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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I am thinking what Putin is thinking …

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From his angle, he has to win the war by hook or by crook… and Its pretty much evident western world sucessfully dominating over the media warfare just because Putin and his forces unable to show any constructive Ukraine destruction imagers …

For putin, again he has to win else the consequences of loosing the battle (100 VS 1 realisticus) have serious consequences not only for Russia but also for China… China and Russian, these two are the ones who have capability and capacity to challenge western world. In case of defeat, Not only Russia perhaps China will also lose many things in a bigger picture…

West trying best to push provoke Putin @ some non-Conv side however, Putin forces strictly avoiding civlian casualities and colleteral…
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Really the only time I’ve heard of this being done is when Soviet pilots flew Chinese & North Korean MiGs during the Korean War. I think they shot down some American pilots.

That clearly contradicts what their position was at the UNSC. I thought Brazil condemned?
16 Pakistani pilots volunteered for the various Arab Air Forces in the Yom Kippur War (also volunteered in the six day war), one of them Abdul Sattar Alvi shot down IDAF's Mirage 3 piloted by Capt. Lutz while flying a Syrian AF's Mig 21.

If the nukes start flying, take it from someone who’s made a living teaching survival skills. “we’re all fucked”.
Vladimir has started something that he will need to finish and I am positive that losing is not in his books either he takes the pill or win's this with what ever means.
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Russia has not opened a front in the west of Ukraine in cities like Lviv. NATO can and will continue to use its access to western regions of Ukraine for reinforcements. This could be due to several factors, including lack of logistics to that part of Ukraine, fear of unintended clashes with neighboring countries or an unofficial agreement with NATO about not invading areas of Ukraine that border NATO members.

I don't think the Afghan model would work in Ukraine. I have talked about it in detail before.
Link please want to read


While companies like Intel and AMD are reportedly suspending sales immediately, that won't have an immediate devastating impact on the industry. According to the Semiconductor Industry Association, the Russian government accounts for less than 0.1% of global chip purchases, while the broader Russian market represents roughly $50.3 billion out of the $4.47 trillion global semiconductor market.​
Instead, the impact is expected to be felt when supercomputers, networking, military chips, and the like fail or need upgrades. In those cases, Russia would be forced to acquire the chips illicitly.
The EU closed its airspace to Russian aircrafts. UPS and Fedex stopped deliveries. BP exited. The ruble is becoming rubble. Russian banks are running low.

All of these actions, and more to come, will be in place for yrs after the war ended, no matter how it ended. Their cumulative effects will be devastating to the Russian economy which already in poor shape before the war.
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I get what you said about Poutine wanting to control.

Anyway...What I do not get is why people, from ordinary to the pols, do not get no. 1 and 2. Often I ask myself: Am I too old? But no, that is not it. Many of our political class are as old as I am or older, and lived thru the dive-under-the-table exercise Cold War yrs. I would have thought that yrs plus experience equals cynicism. But what really stuck in my craw is no. 2: Appeasement does not work. Why do people persists in believing the opposite? How do such weak people got elected?

What I said about club membership being explicit and implicit, I learned from a US Army 1SG, or 'First Shirt' as we AF call them, when I passed thru Baumholder back in '87. In our conversation, he also added that a country maybe neutral, but implicitly allied with another country and covertly working inside that alliance. I wonder if that is what Poutine worried about, that while NATO stamped 'Rejected' on Ukraine's application, the fact that Ukraine did expressed interest opened the door for that covert alliance, or at least unlocked the door. In his KGB-minded world, the unofficial realm is where the work get done. A long time ago, I read that according to a Congressional staffer, many deals were made by the urinals, and I have no doubt about that.
Well, you and me both, my friend.

I think the first thing is, people and country are different. A person can stay out of most thing, because you are in charge of you, On the other hand, for a leader (a free democratic leader, not a dictator) this is more or less a more complicated factor. Because there are always 2 groups of people seeing different things and whatever you do is not going to be satisfy by either one of them. And sometime, the best decision you come up with it not to make any decision at all. but then not doing them does not make them go away, it just delay the inevitable. Not sure if that make any sense to you...That is in most case why leader choose to be neutral and choose to appease.

About the "Club Membership" I can feel what Putin felt as I used to work Military Intelligence as well, the problem intelligence people are generally distrusting. The need to verify, the need to find out the truth. Just because you say something or do something does not mean I need to believe that is your true intention. As the old saying goes, trust but verify. I am pretty sure this is how Putin operate, because this is how I operate.
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