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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Not related to this war but your postings of these radio listenings reminds me of when I would listen on shortwave to Radio Netherlands, BBC World Service and occasionally Radio France International, and on FM to Vividh Bharti ( All India Radio ). For a few years Radio Netherlands would seen me bi-monthly booklets about forthcoming programs and more info about current programs.
Yes, its a shame more people don't consider scanning MW/CW frequencies as part of OSINT. I was taught how to use a HAM radio at a very early age by my grand uncle and have maintained that skill since, I too remember BBC World Service, they would broadcast lessons on Astronomy from the Open University every Sunday by Patrick Moore. :-).

Radio is truly the grandfather of the modern "cyberspace".
LOL... Are you the immature children? I guess must be supernatural power help PLA defeat US and India in 1953 and 1962 warfare. You comment just show u are a shallow frog living in your own well.
Go tell Xi Jinping to start a war with USA right now. I'm waiting for him. If your master can't prove himself, then the result is China is still weak. I'm actually looking forward to Xi Jinping declare war with USA.
There are reports of heroic sacrifices of Ukranian soldiers in some locations.

Russian forces were attempting to cross Henichesky Bridge and there was no time to detonate it remotely. Ukranian soldier Vitaly Skakun took this matter into his own hands, blew up the bridge and sacrificed his life in the process.

Salute to this brave soul.
Go tell Xi Jinping to start a war with USA right now. I'm waiting for him. If your master can't prove himself, then the result is China is still weak. I'm actually looking forward to Xi Jinping declare war with USA.
US recognized PRC only. US respect one China policy and never establish official ties with Taiwan. Why would China need to start war with USA? USA already failed in Ukraine. You must be very upset and emotional unstable. Taiwan will share the same fate like Ukraine. US no balls to fight China.

It is you who need to prove US has the balls to take on PRC China.
I too remember BBC World Service, they would broadcast lessons on Astronomy from the Open University every Sunday by Patrick Moore. :-).

I stopped listening in 2010 mainly because my two-in-one could no longer be operable so you must have been listening to that program after that year. Also, I simply was sad at the amount of lies BBC was saying. Yet I fondly remember the late Charlie Gillet's world music program, a business program among others.

Radio is truly the grandfather of the modern "cyberspace".

You can ask the admin to check the IP addresses. No need to crybaby about clone accounts.
He will check and you ready to get ban for multiple account with propaganda purpose.
China is clueless about warfare fighting. Never fight a real war let alone talking about warfare strategy. All you're good at is killing your own people who are unarmed. Wait until someone shoot back at you then you will learn. This war talk is for adult, not for immature children. :disagree:

I dunno man. China beat the US coalition in Korea. US coalition took the entire country of Korea. China entered the Korean war. Fought against a much more technologically advanced coalition of forces to the highest life exchange rate ever experienced by US after WW2 and to this day the US never lost so many soldiers, and fought them back to the midway line where the US was first to ask for a ceasefire in the Korean war and for both sides to pause at this line.

That's not clueless about warfighting. Korea is the forgotten war because it's hard to remember how such a poor backwards and undeveloped nation that just came out of revolution and civil war along with wars of invasion could fight so well.
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As a new day begins in mainland Europe, several NATO aircraft can be seen in the skies of countries neighboring Ukraine.
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