Well, you are equally guilty for supporting a crime, brutal massacre. I don't think that you would be bothered about it as the subjects to the massacre are Muslims. Sunni Muslims to be precise, are targeted by Assad, who is a Shia.
Media personnel told me, according to their findings, all Sunnis are targeted and killed, for building a Shia dominant state like Iran.
There are graphic pictures, dead bodies with broken bones, cut off limbs, crushed faces and similar. There are videos proving the terrorism you support, against the helpless civilians who are poorly armed now.
I wonder why doesn't the world come to aid? Oh it is because this is a Muslim VS Muslim fight, and their is no halt in any oil/gas supplies, no danger to their economy and infact a market for sales of weapons. And another possibly destabilized Muslim country.
They aren't going to do anything, so the Muslim countries should invade Syria and fight the terrorist forces, in the name of Islamic brotherhood and humanity, which is compulsory on us according to Islam. Assad should be killed and his forces defeated as soon as possible, we cannot allow more rivers of blood and mounts of skeletons out of Syria.