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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Muslims are not globalist at all, especially in the situation we are in right now. And if for argument sakes we are globalists, then that surely is the only similarity with the west we have. Otherwise, we don't believe in democracy, lgbt, abortion, veganism, gender equality, feminism, Liberalism, zionism, etc ect...we are polar opposites to western liberalism. We have way more in common with conservative values. That's like saying chalk and cheese are the same because they are both white. Ridiculous comparison.

This! Smart move by IK! Well done Pakistan.

We don't believe in LBGT ofcourse and as I mentioned we were the first globalists meaning we didn't care about ethnics, races or all that as we saw everyone as human being.. It is a bridge the west crossed just less then 100 years ago.

Hence we were the world hegemony for almost 1200 years but they have switched to globalist concept under the US because it is an immegrant country..

In our globalist society you had Arabs, Turks, Moros, Kurds, Pashtuns, East Africans, Asians, Malays, Europeans living as one society and nation..

Then there is the human rights aspect this is also a concept foreign to them but they have got it right in the last 100 years they understand the concept of human rights... You can also add Animal rights.

We were never commiting genocide in medival conquests because we were following a strict code of conduct which had certain laws that saved civilians due to human rights law
This is a great listen. US had been doing soft regime change followed by the orange revolution and funding protest in Ukraine since 2013.
There is recording of an intercepted call (timestamp 44m onwards) between Victoria Nuland (Asst. Sec of State) and US ambassador to Ukraine where she explicitly shares the game plan.

I think many of us are emotionally charged with this conflict for many reasons. Morally speaking (from an Islamic perspective) this war is totally wrong, Russia is the aggressor and the Ukrainian people should be helped to resist oppression.

Wouldn't it be nice if the same Europeans politicians, media outlets and people in general would hold other oppressed people with the same standards especially when their own governments go and do what Russia is doing in other countries killing tens of thousands and leaving countries in chaos. Its these double standards and hypocrisy I cant stand.
What Islamic perspective is this? Are we going to ignore the lynching and shelling of Russian speaking people in East Ukraine? The aggressors are Ukraine and Russia is stopping the aggression. Islam promotes multi polarity where one power checks another, otherwise there would be corruption in the land (Quran 2:251), Islam also promotes the stopping of injustice by the hands which is what Russia has done for the Eastern Ukrainians.
Uzbekistan president is also coming to Pakistan on a 2 day visit this Thursday.

Pakistan is making a play for Central Asian connectivity and trade, gas.

IMO alot is happening at a quick pace since the fall of kabul.
I recall reading an article a few days ago that Pak-Uzbek trade had reached historical record levels this year. North south trade and infrastructure connections in Eurasia will only strengthen going forward.
Uzbekistan president is also coming to Pakistan on a 2 day visit this Thursday.

Pakistan is making a play for Central Asian connectivity and trade, gas.

IMO alot is happening at a quick pace since the fall of kabul.

Personally, I'm a fog of war enjoyer.

But for all the takes on conflict analysis on this thread, precious little has been said about the impact of the new world (dis)order on CPEC.
Uzbekistan president is also coming to Pakistan on a 2 day visit this Thursday.

Pakistan is making a play for Central Asian connectivity and trade, gas.

IMO alot is happening at a quick pace since the fall of kabul.
I have never believed in the sense of a pipeline going through Afghanistan, where every warlord with a pound of plastic explosive can block it. Also there is the unfinished gas pipeline with Iran.

Exactly how many unfinished pipelines does Pakistan want?
Good news. But I hope one day we could be self-sufficient.

Radio Pakistan also pointed to that:

. . . Talking about his recent visits to China and Russia, the Prime Minister said these tours will have far reaching impact on country's economy.

He said we are going to import two million tons of wheat and gas from Russia, while we have better understanding on the second phase of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor that will boost Pakistan's economy.

Imran Khan said he believes in an independent foreign policy in the best interest of the people of Pakistan. . .

Pay with what?

Probably alternatives:

. . . They also noted that Russia has been developing an alternative payment system . . .

If Russia and China could do this feat and hence cause a global devaluation of dollar:
  • Most of the talent that US has gathered from rest of the world will return back to their countries.
  • Because there will be no incentive for them as they would be able to make more money in their countries of origin.
  • US-&-co will not be able to buy cheaper products & will starve themselves of many items that they currently import.

I have never believed in the sense of a pipeline going through Afghanistan, where every warlord with a pound of plastic explosive can block it. Also there is the unfinished gas pipeline with Iran.

Exactly how many unfinished pipelines does Pakistan want?

Pakistan could either:
  • Purchase this narrow strip of Wakhan Corridor from afghans.
  • Occupy it.
  • Incentivize tribal leaders of this strip to join Pakistan.
  • Go around it.
  • etc.

I was of this opinion back in 2014 too :pakistan:

Pakistan should establish highway and rail links with both China and Russia. Tajikistan & Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan will also be linked. There is a narrow strip of Afghanistan that comes in the way too.

It is said that Russian invasion of Afghanistan was ambition to reach warm waters!! Making such road\rail links will give these countries access to Arabian-Sea without them needing to invade anyone. It would be a win-win for all.

At the time Karakoram Highway was built, technology was not what engineers have today. It would be much easier, & safer to build high quality road\rail link now. Breaching the Himalayas should be relatively easy task now. To shorten the distance, raise it rather high as a bridge to avoid serpentine longer distances.


To avoid that narrow strip of Afghanistan, we can build the main highway+rail to China & the link from Russia & Russian states could join that primary link in China. Thus skipping Afghanistan.
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We don't believe in LBGT ofcourse and as I mentioned we were the first globalists meaning we didn't care about ethnics, races or all that as we saw everyone as human being.. It is a bridge the west crossed just less then 100 years ago.

Hence we were the world hegemony for almost 1200 years but they have switched to globalist concept under the US because it is an immegrant country..

In our globalist society you had Arabs, Turks, Moros, Kurds, Pashtuns, East Africans, Asians, Malays, Europeans living as one society and nation..

Then there is the human rights aspect this is also a concept foreign to them but they have got it right in the last 100 years they understand the concept of human rights... You can also add Animal rights.

We were never commiting genocide in medival conquests because we were following a strict code of conduct which had certain laws that saved civilians due to human rights law
No the first globalists were technically the Achemenid Persians, then the Greeks (western), then Romans (Western). Muslims were fairly late to the game of empire builiding. So I dont know where you got this "100 years ago" from.

Muslims were not global hegemon at all, if they were they would have conquered China and Northern Europe, but they didnt and couldn't. Animal rights practiced by the west is actually an injustice since human life, especially Afghans, is seen as inferior than animals. So even in their animal rights there is racism. Their human rights is also racist as well since Ukrainian refugees are okay to fill molotov cocktails and come in droves to escape war, but us brown people are leeches that should stay at home. Genocide is also a western practice that was brought to our lands by the Romans and First Crusades. Islam is NOTHING like the Western liberal globalists. Sorry.
Some people will say Ukrainian figures are BS but at the same time trust those provided by Russia,russia being known to exaggerate and minimize their casualties. :sarcastic:

The challenge with pro-Ukraian tweets is the magnitude of its figures concerning russian losses, which for any critical mind will sound, lets say, a bit exagerated. Combined with the ongoing steady russian advances every single day, the ukrainian reports seem less and less reliable. This (dis)information is mainly designed for internal consumption and/or for gathering support from external allies. It is also directed against possible russian netizens or soldiers whom they hope to deliver demoralizing news.

The case of Ukraine in fact resemble the recent ANA-Taliban showdown, lasting from Spring to end of Summer 2021. Strings of hopefull tweets and news in favor of ANA and its allies, making it seems as Taliban had been defeated, when evidently the facts on the ground was the opposite.

It is expected from factions in a war to operate with misinformation, deception and exaggeration. After all propaganda is a effective tool when implemented artfully.

The pitfall of propaganda is the risk of self-deception. That a proponent believes so strongly in its own propaganda that it blinds its own strategic judgement and therefore hasten an eventual defeat.

Propaganda is always a dual-edged sword.
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