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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ofcourse this is true.

The US is trillions of dollars in debt and on top they are running a budget deficit. Meaning they don't have the money to balance their books. Let alone pay Ukraine's war expenditure.
You are clueless. the US never runs out of money if they need money they just print the money. Same for most countries in the world. UK, Japan, Vietnam China, India, Pakistan, you name it. Even Russia. If Putin wants to pay his fighting soldiers in Ukraine he prints rubles.
What “white” trash? What has a war with do with skin color? You begin to speak like a racist.
Look, if your are going to be that
You are clueless. the US never runs out of money if they need money they just print the money. Same for most countries in the world. UK, Japan, Vietnam China, India, Pakistan, you name it. Even Russia. If Putin wants to pay his fighting soldiers in Ukraine he prints rubles.
Vietnamese dong is result of Printing press, if you don't know that, then you are clueless.
Putin wearing a vest.

As of now, Ukraine really needs not the talk about hundreds of units of Western weapons, but thousands to break the wave.

Even with lend lease signed, there are physical limits to how many weapons US can bring to Europe. And it will still be an absolutely massive logistic operation, with rail from Poland having to work non-stop.

The easiest way would be to just give US army equipment in Europe to Ukraine, and replace it later from CONUS.

Aviation is desperately needed, but well, pilots will have to be trained in an extreme hurry.

Bayraktars ran out of ammo, and Turkey has since stopped sending new missiles after shipping 2 reloads. They seem to have ran out of stock themselves, and now there is talk of getting Azerbaijan sending part of its ammo stocks. Bayraktar was the thing which held Russian artillery at bay in first weeks of the war, but can't now because no ammo.

Antiradiation weapons are a need of the day to let Ukrainian manned aircraft fly above MANPADs ceiling

TBMs, and MRBMs are required to go after big fat targets like HQs, and bridges
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You think EU has the choice? You are deluding yourself. If they have a choice , the question wouldn't even ask plus they have a big partner called China.
The new generation of Siemens nuclear turbines has a 60% efficiency vs. 35% for the previous one... Guess why EDF takes profit from the early summer and has put half of the reactors of their 58 NPPs in maintenance...
It'd also be a wonderful opportunity to reintroduce our wonderful fast-breeder : thanks to reality, utopian ecologists will have serious issues mobilizing public opinion against something making the nuclear a renewable energy :



Then, many in the EU have a moratorium on fracking, or are limiting the green lights to drill to very small numbers due to... ecologist pressure... EU has gigantic shale basins.

The Common Agricultural Policy has been dramatically been slowed down due to an overproduction that drove the goods at costs so law that agriculture was losing gigantic money
Such areas like the Beauce have been partly made fallows

And there are other things that are growing damn fast in our agricultural areas too (against opposed by hardcore ecologists :lol: )

EU could perfectly not have looked at what was happening in Ukraine...
Just think about the 2008 crisis, it hit the world by storm, right? It was just a slow down in the EU...
Putin thought the EU was weak and would let him do, actually, the reaction is less noisy but in fact harsher than the US/UK one
Ofcourse this is true.

The US is trillions of dollars in debt and on top they are running a budget deficit. Meaning they don't have the money to balance their books. Let alone pay Ukraine's war expenditure.
ever heard about negative interest rates?
BTW, PRC has very very serious debts in the trillions of dollars too:pleasantry:
Videos depicting the liberation of Mariupol from the Nazi battalion Azov and the other Ukrainian forces

You meant naZis liberating Mariupol from the troops of Jew Zelinskiy I suppose... because...



Meet with Wagner PMC :
Russian neo-Nazis in the ranks of Wagner PMC
Death of a mercenary unveils the neo-Nazi roots of Wagner

Wagner PMC leader Dmotry Utkin has funny tattoos...


Russian "Orthodox" church : 100% naZi, 0% Christian : calls for genocide, baptizes even nuclear weapons. The "patriarch" is an ex-KGB and Putler's buddy...


Rehearsal of May 9th, 2022 Parade St. Petersburg has a 4th Reich smell
As of now, Ukraine really needs not the talk about hundreds of units of Western weapons, but thousands to break the wave.

Even with lend lease signed, there are physical limits to how many weapons US can bring to Europe. And it will still be an absolutely massive logistic operation, with rail from Poland having to work non-stop.

The easiest way would be to just give US army equipment in Europe to Ukraine, and replace it later from CONUS.

Aviation is desperately needed, but well, pilots will have to be trained in an extreme hurry.

Bayraktars ran out of ammo, and Turkey has since stopped sending new missiles after shipping 2 reloads. They seem to have ran out of stock themselves, and now there is talk of getting Azerbaijan sending part of its ammo stocks. Bayraktar was the thing which held Russian artillery at bay in first weeks of the war, but can't now because no ammo.

Antiradiation weapons are a need of the day to let Ukrainian manned aircraft fly above MANPADs ceiling

TBMs, and MRBMs are required to go after big fat targets like HQs, and bridges
Actually, the situation in the East is going Ukrainian way.

Right now the only offensive Russian are doing is toward Severodonetsk, which means the 2 axis(es) we have been talking about since like 2 weeks ago. Izyum axis and Donetsk axis. The problem is, they are having supply issue with Izyum and Donetsk front would take weeks if not months of reconstruction before they can be move on as a combat force, that is if they have enough men to do so after 80 days in Mariupol. At this current rate, the Russian offensive is stalled on this and the realistic goal (for now) for the Russian is to simply take Severodonetsk, but then they are running into the same problem they have been facing in Kyiv, stiff resistance and supply problem, also, for the Russian to be able to encircle Severodonetsk, you would need to cross the Don river. Which is harder to do than when they are in Kyiv.

My appraisal of the situation is, either the Russia will fail in severodonetsk or they will take severodonetsk but will blunt their Eastern Advance, there are no way Russia can change the matrix unless they are able to raise more troop, and that is the problem here, conventional estimation suggested they have used up 50-70% reserve in this, they still need them to defend Russia, which mean they are going to have manpower issue in the coming months.

Another thing we can see from the recent Russian Assault is that they are small unit action, company size force break out of Popasna trying to link up with the force in Severodonetsk. That tell me two things.

1.) Russia is not willing or not able to risk majority manpower to do this.
2.) Russia is having unit cohesion issue

Most of the last 2 weeks were Ukrainian trading space with time, that probably lead to Russian using smaller scale attack so not to lost a bulk of their combat power on this delay action. Which I can say Ukrainian is doing it job at least for now.

But if you are talking about a general Ukrainian counter offensive, then yes, they will need thousand of heavies and an airforce.
Seems that the Orcs screwed another attempt to cross the Donetsk with pontons yesterday
seems that Telegram urls are rejected, Replace the **** by tDOTme

US been spending up to $2B per week on Afghanistan only, during most hot months.

It actually been spending more past the first years, when all direct firefights have ended.
but guess whats common in both war situations? - US WASTED ITS MONEY. stop being foolish, US govt actually knows Ukraine cant win, thats probably whoy the US defense secretary asked Shoigu for a ceasefire. why? Cuz Ukrainian military ground forces and azov nazis are turning into minced meat in eastern Ukraine.

US currency was stable in the Afghanistan war, its not stable during this Ukraine war, times are different, US govt is also increasing domestic spending drastically now...more debt but for what exactly?? smh
NATO is a defensive alliance, haven’t you heard?
It has been in the news for months that Russia has stopped production of tanks because they cannot get hold of western electronic components.
so how does the war Russia is prosecuting CONTINUE????? these are half stories you're telling...lol...

in your logic, Russia having supply chains issues = Russia cant produce any military equipment, in times of war.

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