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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Again, it's a complex issue, as I said you have to physically lose something to have lost a war. I mean, what if Taliban did not control Afghanistan and Ghani still in charge but moved the country to China once we left? Does that mean we lost again? How about what if US work with Taliban and release the funding and prevent them from further harbor terrorist, does that mean we had won even Taliban is back?

I can tell you this, either one of these scenarios mean nothing to the US, because that's Afghanistan affair. Unless we want to annex Afghanistan and make it to our affair.

And why you are so keen on NATO lost anyway? Do you think life is really better under Taliban control?
You don't have to defend and or keep on reminding the obvious. There are dozens of posts from same 2 or 3 speakers that humiliation of Putin should be offset by evil colonial past, or rejoice in a past possible defeat.

Neither one is going to change the outcome of whats taking place and the pathetic manner it has been executed by a near superpower. They should have the common sense to start a new thread and thrash every NATO country or colonial power or US misguided adventures. For some reason these distractors that are out of justification for Putin's incompetence get some satisfaction out of changing the subject. They know to put that on this thread because they will get responses.
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Authoritative source pls and I am keen to understand when this happened other than your random imagination. Putin would have been too proud to be part of EU.

And even if he attempted, the political governance requirements are to stringent to have been accepted. Thats why the process with Turkey never went forward. And even those that are in it (Hungary) have to continue to undertake political reforms to get more of the EU recovery funds
Russia wanted to join EU and was not accepted.
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Russia wanted to join EU and was not accepted.
Why would Putin want to join EU?
EU requirements are division of powers, rule of laws, etc. it’s a long list.
you seriously think Putin will ever accept these conditions?
No way, he wants to rule Russia like his car garage.
Trump is only a mouth piece of the Pentagon, Israel and the Republican party.
You’re an idiot

The whole of the strategy of Russia is to not destroy Ukraine, it is to destroy the EU economically and politically. Ukraine is for desert. The main meal is to destroy the euro and EU for Russia.

natural gas is one of the main means of trump/putin war against a multipolar world that includes the EU and once included China. Trump, Putin and Pompeo want a unipolar world of US/UK/Fr/puppet Rus and to destroy the EU and rise of a successful economy and strong military in Europe.

Russia is capable of knocking out Ukraine, yet has not fully mobilized. The goal thus far has been to draw the EU into sanctions and hyperinflation warfare that Putin, Trump, British royals, Le Pen and other UK-US-Fr-Rus trolls want to achieve.

This was the Trump goal for the past 6 years:

Destroy the EU and China.

Trump and Putin are exposed as partners in crime to stop a multiploar world. Trump was supposed to wipe out China to stop a multipolar world. And Putin is to wipe out the EU to stop a multipolar world. The British and Americans only want Entente of UK, US, Fr and Ruzzia with Israel to rule the globe. Putin and Trump are the tools to stop freedom in the globe. And the Iranians and Chinese fell for the Trump plan. Communist Chinese and Theocratic Iranians are as dangerous as the MAGA crowd. In their support of Trump/Putin, they are the MAGA crowd. Only fools believe Trump hates the British royals. Only fools believe Putin hates Trump. These three are on the same team. And the Communist Chinese are blind to this in trying to destroy the EU with Putin.

Have you ever heard that the cia were kicked out of the Kremlin.

The Chabad is a cia linked group.

The Russian mafia is cia linked.

The Putin Russian Oligarchs are neck deep into the Western Oligarch circles.

Ask the Iranians and others around the globe who know Trump is evil whether Trump is the zionist cia or fighting against the zionists. Yet are too revengeful to figure out Trump hates NATO Europe.

Putin and buddy Trump wanted to destroy NATO Europe. For a unipolar global disorder led by Washington.

Trump throughout the 4 years in the white house predicted this and warned Europe of Russia because Trump foreknew what partner in crime Putin would do to the EU. Trump ego spilled the beans and it is easy to realize that Putin and Trump are in on it together to destroy Europe.

CBS anchorman Jeff Glor had asked the president who he thought was the nation’s “biggest competitor” or “biggest foe.” Trump named the E.U. first.

Gales of stupid laughter in 5, 4, 3,...
All fake news, nice try
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Referendums are being held on 23-27 September, in LPR, DPR, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia, for their inclusion in Russia.
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Russia is going for full mobilisation and "war". At least the pretence of the Special operation is over. If you are between 18 and 35 - then you are going to Ukraine for Putin.

Russia has lost so much equipment that all they can do now is "throw" people at the problem.
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No that means you won. your puppet run the show.

this means you lost becasue they are back in power and you failed to remove them,

I'm keen on it because it's the truth. I do not think life is better under Taliban.
How hard is it for you to understand US cannot dictate term with Afghan as much as Russia cannot dictate term with Ukraine. If Ukraine want to be Pro-West, same as Taliban, Ghani Government and the US.

And one final time, because I am not going to be replying to you on this issue again. You cannot lose anything you never had. Afghan government is Afghan government, what they want to do is what they want to do, they want to do a runner instead of fighting for its own people is their choice, US never wanted to annex Afghanistan, and it certainly is not installing any puppet regime, because there is nothing to be had in Afghanistan. And if Afghan does not want to help themselves, nobody, including the American, can help them.

And if US walk away after 20 years of trying to help, that show you how shit is the situation in Afghanistan. If anything, that is the thing people should focus on, Not who won what where, or do you think there is a winner in this whole god damn situation?? US spend 2 trillion dollars prop up a regime for nothing just for it to felt back to the Taliban, Taliban spend 20 years in a cave and now still can't hold the government together and moving from 1 war to another., people of Afghanistan don't have enough food and money and have to sell their children. Tell me, do anyone really win anything from this? And that's the truth.

Now, can we just go back to Ukraine?
Russia is going for full mobilisation and "war". At least the pretence of the Special operation is over. If you are between 18 and 35 - then you are going to Ukraine for Putin.

Russia has lost so much equipment that all they can do now is "throw" people at the problem.

Also, Russia is deploying war economy. All military hardware factories will be on full capacity after declaration of state of war.
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