For the last 11 years at least aren't the people of Libya, Syria and Venezuela either trying to go back to their Socialist times or defend their Socialist societies ? Even the biased UNO has put in document that the Socialist system of war-torn Syria has better socio-economic facilities given to its citizens than South Asia including my own "Sixth largest economy in the world" India.
The decadence of Gaddafi is well known - hardly a socialist ideal. Assad's was not socialist either, both ran military dictatorships. And dictatorships can be very stable so yes some people want stability back.
But both examples prove that socialism is just a pretext for control as I said before.
Russian communism is no better - while the workers toiled, unimaginable wealth and power was concentrated in the hands of a few. This wealth now resides in the hands of a few oligarchs.
Russia's actions today are a return to conventional warfare that we thought the world had moved on from. While the West has been involved in almost every conflict - so has Russia.
Human history is littered with constant, unchecked warfare. The last few decades were as close to peace as the world has ever been - but the 'good guys' of socialism and theocracy will take us back to the old world again I'm afraid.
And please don't compare life in India with others. India is a 1.3b person, poor, undereducated, overpopulated, communal, multi ethnic, multi religious mess. It's not capitalism or democracies doing.
if India was socialist you would need to wipe out all religions for starters. Put child birth restrictions in place. And most painfully of all you would have to trust other Indians to administer your wealth. Does that sound like a recipe for success to you?