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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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For everyone?

Some are gonna make shyt load of money out of it, :- )
yes but think of developing countries. where people spend almost 50 percent on food and transportation cost.

there are talks of shortage of bread in middle east since Russia and Ukraine is bread basket of the world. or even south Asian countries import lot of oil gas and other food items.
History tells russians have always had tremendous losses in war but eventually they overwhelm the enemy. Its also true that offensive can have greater losses than defenders and still win. Here I think just like ww2 the russians are slowly gonna throw better and greater punch until ukraine wears out.
ww2, was the "great patriotic war" against the Germans, that have invaded. And here ? We have to fight against Russian speaking people, that are being lead by a neonazi drug addicts ? Who will really believe this bulls**t ?

They could try to make a provocation to justify it, but it`s weak as well.

Does not justify Putin.

Ukraine devoured by fantasies, Ukraine would magically become Denmark if they were obedient to Washington's Master and if they killed many Russians in the Don in addition to the 50 Russian-Ukrainians burned alive in Odessa

Until a few days ago I was a Germanophile and was very fond of Germany where I studied for my doctoral thesis, now after this crisis I wish that the Russian army will advance and overrun Berlin
More like exposing hypocrisy of the West. As if they didn't know any attack on civilian is a war crime when they were murdering Afghani civilians left, right and centre.
Possible. Was it investigated or just headline ?
More like exposing hypocrisy of the West. As if they didn't know any attack on civilian is a war crime when they were murdering Afghani civilians left, right and centre.

Killing of poor afghans civilians has been happenings started by then USSR Russians in 1979?
This Ukrainian crisis will provide us with the beautiful spectacle of seeing the beginning of a great damage to Germany's industry

As the architect of Ukraine's destruction, the witch Victoria Nuland, said: "fxxx EU"
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