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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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One thing to note is that with all those pics of burned armor there are no dead bodies

It's more like they were abandoned due to lack of fuel before being blown up

How does that make it any worse? That's the loss of several hundred million dollars, which would come in handy during sanctions.
I have just been told that it is illegal for a UK citizen to fight in a foreign war.
Yes, I googled it and any Brits planning on going to Ukraine should be careful because Under section 4 of the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870, it is an offence for a British subject to enlist in the military of a foreign state at war with another foreign state with which the UK is at peace.

Since the UK and Russia are not at war, any citizens going to join UAF will be in trouble when they get back, but then again the press will romanticize it and spin it for public sheep to go "aww" and most likely the cases will never see the eyes of a judge. Because lets face it, western Jurisprudence is most malleable when it suits their interests.
Approximately $400 billion of Russias $650 billion in foreign reserves are currently held with central banks in countries which are enforcing the banking sanction. 23% is held in gold by the Russian central bank, 14% with the Chinese central bank which can be accessed. The Russian central bank will quickly burn through their available reserves propping up the rouble and the other Russian banks.

Approximately $400 billion of Russias $650 billion in foreign reserves are currently held with central banks in countries which are enforcing the banking sanction. 23% is held in gold by the Russian central bank, 14% with the Chinese central bank which can be accessed. The Russian central bank will quickly burn through their available reserves propping up the rouble and the other Russian banks.
Anything to back up your stats?
A major development of this war; the new German Chancellor has made a speech where he said Germany will spend 100 billion euros on defense this year and go to the 2% minimum nato standard starting next year; which would put it at 70-75 billion euros depending on the size of the German economy. This is a signal that Germany is about to massively rearm and refurbish its equipment.

We can probably expect the Germans to finally go for the F-35 along with modernizing and buying more Eurofighters. The Germans will probably be building more subs and greatly increase the size of their armored corps.

Looks like we are back in the Cold War for sure.

This war is a regime change operation. An Anglo-Zionist plan to overthrow Putin and install someone like Boris Yeltsin who will drink vodka while the Zionists loot the country.

Just to clarify for those who are not familiar. The belligerents consist of the following hierarchy, with the most powerful on top:

1. Israel (Zion)
2. USA (Zionist control: 100%. Leader of the Anglo-Zionists)
3. UK (Zionist control: 90%. Deputy Anglo-Zionist)
4. Canada, Australia, NZ (Zionist control: 70-90%. Tag along Anglo-Zionists)
5. EU/NATO (Controlled and led by the Anglo-Zionists)

This war is, in my opinion, more significant than 9/11. That was a Anglo-Zionist declaration of war on Islam. Zionist control of the Anglo countries means that they plan and fight wars for the benefit of Israel, not their own interests. After spending 20 years and $10 trillion killing Muslims they've achieved zero benefit for themselves. Only Israel has benefitted with more land and security.

Russia with Putin in charge could not be controlled by the Jews. So he had to go. Because they can't do a color revolution in Russia they have to bring down its economy so that Russians will overthrow him themselves.

There can be absolutely no doubt that Russia was baited on purpose to invade Ukraine. Every time Russia said they will not invade, the Jewish comedian, Zelensky, would issue an even more outrageous statement, like joining NATO, arming Ukraine with nuclear weapons etc. His mission was to provoke an invasion and now it is to cause as much bloodshed as possible. Once the Russians take over he'll move to his true homeland and live in Tel Aviv.

If they fail to overthrow Putin then this can turn into a nightmare for the Anglos-Zionists. Killing Muslims was a turkey shoot. They could kill millions at their leisure and it was quite enjoyable. But now they may have to deal with a wounded and angry bear armed with continent destroying nuclear weapons.

Everything will now depend on Putin's overthrow. If it doesn't happen then Zion will be in for a rough ride.

Absolutely fantastic post Tamerlane!
Managed to find a very good central Ukraine:
View attachment 819366

Transmission is in Ukrainian & English - Audio file included for your listening pleasure:

That audio file is really creepy. ngl
Yes, I googled it and any Brits planning on going to Ukraine should be careful because Under section 4 of the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870, it is an offence for a British subject to enlist in the military of a foreign state at war with another foreign state with which the UK is at peace.

Since the UK and Russia are not at war, any citizens going to join UAF will be in trouble when they get back, but then again the press will romanticize it and spin it for public sheep to go "aww" and most likely the cases will never see the eyes of a judge. Because lets face it, western Jurisprudence is most malleable when it suits their interests.

The law is not for white people fighting for neo Nazis in Ukraine
At one hand our governments (India, Pak and others) supporting Russian invasion of Ukraine, on the other hand, expecting Ukrainians to support their students crossing into Europe...

Pakistan givenment is neutral
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