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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Multiple military helicopters passing through the sky (left), the person filming says he counted "at least 30," and they are marked with a Russian flag. Later the NEXTA channel on Telegram shared a video of what it purports is one of the downed Russian military helicopters (right).

IMO, the helicopter in the right picture is K52. It may be taken a hit and crash-landed, seems both pilots survived.
To my knowledge, this is the only helicopter in the world with an ejection system. In case of an ejection, the rotors go off first. Here the rotors are intact and the helicopter also seems to be in pretty good recoverable shape. It proves that it is a pretty robust flying machine.
As somebody who didn't believe that the attack would take place, what's the end game?

If the Russians plan to 'de-militarise' and 'de-Nazify' Ukraine, this can only mean the full occupation of Ukraine. In the face of Ukrainian insurgents?

And why recognize independent Russian enclaves in the Ukraine if you plan to occupy all of it?

Moscow is willing to negotiate terms of surrender with Kiev regarding the ongoing Russian military offensive currently taking place in Ukraine, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.

Doesnt have good air defence?

If Ukraine located in South East Asia, they would be one of the country with Strongest Air Defence Network in the region.

They have bunch of S-300V1, TOR, BUK, Strela, Tunguska, and many others.

They also have 69 unit 4-4.5th Gen combat aircraft (Sukhoi-27 & MIG-29) to have a good fight.

But as you can see, Russian sucessfully obliterate their chain of command.
If this continue, Russian would successfully turn Ukraine Armed Forces (UAF) become bunch of guerilla fighters in matter of week
you can't fight American with American Weapons , you can't fight Russian with Russians weapons and you can't fight chinese with chinese weapons . period.

we learnt it the hard way . if you build a stick , its way more successful in fighting those than the weapons made by them
Moscow is willing to negotiate terms of surrender with Kiev regarding the ongoing Russian military offensive currently taking place in Ukraine, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.

That was quick. It means they don't have the logistics to sustain the fighting that long because all their forces are attacking at once and they can only supply so much to the units spread out.
Moscow is willing to negotiate terms of surrender with Kiev regarding the ongoing Russian military offensive currently taking place in Ukraine, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.

Both terms the Ukrainians cannot agree to.
Denazify............. this is exactly why I was looking for some Ukrainian volunteers' training footage with swastika flags. How come someone support a country that hosts Nazi mindset? At-least, Russia was not going to tolerate such thing in the neighbour and interestingly, West/US or Israel had no issue with those groups in Ukraine.


They have also never had an issue with 'moderate rebels' (terrorists who behead people) in Syria. In fact, they provided training, arms, logistical support, and medical aid (including on Israeli soil in field hospitals near the border) to AQ-linked militants. Truly amazing times. Democracy at work!
Also, sanctions are about punishing, as much as it is about getting nations to change their behavior.

By your logic, USA and UK are also to be included in the musical chair game 'SANCTIONS' for all their misdeeds for destabilizing the world's peace and killing thousands of innocent civilians in Afghanistan, VietNam, Korea, Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc.
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