If you say I am an immigrant in goraland. Then I say you are also immigrants who's ancestors stole this land from brown Native Americans. Either with lies/deceit or outright slaughter.
I say to you if you don't like me practicing my constitutional rights to point out the hypocrisy. Then what will you say about those who protested against US imperial/colonial design in Vietnam? What will you say to the Freedom Riders and Civil rights activists?? Who protested against the "My best friend is black" hypocrisy?
Let me tell you a story. A Sikh man(beard, turban Sardar G) was sitting in a park in Southall, London. A white supremacist skullhead came up to him and said "why are you even in our country"??
The Sardari G replied "We are here because you were there". Referring to British colonisation of Indian subcontinent. And the subsequent murder, deceit and pillaging of resources that ensued at hands of Gora British in India. There are countless massacres committed by British taught in Indian and Pakistani history classes. We all remember the famine orchestrated by Churchill who proclaimed the White people as "superior race". British Indian troops used as literal cannon fodder but never mentioned in Gung Ho "Band of Brothers" or "Dunkirk" etc
And what about the Gora Britain unfair partioning of MENA according to their whims and fetish for geometry. Without regard for linguistic, ethnic or cultural or tribal differences. That have left nothing but unresolved conflicts in their wake? Palestine, Kashmir and Kurds sandwiched between big examples of this.
Similarly how many nations has America destroyed in the last two decades alone? How many families? How many individual lives? How many puppets/cronies/ they had to take in?? Those they themselves propped up to fight one Boogeyman or another? How many legit refugees US had to take in just because of this mad pillaging?
Only few months ago we have seen the Afghan refugee episode where US struggled to find 3rd countries or old derelict bases to dump the Afghans "translators".
Also notice the Latin Americans who are sick and tired of systematic exploitation at hands of US installed dictators, autocrats and mafias/cartels and are simply saying enough is enough and lining up at US borders.
The point is summarized by this video of Altaf Bhai(MI6 asset):
When you go in, destroy nations, steal natural resources and do all of that on pretext that you're some guardian angel. It will eventually come back to haunt you. And I'm sorry to say people like me would do a disservice to humanity to not speak up.
Same thing you've done to Russians. Even though they were defeated, willing to cooperate and assimilate into the new Emerging European or Western bloc. You still treated them with humiliation, a vanquished enemy in face of whom Western power must boast. Eventually putting them in a corner where they lashed out in the end.
Now you've stooped low to ban cats, dystyovsky, chess players, athletes, bullying ethnic Russian school children, painting russian shops with RUS like the star of David for jews in Nazi Germany.
And begging the very people you tried to assassinate with small drones or hire PMC to carry out regime change. Or beg from people you have painted as vicious animals.
Where does this stop? You have gobbled up vast majority of world's resources. Creating so much disparity. To the point people are literally giving up and lining up your door.
The non white world is sick and tired of wars started by you with all the usual catch phrases(lies) like freedom, democracy and liberation etc. Something which I aptly have labelled Captain America-ism.