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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

which is under control of Russia or not usable because of war
Russia already lost 50% of its conquered territory and we are at start of new ukranian counter-attack.

The dam break on other hand will have effects lasting decades.
You know this. You are just being deliberately obtuse
once they advance, that is spending the money you don't have

Almost all analysts expect some territory gains this counter offensive.
Zelenski especially wants to push to regain territory.

Now How much sense it then make to destroy this agriculture for 10-20 years at the start of the offensive? The same land you hope to regain?

Again. When its convenient for you you are extremely critical about logic, motives….when not…you lose all that critical thought and its back to robotically finding excuses to defend the agressor.

you guys problem , everything west do must be good , anything east do must be bad . intrestingly its western armies that still occupy part of eastern countries not the other way around , i see no condemnation from you guys
Finger pointing again.
West is one of the most self critical of all the mayor geopolitical blocs.

Giving me this hot air on a thread about russia (east) invading ukraine (westwards).
double use infrastructuren whathitcivillians is actually the air defence , now go and draw somo more picture about the number of intercepting
Russian news anchors were openly calling for freezing the ukranians into submission?
What dual purpose?

Keep on cheering for that.

Also Somehow ukranians have to pay for USA and Israels deeds (dual purpose use targets)??

commpletely irrelevant and oftopic if you are intrested discussing itgo to one of the several relevant thread on this forum about his and there are many who are interested to discus it with you

Irrelevant? It shows everyone why you side with the agressor russia.

It is because you do not even blink when iranian women get murdered by the religious police.
And why you are at ease with bucha and russia flattening ukranian cities.
As long as it is inconvenient for USA all is well.
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Why Kasachstan buying from the EU so many washing machines, much more than ever before?

Ein mit Plündergut beladener russischer Panzer fährt durch die im vergangenen Monat eroberte Stadt Popasna im Osten der Ukraine.

Alexander Ermochenko / Reuters

Those upgraded Ka-52 helis are more active than ever before. They're rainings death on the Ukrainian armor. They're launching their guided anti-armor weapons at least 8KMa away, way out of the manpads' reach, and sending those Ukrainian APCs and tanks to a permanent retirement. 👇

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So was the ukrainian Nazi war criminal Budanov at least partly denazified by the missile strike against the GUR bunker in Kiev or not? Where is he?? Supermegabusy like Zalushny, managing the mother of all offensives or in coma in a hospital in Berlin?

So was the ukrainian Nazi war criminal Budanov at least partly denazified by the missile strike against the GUR bunker in Kiev or not? Where is he?? Supermegabusy like Zalushny, managing the mother of all offensives or in coma in a hospital in Berlin?

View attachment 934817
No wonder you are asking in a forum. Chances are someone here has better intel than Russia. Not a single satellite image provided as proof of any claims yet.
The West give the Ukrainian forces 2 weeks of a crash course, 1 month of training, declare them combat-ready, and then send them to the killing fields in the Donbas and in Southern Ukraine. That is insane and criminal.

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Lmao, a once wanted criminal quoting a rapist, making really dumbass comparisons.

Ukraine isn't a super power, it has never been a super power. Of course they're taking casualties.

If it was the US against Russia, Moscow would be under US management by now.

And pro-Russians consider this legitimate.

Lmao, a once wanted criminal quoting a rapist, making really dumbass comparisons.

Ukraine isn't a super power, it has never been a super power. Of course they're taking casualties.

If it was the US against Russia, Moscow would be under US management by now.

And pro-Russians consider this legitimate.


Ah, you don't like the message, so you attacked the messenger! Who knows what skeletons you have in your closet? Scott Ritter was intervened by Judge Napolitano who served as a New Jersey Superior Court judge from 1987 to 1995. He is an American syndicated columnist whose work appears in numerous publications, including The Washington Times and Reason. He was an analyst for Fox News, commenting on legal news and trials.

Now, if someone like Judge Napolitano asked for the professional opinion of Scott Ritter, a former marine and the UN's Weapons Inspector, who are you to question his credentials? You're just a nobody in his mom's basement who probably can't manage to pay for an apartment of his own. Stop thinking so highly of yourself when you're basically just a character behind a screen, chatting shit as usual.
West is one of the most self critical of all the mayor geopolitical blocs.
And i am Donald Duck. Really, imagine, believing this ridiculous nonsense. :D

But what can you expect, from a self proclaimed western Herrenmensch?
Russian Empire -->Russian Soviet Empire --> Russian Empire.

=Anglos butthurt. :D

And i am Donald Duck. Really, imagine, believing this ridiculous nonsense. :D

But what can you expect, from a self proclaimed western Herrenmensch?
Yes really

So…how about east pakistan and mughal genocidal history?
In other words, the Clown of Kiev is a fake. A Zionist kunt hell bent on getting us to WW3 for the benefit of his masters in Tel Aviv.

@NotSure - These people have a PHD in deception. They control the money supply as well as the mass media apparatus.
Don't even get me started on the NATO bootpolisher on this forum...lol.
This is what you have resorted to: when your side can't win, you are now using abusive language. While your assertions are hallucinating fantasies, you have good nuggets of information. But now your frustration is showing on a superpower you support not winning.

If there are NATO bootpolishers, does that then make you a Putin Bootlicker? Why are only NATO supporters boot anything but Putin lovers are just awesome?

Ah, you don't like the message, so you attacked the messenger! Who knows what skeletons you have in your closet? Scott Ritter was intervened by Judge Napolitano who served as a New Jersey Superior Court judge from 1987 to 1995. He is an American syndicated columnist whose work appears in numerous publications, including The Washington Times and Reason. He was an analyst for Fox News, commenting on legal news and trials.

Now, if someone like Judge Napolitano asked for the professional opinion of Scott Ritter, a former marine and the UN's Weapons Inspector, who are you to question his credentials? You're just a nobody in his mom's basement who probably can't manage to pay for an apartment of his own. Stop thinking so highly of yourself when you're basically just a character behind a screen, chatting shit as usual.
3 people giving an opinion (that western society gladly allows to express without going to prison) is not an indication of the 'west believes', which is how their narrative is typically fronted as if these 3 are making a policy pronouncement.

Now I am sure if in Russia, people were allowed to speak without fear of imprisonment (15 years penalty for speaking against the military) then I can guarantee you MORE than 3 will pop up criticizing the incompetence of their Govt

The so-called "counteroffensive" is turning out to be a massacre against the Ukrainian armor. Yippee!!

Massacre? If Ukraine has let its capital absorb cruise missiles and keeps fighting whats a few pieces of armor. Massacre was the column of 100s of tanks that were on way to Kiev that got destroyed or turned around. If you are going to use hyperbolic language, lets use it there. Many towns are burnt to the ground, this is what will happen and the cost of continuing to fight. Nobody is going to win land back sitting in a bridal dress typing on this forum okay?
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The West give the Ukrainian forces 2 weeks of a crash course, 1 month of training, declare them combat-ready, and then send them to the killing fields in the Donbas and in Southern Ukraine. That is insane and criminal.

Stop quoting low iq idiot Scott Ritter
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