by the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the European Region of Russia (MSDER) September 10 to 16 and attracted more than 40 participants from 15 regions as well as numerous observers and speakers from the Russian government.

On the final day of its deliberations, participants focused on the question of the status of Muslims in the Russian army and the Russian security services. Even though the texts of their speeches are not yet available, the list of speakers and their topics is instructive:

* Damir Gizatulin, the deputy chief of the MSDER and a frequent commentator on relations between Muslims and the Russian army, spoke on "Special Features of Patriotic Education of Russian Muslim Soldiers.”

* S. Melkov, identified as head of the MSDER department for the development of relations between Islam and the government, discussed „The Goals, Principles and Basic Directions of the Interrelationship of Domestic Muslim Organizations and Military Units under Contemporary Conditions.”

* Captain Sergei Mozgovoi, the director of the Center of Military-Religious Research, talked about „The Realization of Freedom of Conscience and Faith in the Armed Services in Russia.”

* Colonel A. Roganov, a deputy commander of Moscow District Internal Forces responsible for personnel issues, described the experience of such forces across Russia in working with Islamic groups. His comments were expanded upon by Colonel A. A. Starygin, a representative of the Educational Administration of Russian Ground Forces, as well as by some of the imams taking part in the meeting.

* Lieutenant Colonel A. Perendzhiyev, the deputy chief of the 53rd Project Institute of the Ministry of Defense, discussed work with Muslim soldiers in construction battalions.

* And Vladimir Abkhmadullin, identified as an instructor at the Military University, read a lecture on „The Experience of Jin Work of Muslim Organizations and the State During the Great Fatherland War.”

The representatives of the military and the security services in turn agreed to the creation of a special mixed working group to discuss common problems and to draft new textbooks and handbooks for officers and spiritual leaders on how best to work with Muslims serving in the ranks.

Such cooperation could lead to the restoration of a pre-Soviet practice where officers assigned to predominantly Muslim areas such as Central Asia and the Caucasus were in fact given extensive training on the nature of Islam and Muslim societies, a practice discontinued in Soviet times and not restored up until now by the post-1991 Russian government.

Should even that happen, the military and security services, agencies which have done so much to alienate Muslims in the recent past, might become the basis for the integration of Muslims into Russian life – a goal President Vladimir Putin has said is important to him and his country.

Source: http://windowoneurasia.org/2004/2004archiveseptember/20040921.htm

Make sure you read the bold and underlined (very useful info).
I would like to make one thing clear, this does not mean that mainstream White Slavic Russians accept Islam or tolerate Islam or have a positive few of Islam. In fact, one reason why Russia historically has had Muslims in it's land is because it conquered predominantly Muslim lands, like Central Asia, Dagestan, Chechnya, Tataristan, and other lands. However, now Islamic is taking a new hold through large families, new converts, Islamic NGO's spreading Islam and doing humanitarian work.
Tablighi Jamaat !!!!

My Salute to them ...

They are very very active in Western World .
INSH'ALLAH! Russian military technology will be spread all over the Muslim world giving rising to Muslim military potential. There are about over 50 separate Muslim armies from each Muslim country. That's a huge military power. And Muslims feel the pain when Muslim forces are in war, and Muslims rejoice when Muslim forces win.

The rise of Muslims in Russia is the reason President Vladimir Putin made Russia an observer member of the OIC (Organisation of The Islamic Conference).

Not only that, let me enlighten your denial self. The non-Muslim Russians drink and fornicate at an incredible rate. With that said, their health is weak and they die at an early age through life-threatening diseases or accidents through their drinking. We all know that Russia is known to be a country that drinks Vodka heavily.

"But whether men drank hazardous alcohol was the most potent predictor of mortality, Dr Leon said.

Men who did so had an approximately sixfold increase in death compared with men who did not. "

Read this article on how cheap alcohol is killing half of Russian men.

Lol OIC - India has the second largest population of Muslims in the world and is not allowed to join it due to Pakistan's insistence. It's a toothless body anyway, joining it does not prove anything.

The population decline and alcoholism are real problems in Russia, as you mention, but there is now a govt policy in place to tackle them.

What has xenophobia got to do with it?

Mainstream Christian Russians have very anti-Islamic views and this has in recent years resulted in racist attacks against Muslim immigrants from the Caucasus. Which is why they would never accept a Muslim at the helm let alone a Muslim demographic majority.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Fear lingers after Russian riot
Mainstream Christian Russians have very anti-Islamic views and this has in recent years resulted in racist attacks against Muslim immigrants from the Caucasus. Which is why they would never accept a Muslim at the helm let alone a Muslim demographic majority.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Fear lingers after Russian riot

So you agree with my previous assessment? (below)

"I would like to make one thing clear, this does not mean that mainstream White Slavic Russians accept Islam or tolerate Islam or have a positive few of Islam. In fact, one reason why Russia historically has had Muslims in it's land is because it conquered predominantly Muslim lands, like Central Asia, Dagestan, Chechnya, Tataristan, and other lands. However, now Islamic is taking a new hold through large families, new converts, Islamic NGO's spreading Islam and doing humanitarian work."-A1Kaid
Lol OIC - India has the second largest population of Muslims in the world and is not allowed to join it due to Pakistan's insistence. It's a toothless body anyway, joining it does not prove anything.

The population decline and alcoholism are real problems in Russia, as you mention, but there is now a govt policy in place to tackle them.

Mainstream Christian Russians have very anti-Islamic views and this has in recent years resulted in racist attacks against Muslim immigrants from the Caucasus. Which is why they would never accept a Muslim at the helm let alone a Muslim demographic majority.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Fear lingers after Russian riot
Unless for widespread genocide... Muslims are bound to become a majority in every country, including India. Just because India practices genocide to keep a check on Muslim population growth, doesn't mean Russia will too.
Unless for widespread genocide... Muslims are bound to become a majority in every country, including India. Just because India practices genocide to keep a check on Muslim population growth, doesn't mean Russia will too.

Russians have breeding programs for humans, to increase its population, hey have a special day, 9 months before the Russian day, and they make it a national holiday so ppl can go home and enjoy;).

so in result there are a lot of kids being born on Russia day and they family gets cash prizes if they had a baby on Russia day.
So you agree with my previous assessment? (below)

"I would like to make one thing clear, this does not mean that mainstream White Slavic Russians accept Islam or tolerate Islam or have a positive few of Islam. In fact, one reason why Russia historically has had Muslims in it's land is because it conquered predominantly Muslim lands, like Central Asia, Dagestan, Chechnya, Tataristan, and other lands. However, now Islamic is taking a new hold through large families, new converts, Islamic NGO's spreading Islam and doing humanitarian work."-A1Kaid

Yes I do, except the last part - I don't know much about it to be honest. I can confirm the former part of your assessment because I have friends from CIS who tell me Russians are incredibly racist and xenophobic.

Unless for widespread genocide... Muslims are bound to become a majority in every country, including India. Just because India practices genocide to keep a check on Muslim population growth, doesn't mean Russia will too.

Ho ho - that joke about Muslim genocide never gets old in these forums does it? If India wanted to carry out a genocide, we wouldn't have 160 million+ Muslims in our country, Hajj subsidies, separate laws for Muslims and reservations in education.
Russians have breeding programs for humans, to increase its population, hey have a special day, 9 months before the Russian day, and they make it a national holiday so ppl can go home and enjoy;).

so in result there are a lot of kids being born on Russia day and they family gets cash prizes if they had a baby on Russia day.

This is true, but there are doubts over how much a $100 cash reward is going to help.
Allahu Akbar.....Inshallah Russia will be a Muslim majority soon.
Islam is already growing more than the world population grows each year.
Europe is soon about to have an even larger Muslim population.
Those racist skin heads all they do is go on stormfront and complain :rofl:
What are they going to do????...I know throw a fit :hitwall:


:pakistan: Always Brothers
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