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Russia war crime dropping cluster bombs on civilians in Aleppo province

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and if that is what is dropped who is going to do anything?

Five hospitals and two schools hit over night. the UN builds a bakery to help starving people its bombed the morning it opens. Children are starved people tortured war crimes are the new norm in Syria.

Europe is tied in knots by nutters that think if we all hold hands and wish real hard the bad men will stop.
The US is at war with its self thanks to Republicans so far to the right if hitler was still about he would steal their ideas.

Russia can do what it wants and Putin knows it.
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...me just recon .. how stupid a one should be to bring a "video" of 2 glued pieces (which it's really is - 1st is flying 34 and second strikes of MLRS system, seems like, at least) and call it "Russian war crime"...
...me just recon .. how stupid a one should be to bring a "video" of 2 glued pieces (which it's really is - 1st is flying 34 and second strikes of MLRS system, seems like, at least) and call it "Russian war crime"...

This video is from today. In Haritan. Cluster bombs used on civilians. No doubt about it.
The objective of war is to prevent your enemy from breeding more warriors. That means bombing their infrastructure. Hospitals. Schools. Power plants. Food and water facilities.

What is shown in the video is indiscriminate bombing of entire residential neighborhoods.

Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world 1.7 billion and growing it will become the largest faith in the world in the next few decades, it is mostly sunni

Russians commiting war crimes in the name of Shia alewite dictatorship is not a smart idea
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Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world 1.7 billion and growing it will become the largest faith in the world in the next few decades, it is mostly sunni

Russians commiting war crimes in the name of Shia alewite dictatorship is not a smart idea
...pal, don't get angry at "bad Russians bombing inocent civilians" get at yourself being that kinda dummy "eating fake video" and buying Western style of rulling you (the muslims); it's old and simple : devide and conquer; i.e just a decade ago Syria was a (eager to be) state of modernity - lot's of tourist visiting were told that it's inhabitant with Syrians (of all types: sunni, shia, cristians) and they building their nation state to live in it; now it's the "strategy" applied to it : war shia vs sunnies; ok keep it up to your way to middle ages (and learn about the middle ages and religious wars and all the shit of that) ... finally ... guess the winner (as usual .. basically this is the way how british empire was rulling the Europ for couple of centuries - be sneaky, vile, hypicratical, establish conspiracy in europ and make everyone fight everyone ... like Germans fighting Russians many times making england happy) ...
Yeah, aside from the fake propaganda above, no body was dying before Russia (finally) joined the crisis after some four years during which the US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar were providing all kinds of terrorists (colors ranging from dark dark to light dark) with big shopping carts and free coupons to shop arms?

Certain media and organizations just got extremenly humanist.
...pal, don't get angry at "bad Russians bombing inocent civilians" get at yourself being that kinda dummy "eating fake video" and buying Western style of rulling you (the muslims); it's old and simple : devide and conquer; i.e just a decade ago Syria was a (eager to be) state of modernity - lot's of tourist visiting were told that it's inhabitant with Syrians (of all types: sunni, shia, cristians) and they building their nation state to live in it; now it's the "strategy" applied to it : war shia vs sunnies; ok keep it up to your way to middle ages (and learn about the middle ages and religious wars and all the shit of that) ... finally ... guess the winner (as usual .. basically this is the way how british empire was rulling the Europ for couple of centuries - be sneaky, vile, hypicratical, establish conspiracy in europ and make everyone fight everyone ... like Germans fighting Russians many times making england happy) ...

That's not true on so many levels that I don't know where to begin to address it. It was a sectarian totalitarian police-state where the nusayri shiites related to the ruling family were happy, the christians were doing ok, and the vast majority of the population who are sunni was disenfranchized, persecuted and miserable.

Regarding the nonsense about how Bashar the barrel-bomber was such an enemy of israel...well...

Assad’s Israeli Friend - Opinion - Haaretz - Israeli News Source Haaretz.com

The Syrian Assad who likes Jews and Israel | The Jewish Chronicle

The reason Russia is involved in this war is because Putin has a pathological hatred of Sunni Muslims. He sees himself as a latter day Salibi, and wants nothing more than to exterminate all Sunni Muslims.
The reason Russia is involved in this war is because Putin has a pathological hatred of Sunni Muslims. He sees himself as a latter day Salibi, and wants nothing more than to exterminate all Sunni Muslims.

Does Putin care what sort of Islam you follow?

"The Russian Quest for Warm Water Ports
For nearly two hundred years the policy of obtaining, maintaining, and increasing a seaboard has been consistently followed. If that policy was inaugurated by Peter the Great, it was nevertheless absolutely due to the operation of irresistible natural forces. A great nation must seek a seaboard corresponding in extent to its needs, and Russia could no more be restrained in her seaward expansion than could the United States in overflowing the Rocky Mountains in their march to the Pacific. The policy thus forced upon Russia by the conditions of her being has involved many wars and great sacrifices. The methods adopted have been various, and, in common with those which have commended themselves to all nations, have not been wholly blameless; but only the curious inability of the British people to realise the necessities of others can blind us to the fact that Russian expansion was as inevitable as our own. To the fifty millions of Great and Greater Britain free access to the sea is the breath of national life; by the eighty millions of Russia the same vital need is instinctively felt."
The Russian Quest for Warm Water Ports

assad stays Russia keeps Tartus, its doesnt matter your religion creed or even species if you get in the way your a target.
For a preview of how things are going to go see Chechnya.
Does Putin care what sort of Islam you follow?

"The Russian Quest for Warm Water Ports

assad stays Russia keeps Tartus, its doesnt matter your religion creed or even species if you get in the way your a target.
For a preview of how things are going to go see Chechnya.

Well we can either take him at his word and based on his deeds or believe that both reflect the sort of attention to reality which made tavorish Aleksei Grigorievich Stakhanov a legend in Russia and a comedian of Potemkin proportions in the rest of the world.

The Salibi's policy has nothing to do with a desire for warm water ports. The Salibi sees himself as a latter day Crusader out to destroy 'the infidel' for the sake of Christ.

Russian Orthodox Church supports Putin's 'holy war' in Syria to protect Christians | Christian News on Christian Today

Chechnya isn't a good example. It's a Muslim land based far away from any Muslim territory whose people after a brave defense of their freedom against overwhelming odds and incredible victories were inevitably crushed because no other Muslim state was prepared to support them in any way.

For a better example see what the Sunni Muslims did to the Crusaders despite being under assault from the Mongols and the Shiites all at the same time.

I give you Sultan Baybars....Erdogan arise to take his place!

"Hadst thou but seen thy knights trodden under horses' hooves, thy palaces invaded and ransacked for booty, thy ladies bought and sold at four to the dinar of thine own money! Hadst thou seen any churches demolished, the crosses sawn in sunder, they garbled gospels hawked about before the sun, the tombs of thy nobles cast to the ground...then thou wouldst have said, 'Would God that I were dust!'" - Letter to a Crusader King after destroying his army and capturing his castle.

Badass - Baybars
...well, when a one (like me) tries to go on way of common sence there will always be those admonishing for "holly religious wars" and stuff.. (claiming the bullshit about his spiritualistic capabilities of "reading others minds", i.e knowing "the hate of Putin to sunnis" or whatever rubbish) . Nothing can be done under such circumstances (I mean, I cannot convince a one like dat about Russian intensiones - which are more about Int Law, not the shyte about separations of "bad crusaders" and "good sunnies", but about the PEOPLE of Syria be able to decide their future, acknowledging that Assad far not an angel, but without "obstinate help" from ones like turkey, saudies and so on)
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