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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Somehow it's the British who are obsessed with Russia. The Germans don't want sanctions and the French tried to mediate with the Russians to find a solution. So who wants war? The Americans,the British and some of the countries that border Russia.
Very well observed.

Even Zelensky played down the war rhetoric that was being trumpeted by Boris and Biden. Macron took the pains of meeting Putin and Scholz vetoed banning Russia from SWIFT. This clearly indicates that collectively, MOST Europeans do not want a war with Russia but want to maintain normal, commercial ties.

Only Poland & Czechia, with their deep distrust of European powers, are blindly backing the US due to their troubled history with the Russians.

It almost seems like the UK wants to destroy the EU after having left the Union themselves. And by joining the American-led Anglosphere, it is leaving no stones turned to ensure that German and French voices weaken to a whisper, while appearing as the bigger power towards which other European nations gravitate.

Shrewd politics. There's a reason why London had the largest colonial empire in the world.

I sympathize with the Ukrainians too, but it wasn't wise of them to poke the bear. And I mean that literally.

Starting from 2014, Ukraine has become increasingly anti-Russia. And not just anti-Russia as in against Russia, but anti-Russian in a ultra-nationalist sense. Even Ukrainians that spoke Russian or were of Russian origin were attacked and targeted. They brought this on themselves when they rioted and overthrew their government in 2014, when only few months later a new presidential election was due. And they relied too much on the false promises of NATO. So, although I do sympathize with Ukraine because its sovereignty is being violated by a military power, but I cannot blame Russia for this either.

Both Zelenskyy and the pro-Western oligarchs have overplayed their hand since Euromaidan.

NATO/West was never coming to Ukraine's rescue. Same goes for India vs China.

Ukraine have lost Crimea, DPR and LPR and is fighting the war alone.

All this for what? Sanctions and condemnations?

They/them in NATO should locate their balls.

Wow - India trying to bypass Western sanctions

Simply re-hashing an old mechanism that we used since USSR's time. India only accepts UNSC sanctions as per our policy, not individual countries' sanctions.

While we have full sympathies for the suffering of common Ukrainians, they should be bashing their idiotic President who provoked Russia by opening clamouring to join NATO and triggering this war.
Heavy fighting in Kiev right now. Very little news being reported because it’s night time. And the city is in a bit of panic.
It wasnt like Sweden and Finland didnt want to become NATO members in the past either you know? But fear of Soviet hostility made them go for neutrality. Of course that changed when soviet power collapsed.

If the consequnece of Finnish and Swedish NATO aspiration is what what see in Ukraine today, then that is not what i wish for my scandinavian brotherly nations.
Too late. What you want is irrelevant, and I say that kindly. What Putin did, is relevant.

Like I said earlier about the re-release of the Budapest Agreement of 1994, everyone will see that either NATO membership or non-membership is irrelevant. As long as Russia even PERCEIVE that your country is a threat or that your country was once a Soviet satellite and must return to the Russian fold, your country will be a target. Ukraine returned 1700 nuclear warheads to Russia and got invaded. Not because of any potential NATO membership but because Putin want his name attached to the re-glorification of Russia as an empire. Unfortunately, that NATO membership talk just gave Putin a convenient cover. But that cover is unraveling. Even your fellow Scandinavians acknowledged that.
To summarize: India to USA and EU.......we are only your strategic partners when we need something. A rules based order only applies to the "Indo-Pacific". :lol:

As if they came to us the moment we asked for them.

They have remained neutral in our disagreements with China. The only reason they came to the APAC region is because of Taiwan, Japan and the recent spate of diplomatic wars between Australia and China.

I don't understand what makes most Pakistani members here assume that we are in the NATO (or any other) bandwagon just because of cordial agreements with Western countries.

One does not have to hate someone in order to appreciate or align with someone else, you know.
How about we don't bring the propaganda memes here? I would be grateful if we do not consume our internet packages for nothing. :)

I have already full of captive videos taken by Ukraine, the commanders addressing the Russian peoples, and of course, lots lots of similar memes(from both sides) on my social media feed.
Even Zelensky played down the war rhetoric that was being trumpeted by Boris and Biden. Macron took the pains of meeting Putin and Scholz vetoed banning Russia from SWIFT. This clearly indicates that collectively, MOST Europeans do not want a war with Russia but want to maintain normal, commercial ties.
And not just that. Some European countries need the gas,others simply don't want to fight because there are afraid of Russia and others are simply not hostile to Russia. Like the Hungarians,Slovaks,Greece and Bulgaria. Some others have a hatred for Russia because of the Soviet era,like Estonia and a lot of Poles too. But I doubt Poland wants war. Especially when they have Kaliningrad next to them and the Germans are not willing to help them much. And it's the British who are on on the other side of Europe who want to send forces and fight.
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