As expected more insults.
Let me guess almighty merkel and Germanys reliance on cheap Russian gas share no blame

Worst chancellor in modern times, but but trump and maga right?
No merkel was incompetent and naive.
But allies can make mistakes. And europe is now reaching the 2% budget as requested.
Fact remains USA influence in europe and russia has been heavy.
Fact remains USA vowed to be an ally and proclaimed itself as “arsenal of democracy”
You seem to have some mental block what an utter betrayal it is then to say “not my problem, bye bye, good luck against putin”.
Its literally throwing your allies under the bus in a swift 180 turn.
I keep explaining this simple fact but you refuse to let it sink in.
Btw those tax cuts worked wonders best economy went to one of the worst by enacting democratic policies. But please tell me what cnn/bbc has been parroting.
Please read up on multiple economic studies and sources about how “tricke down economics” is FAR from the best way to boost the middle class economy?
The bottom 50% of the world holds 2% of wealth, while the top 10% holds 76%, according to a huge data set that leading economists compiled for years.
they are holding out a “tricke down!” carrot in front of your nose like your a donkey.
You will get crumbs while they break your back but you keep happily chasing after that carrot.
wake up man. Tax cuts for super rich benefits the rich foremost. You are being played by years and years of propaganda to act against your own interest.
And please don’t blame America for Europe’s lack of a defense industry, they can’t even build a plane any longer without a multinational consortium
American military industry complex does not want true competition.
They want europe to buy american weapons instead.
They make sure this happens by heavy lobbying, bribery, political pressure.
Europe is at fault too. It is not a black and white matter which seems to dominate your simplistic thinking