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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

1. Learn to read.
2. I heard this nonsense surely before you. Even the most obscure conspiracy theory about the 911 is more likely than this propaganda. The question alone from a murican NPC to a half Russian half German is more than rediculous. What's next? You will try to teach your father how to f*ck?
Way to defend your argument, you’re a joke 👍🏿
Well, I have friend in Russia about to eat potatoes to live by, stuff has gone up around 30% before the war and portion amazingly had gone down, he said they are start selling 900ml and 400ml milk now, instead of the 1 litre and 2 litres we are accustomed to in the West (Or 1 Gallon for those who live in the US). Yet it is still more expensive than it was before.

People need to get slap around sometime to see the truth. I mean EU is blind to let Russia run wild like they did for over a decade, Russian probably need to do the same.
Being poor is sad. But no comparison between Germany and Russia. Russia minimum wage is 123 euros per month, Germany 1,500 euros. Russians can live on potatoes, Germans? No way.
Putin is just a dumb ex spy. He cares little to nothing of common population. Also, sad, many in Germany fell on Putin’s peaceful rise shit.
Being poor is sad. But no comparison between Germany and Russia. Russia minimum wage is 123 euros per month, Germany 1,500 euros. Russians can live on potatoes, Germans? No way.
Putin is just a dumb ex spy. He cares little to nothing of common population. Also, sad, many in Germany fell on Putin’s peaceful rise shit.

Apples and oranges. Russia don't use euro. EU don't use ruble. Compare by PPP basket of goods.

Darya Dugina: Daughter of Putin ally killed in Moscow bomb - report


The daughter of a close ally to Russia's President Vladimir Putin has reportedly been killed near Moscow.

According to state media, Darya Dugina died after her car exploded in flames while she was driving home.
It is thought that her father, the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin who is known as "Putin's brain," may have been the intended target of the attack.

Mr Dugin is a prominent ultra-nationalist ideologue who is believed to be close to the Russian president.
According to Russian media outlet 112, the pair were due to travel back from an event on Saturday evening in the same car before Mr Dugin made the decision to travel separately from his daughter at the last minute.
Unverified footage posted on Telegram appears to show Mr Dugin watching in shock as emergency services arrive at the scene of the burning wreck of a vehicle.

The BBC has not been able to verify the footage independently.
Law enforcement agencies confirmed to Tass news agency that a female driver died when an SUV exploded in the village of Bolshiye Vyazemy, but provided no further details.

There has been no official comment from Russian authorities so far.

Despite not holding an official position in government, Ms Dugina's father is a close ally of the Russian president and has even been branded "Putin's Rasputin".

The philosopher's daughter, Darya Dugina, was herself a prominent journalist who vocally supported the invasion of Ukraine.

Earlier this year she was sanctioned by US and UK authorities, who accused the 30-year-old of contributing to online "disinformation" in relation to Russia's invasion.

In May, she described the war as a "clash of civilisations" in an interview and expressed pride in the fact that both she and her father had been sanctioned by the West.

Alexander Dugin was sanctioned by the US in 2015 for his alleged involvement in the Russian annexation of Crimea.

His writings are credited with having a deep influence on Vladimir Putin's worldview and he is considered to be a chief intellectual architect of the ultra-nationalist ideology adhered to by many in the Kremlin.

For years, Mr Dugin has called on Moscow to assert itself more aggressively on the global stage and has supported Russian military action in Ukraine.

These are the real nazis….

Still sad to see the daughter getting involved in what clearly was an attempted attack on Dugin.

The 3 days special operation is starting to leak into russia though….
These are the real nazis….

Still sad to see the daughter getting involved in what clearly was an attempted attack on Dugin.

The 3 days special operation is starting to leak into russia though….

Nationalists. Ukrainians are also very nationalistic and resentful of Russians. It goes both ways. The sword cuts both sides. Hate begets hate.

In China we have an old saying. ku hai wu bian, hui tou shi an. The bitter sea has no edge. Turn your head around and there is the shore. The only way to stop war is to stop hate. That is why, even though Japanese did unspeakable war crimes in China, Chinese do not hate Japanese.
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Apples and oranges. Russia don't use euro. EU don't use ruble. Compare by PPP basket of goods.
What’s the real value of rubble? Can Putin give common Russians more potatoes to eat. Russian men die early before reaching 65y. they can’t enjoy retirement. Russia economy is in a dead spiral it will shrink by 15 percent this year. 6 months into the war Putin has destroyed everything Russia built in 30 years. He cuts off Russia from the US, Europe. 1k foreign companies left. Foreign investments, technology, expertise: all forever gone.

Russian ships can’t sail, planes can’t fly. What’s Putin’s endgame?
Ending as chinese colony?

Billions dollars in extra earning in oil and gas won’t save Russia future. All temporary.
What’s the real value of rubble? Can Putin give common Russians more potatoes to eat. Russian men die early before reaching 65y. they can’t enjoy retirement. Russia economy is in a dead spiral it will shrink by 15 percent this year. 6 months into the war Putin has destroyed everything Russia built in 30 years. He cuts off Russia from the US, Europe.

Russia has more food than EU. EU imports food. Russia exports food. Without Russian food, EU's very densely populated countries will starve.
These are the real nazis….

Still sad to see the daughter getting involved in what clearly was an attempted attack on Dugin.

The 3 days special operation is starting to leak into russia though….
Nationalists. Ukrainians are also very nationalistic and resentful of Russians. It goes both ways. The sword cuts both sides. Hate begets hate.

In China we have an old saying. ku hai wu bian, hui tou shi an. The bitter sea has no edge. Turn your head around and there is the shore. The only way to stop war is to stop hate. That is why, even though Japanese did unspeakable war crimes in China, Chinese do not hate Japanese.

The man is blind supporter of a dictator , an enemy of free speech which he considers a " western values , and supports the expansion of Russia to neighboring countries.

Has nothing to do with being a nationalist.

"There are no more opponents of Putin's course and, if there are, they are mentally ill and need to be sent off for clinical examination. Putin is everywhere, Putin is everything, Putin is absolute, and Putin is indispensable"

"The Russian Renaissance can only stop by Kiev."

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Isnt their performance to do with their doctrine.
The word 'performance' implies a measurement against a standard. In this case, it is more Russia's military against its own standards and less against others'. That said, if you have certain war and combat doctrines, you should have training and equipment to perform against your doctrines. It is now six months and Russia is effectively stalled against/by a combatant force that under all paper specs, Russia should have created its own version of Desert Storm.

Unlike NATOs doctrine, isnt theirs mostly to do with denying the enemy air force the ability to use their air force against their ground troops.
Unlike? What do you think is US/NATO war doctrine? That was a rhetorical question.

Am US Air Force, and Time magazine has an article that meshes well with your question and this current Russia-Ukraine war, at least on the airpower side. I suggest you read the article slowly and carefully, as well as my responses to specific sections from that article.

Alexander Gorgan was lying in a three-foot-deep trench dug to defend a snow-covered village north of Kyiv in March, and Russian artillery shells were shattering the frozen ground on all sides. He could hear a platoon commander in a foxhole nearby shouting into the radio: “Can you strike back? Can you hit them? Can you cover us? Please give us cover. We need support. Cover us!” But there was nothing to hit back with.
Gorgan believes in God but at that moment, he wasn’t convinced God was going to save his life. “In that situation, there really has to be something tangible that can help you, and I thought about the A-10,” Gorgan told TIME. “I would be really lucky to hear the noise from his cannon.”​

At the highest level, the nth goal of airpower is to support ground forces because still, to win is to control the ground. Gorgan heard the desperate cry for support of any kind, but most desiring -- of airpower. It is not spoken over the radio but ask any soldier who have been in combat, attacks from the third dimension is the most terrifying or the most encouraging. US war doctrines have it that US ground forces will not be under enemy airpower and that has been so since the end of the Korean War. In Desert Storm, we secured Iraqi airspace before general Norman Schwarzkopf gave the order for allied ground forces to move.

...while the A-10 is well-designed to attack tanks, it is vulnerable in contested airspace like that over Ukraine, where Russian jets and anti-aircraft missiles remain active.​

My comments are not about the A-10 but the A-10 is the ideal symbol for what we are discussing.

Criticisms on the A-10, especially its vulnerability in contested airspace as how Ukraine is, seems to reasonable but is ultimately misguided. The A-10 is one instrument among many in US war doctrines regarding the use of airpower, which is to deny the enemy airspace and to send a unique tool to attack enemy ground forces. That unique tool is the A-10. We have other platforms to render contested airspaces -- ours. The F-15 and F-16 are designed primarily for air-air. The A-10 is designed primarily for air-ground, specifically, air-ground that are close to ground troops or 'close air support' (CAS). We do not want the A-10 to worry about enemy air superiority fighters. We want our ground troops to fight in 3D as enemy ground troops fight in 2D. Which do YOU think have greater odds of victory? Not theirs.

But why do we have such clear platform mission distinctions? BECAUSE WE CAN AFFORD IT. Not only that, once we designed and built platforms to suit our doctrines, we trained our forces to exploit those advantages. BECAUSE WE CAN AFFORD IT.

“The Ukrainians have surprised us, surprised everyone, with how innovative they can be,” says former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, who has known Gorgan for more than 15 years.​

The 'everyone' here includes the Russians. Make no mistake about that. But willpower and innovation can only go so far. No matter how much individual US airmen helped the Ukrainians, without the actual hardware, the Ukrainians will lose. Except they did not. Instead, absent US hardware, the Ukrainians managed to take advantage of Russian military shortcomings, incompetence, corruption, poor training, and even inept leadership to stall the Russian military. What does that say about the Russian military in general? Not good no matter what its war doctrines.

One of the instructors introduced himself and offered a tour, asking that his name not appear in print. Russian President Vladimir Putin “only understands force,” he says. “So give us the instruments, and we will deal with him.” The A-10 Thunderbolt would be a decisive instrument, he says. If the U.S. provides it to Ukraine, “you will see the difference in the number of targets we’d be able to hit. You’d see that in the weakening of their offensive positions. And you’d see that in the confidence of our infantry in moving from defense to offense.”​

The confidence, or possibly overconfidence, is amazing. Nevertheless, we are not looking at one person's perspective but that of many US airmen, specifically A-10 pilots, active duty and retired, who are covertly training the Ukrainian pilots, and many of them came from Desert Storm. Despite the fact that the A-10 was designed primarily for air-ground, the confidence here is that the Ukrainian airspace is sufficiently contested that the A-10, under Ukrainian command, can change the course of the war. What does that say about the Russian Air Force? Not good.

“They are more valuable than generals,” Gorgan says. Even before the Russian invasion, the identities of active fighter pilots were a closely guarded secret in Ukraine, and all of them lived with the risk of assassination.​

Back in Desert Storm, general Norman Schwarzkopf gave his air component commander general Charles Horner practically carte blanche permission to do whatever necessary to ensure allied ground troops will not face the Iraqi Air Force. Horner delivered in ways that will reflect in military academies all over the world and for decades to come. The VKS failed miserably over Ukraine.

When U.S. Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall was asked in late July if the U.S. would consider giving Ukraine A-10s, he didn’t rule it out in the long term. “Older U.S. systems are a possibility,” Kendall said, speaking at the Aspen Security Forum.​

You can use the forum's search feature and read my comment about the Russian use of the VKS as little more than 'airborne artillery' (keywords). The A-10 was designed as such. The jet is not technically sophisticated like the F-15 and F-16, and leave alone the F-22 and F-35. When I was active duty, I sat in the cockpit of an A-10 from Spangdahlem and I jokingly said I could have fly the A-10 after my time in the Cessna 152. The A-10 was designed as an 'airborne artillery' platform. But in Ukraine, the VKS is flying all of its fighters as 'airborne artillery'. So either the VKS have limited war doctrines regarding airpower or it is logistically so poor that it cannot afford to drop bombs past the ground troops front lines. Either way, this enabled the Ukrainians to stall the Russian Army advances.

“As for the American pilots and instructors, they were extremely cautious in the ways they helped us, because they are prohibited from having any direct contact with foreign military personnel,” Gorgan said. “They made clear that they could not and would not pass along any classified information.”​

If US/NATO air forces are in this war, the Russian Army would be decimated.

I have no problems speaking objectively that by all paper measures, the VKS should have taken all of Ukrainian sky by the second week. But after two months, in my opinion, the VKS is a shiddy air force.

The man is blind supporter of a dictator , an enemy of free speech which he considers a " western values , and supports the expansion of Russia to neighboring countries.

Has nothing to do with being a nationalist.

"There are no more opponents of Putin's course and, if there are, they are mentally ill and need to be sent off for clinical examination. Putin is everywhere, Putin is everything, Putin is absolute, and Putin is indispensable"

"The Russian Renaissance can only stop by Kiev."

Lots of mentally ill people around. We don't go around murdering them. Hell, even the US don't murder anyone unless they carried out hostile actions.

People are entitled to their opinions. That's why KKK are allowed rallies in the US. It's basic human rights and freedoms.

It is now six months and Russia is effectively stalled against/by a combatant force that under all paper specs, Russia should have created its own version of Desert Storm.

Russia has achieved its objectives:

1. annexation of Donetsk, Luhank, Kherson

2. land bridge to Crimea

3. prevention of Ukraine from joining NATO because of the first permanent war in human history

To Russians, they have succeeded.

If US/NATO air forces are in this war, the Russian Army would be decimated.

There are no ifs and buts. The US don't even invade a weak country like Cuba or North Korea or Venezuela, not even Iran, or Armenia, or Belarus, or Serbia, let alone Russia which has a much bigger population.
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Russia has more food than EU. EU imports food. Russia exports food. Without Russian food, EU's very densely populated countries will starve.
EU imports foods from Russia because cheaper if compared to let’s say domestic made. It’s pure economic logics. However Putin knows he relies on imports of machinery from EU. Russia gas infra is built by German companies especially by BASF. Without imports of spare parts and maintenance Russia gas infra will collapse. Same for Russia agra exports.
Look around you, in your house or factory or road, do you see any finished products made in Russia?
Russia as industrial country hardly makes anything for widely use.
I have no problems speaking objectively that by all paper measures, the VKS should have taken all of Ukrainian sky by the second week. But after two months, in my opinion, the VKS is a shiddy air force.

And how did Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria work out for the US? The US weren't able to annex Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria in the end despite fighting there for decades.

EU imports foods from Russia because cheaper if compared to let’s say domestic made. It’s pure economic logics. However Putin knows he relies on imports of machinery from EU. Russia gas infra is built by German companies especially by BASF. Without imports of spare parts and maintenance Russia gas infra will collapse. Same for Russia agra exports.

Incorrect. Chinese tech is vastly superior and less expensive. Now that Russia and EU bromance is officially over for good. Russia import everything from China instead.

Look around you, in your house or factory or road, do you see any finished products made in Russia?
Russia as industrial country hardly makes anything for widely use.

Not in commercial products but in terms of military products Russia is still stop notch.
Which is based on OHCHR figures in which multiple reports do not indicate any “genocide”.

And ofcourse the civilian deaths are massively lopsided now with russias “liberation” as also indicated by the UN.
The use of buzz words as an argument is always a good sign of lacks in education in the specific sphere.

There are no "microwave and dishwasher components" as such, there are ICs with a specific function, so they can be used for typical tasks. Has Russia problems with microelectronics? Sure that, no country is perfect. But in coop with China and own programms this is a short term problem.

And regarding the speed: Like i said, you have obviously no clue, what you are talking about. Speed is not all, nor the structure size and especially not in the military field.

You still don't get, don't you? It's not about promoting a narrative, it is about blackmailing a country with sanctions or even war. This is exactly what UKUSAs economic hitman and ambassadors are doing. To call it Mafia Methods would be an understatement. But it is the angloid modus operandi since...centuries?

Yes, the US blackmailed China not to vote for their ”ally” :usflag::china:.
Yes, the US blackmailed China not to vote for their ”ally” :usflag::china:.

China does not interfere in another country's internal affair. China always abstains. This is Chinese tradition. Has nothing do with America or Russia.

Which is based on OHCHR figures in which multiple reports do not indicate any “genocide”.

And ofcourse the civilian deaths are massively lopsided now with russias “liberation” as also indicated by the UN.

Or as the Americans call it. It's just collateral damage.

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