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Russian Army to become a Muslim-Majority Army by 2015-2020.

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Oct 20, 2008
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Russian Army will be a majority Muslim Army by 2020


Predicting a Majority-Muslim Russia

by Daniel Pipes
Sat, 6 Aug 2005
updated Tue, 23 Dec 2008

"Russia's Turning Muslim, Says Mufti" is the startling headline in the Times of London today. Ravil Gaynutdin, head of the Council of Muftis of Russia, announced that Russia's population of 144 million contains 23 million ethnic Muslims – and not, as the census indicates, 14.5 million, or, as the Orthodox Church estimates, nearer to 20 million. An estimated 3-4 million Muslims are migrants from former Soviet regions, including 2 million Azeris, 1 million Kazakhs, and several hundred thousand Uzbeks, Tajiks and Kyrgyz."

"Goble notes the exponential growth in Islam since the demise of the Soviet Union: Russia had about 300 mosques in 1991 and now there are at least 8,000, about half of which were built with money from abroad, especially from Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. There were no Islamic religious schools in 1991 and today there are between 50 and 60, teaching as many as 50,000 students. The number of Russians going on the hajj each year, has jumped from 40 in 1991 to 13,500 in 2005. He quotes a Russian commentator predicting that within the next several decades there will be a mosque on Red Square."

"By 2015, Muslims will make up a majority of Russia's conscript army, and by 2020 a fifth of the population."

Source:Predicting a Majority-Muslim Russia - Daniel Pipes Blog

Ethnographers: Russia will have a Muslim majority “within our lifetime”

DURBAN, South Africa- Paul Goble, vice Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities at Concordia-Audentes University in Tallinn, Estonia said ethnographers predict that Russia will have a Muslim majority “within our lifetime"

"He said that 2.5 million to 3.5 million Muslims now live in Moscow, giving Moscow the largest Muslim population of any city in Europe.

Russia today has more than 8,000 mosques, up from just 300 in 1991.

"Experts predict that by 2010 some 40 percent of Russian military conscripts will be Muslim."

Source: Fact International FN:: Ethnographers: Russia will have a Muslim majority ?within our lifetime?

Remember the focus of this Thread is...

1) The Geo-Political Impact of a Russian Muslim-Majority Army.
2) The significance of this for the Muslim countries and the West and Asia.
3) Impact on Russian Society and Europe.
4) And Other Things closely related to this topic.
When the Russian Army becomes a majority Muslim army, and Muslim Generals take hold of power in Russia, Inshallah this will bring a great boost to Muslim Military power back into the World. This means Muslims may once again achieve the Military superiority that we once had on Earth, several centuries ago.

Implications for India are very bad. An Islamic Russia will be hostile to India, an Islamic Russia will cut off Technological Aid, and Military support to India.

But an Islamic Russia will most likely share it's vastly high-tech Military technology and know-how with various so called "Muslim countries" like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and perhaps Turkey.

When the Russian Army/Military becomes a Majority Muslim Military it will be the most advance "Muslim Army" in modern history!
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When the Russian Army becomes a majority Muslim army, and Muslim Generals take hold of power in Russia, Inshallah this will bring a great boost to Muslim Military power back into the World. This means Muslims may once again achieve the Military superiority that we once had on Earth, several centuries ago.

Implications for India are very bad. An Islamic Russia will be hostile to India, an Islamic Russia will cut off Technological Aid, and Military support to India.

But an Islamic Russia will most likely share it's vastly high-tech Military technology and know-how with various so called "Muslim countries" like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and perhaps Turkey.

When the Russian Army/Military becomes a Majority Muslim Military it will be the most advance "Muslim Army" in modern history!

Dream on. Couple of points that make this thread and your comment idiotic:

1. The article is written by Daniel Pipes, a noted neocon who actually believed there were WMDs in Iraq. This is a man who'd do anything to raise an alarm about Islam. So it's most likely the article and the numbers are completely crap.

2. Most Muslims in the CIS are quite detached from their religion, I know some personally. This is mostly due to their forced secularization under Soviet rule. They're nowhere near the turban-strapping fanatics you're hoping they would be.

3. A Muslim dominated Russia would not necessarily be inimical to India. India has defence ties with several prominent Muslim countries, including Malaysia and Indonesia.

4. Russia would never support Pakistan as long as you guys are allied with China, a strategic foe for Russia.
When the Russian Army becomes a majority Muslim army, and Muslim Generals take hold of power in Russia, Inshallah this will bring a great boost to Muslim Military power back into the World. This means Muslims may once again achieve the Military superiority that we once had on Earth, several centuries ago.

Implications for India are very bad. An Islamic Russia will be hostile to India, an Islamic Russia will cut off Technological Aid, and Military support to India.

But an Islamic Russia will most likely share it's vastly high-tech Military technology and know-how with various so called "Muslim countries" like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and perhaps Turkey.

When the Russian Army/Military becomes a Majority Muslim Military it will be the most advance "Muslim Army" in modern history!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's a little far fetched. Not a bad fantasy though.
Dream on. Couple of points that make this thread and your comment idiotic:

1. The article is written by Daniel Pipes, a noted neocon who actually believed there were WMDs in Iraq. This is a man who'd do anything to raise an alarm about Islam. So it's most likely the article and the numbers are completely crap.

2. Most Muslims in the CIS are quite detached from their religion, I know some personally. This is mostly due to their forced secularization under Soviet rule. They're nowhere near the turban-strapping fanatics you're hoping they would be.

3. A Muslim dominated Russia would not necessarily be inimical to India. India has defence ties with several prominent Muslim countries, including Malaysia and Indonesia.

4. Russia would never support Pakistan as long as you guys are allied with China, a strategic foe for Russia.

You fail to see the rise of Islam, why don't you take time to study the rise in population of Muslims. Muslims are gaining more power in different sectors of the Russian society and economy. Regardless of who the blog writer is Daniel Pipes, you fool! Pay attention to the scholar that he is quoting "Paul Goble, vice Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities at Concordia-Audentes University in Tallinn, Estonia" the statistics are true, and it is also true that Muslims are becoming more conservative and not secular as you suggest in Russia today. If the Muslims in Russia are becoming more secular/liberal as you suggest with no proof of course, then why are more and more Muslims in Russia attending Masjids, making a pilgrimage to Mecca, more of them are dressing modestly, quiting alcohol and more. The fact is in 1991 they were 300 Masjids in Russia and now there are more than 8,000 Masjids in Russian today!!!

Yet your foolish and blinded and that is good for us.

The truth is you provide no sources for the opinions and information you espouse.
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this is true because Muslims will be in the Mijority by the year 2015 it is fact it is the fastest growing religion in the world.
@At the Indian Ju87

"1. The article is written by Daniel Pipes, a noted neocon who actually believed there were WMDs in Iraq. This is a man who'd do anything to raise an alarm about Islam. So it's most likely the article and the numbers are completely crap."-Ju87

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You fail to see the rise of Islam, why don't you take time to study the rise in population of Muslims. Muslims are gaining more power in different sectors of the Russian society and economy. Regardless of who the blog writer is Daniel Pipes, you fool! Pay attention to the scholar that he is quoting "Paul Goble, vice Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities at Concordia-Audentes University in Tallinn, Estonia" the statistics are true, and it is also true that Muslims are becoming more conservative and not secular as you suggest in Russia today.

The truth is you provide no sources for the opinions and information you espouse.

Muslim population is on the rise because they breed like rabbits. Check the average fertility rates and you'll find that Muslim countries have the highest, even though they do not have the economic resources to support such populations.

Right, Tallinn, Estonia. Read up on Estonia's history with Russia to see why they're raising this bogeyman of Islamic Russia.

I never said that Muslims in Russia were becoming more secular. In fact, the opposite is true since the Soviet atheism disappeared. But it does not and will not make Russia an Islamic country. More so because Russians themselves will never accept it - they are one of the most xenophobic nations in the world [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4969296.stm].

What points do you want me to provide references for?
Muslim population is on the rise because they breed like rabbits. Check the average fertility rates and you'll find that Muslim countries have the highest, even though they do not have the economic resources to support such populations.

Right, Tallinn, Estonia. Read up on Estonia's history with Russia to see why they're raising this bogeyman of Islamic Russia.

I never said that Muslims in Russia were becoming more secular. In fact, the opposite is true since the Soviet atheism disappeared. But it does not and will not make Russia an Islamic country. More so because Russians themselves will never accept it - they are one of the most xenophobic nations in the world [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4969296.stm].

What points do you want me to provide references for?

hey its okay if Hinduism isnt increasing
Muslim population is on the rise because they breed like rabbits. Check the average fertility rates and you'll find that Muslim countries have the highest, even though they do not have the economic resources to support such populations.

Right, Tallinn, Estonia. Read up on Estonia's history with Russia to see why they're raising this bogeyman of Islamic Russia.

I never said that Muslims in Russia were becoming more secular. In fact, the opposite is true since the Soviet atheism disappeared. But it does not and will not make Russia an Islamic country. More so because Russians themselves will never accept it - they are one of the most xenophobic nations in the world [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4969296.stm].

What points do you want me to provide references for?

"Muslim population is on the rise because they breed like rabbits. Check the average fertility rates and you'll find that Muslim countries have the highest, even though they do not have the economic resources to support such populations."-JU87

First of all that is not entirely true. Again your foolish misperceptions expose your ignorance. Please read the excerpt below.

"He said (Paul Goble), not only the number of Muslim population in Russia is on fast growth because the Muslim women have more than one child, but in recent years, a large number of Islamist NGOs are actively working in the country, which are playing desperate role in having very large number of newly converts in Islam from other religion. He further said, especially the atheist groups are gradually getting inclined towards Islam because of extensive propaganda and activities of the Islamist NGOs."

Source: Russia becoming a Muslim state! | Asian Tribune

Quite frankly Ju87 your credibility is diminishing by the post! I suggest you take it easy...Don't you dare challenge me, understand what you are about to go up against...
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Thanks for the information.

Let the disbelievers burn in their anguish
Thanks for the information.

Let the disbelievers burn in their anguish

Good to know that Russians have given opportunity for Muslim to serve in the army.

These kind of articles are written to create fear in public and to promote Islamophobia.

In the end Army has to obey Gov, or else mutiny ensures. Different if Russia has Muslims President.
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