It’s more my friend. We will see 2 battalions leopards 2, 6 battalions leopards 1. A battalion has about 30 tanks. Germany will provide infantry tanks, rescue tanks, training, spare parts in addition. The sentiment in the West has hardened. Now all want Ukraine to win, not to struck a faked peace or ceasefire on negotiation table.
I am for Germany returning to Cold War production rate. They made 40 leopards 2 per month. Today with Putin running amok backed by unlimited friend China we can increase tank production to 100 or 200 per month.
Ukraine needs lots more tanks. The spring offensive against hooligans coming. Ukraine says they will not spare Russia territory.
Ukrainische Soldaten im Osten des Landes.
Ukraine erwägt Angriffe auf russisches Gebiet
Anfang Januar kündigt der ukrainische Militärgeheimdienstchef Budanow eine Gegenoffensive an. Sein Stellvertreter bekräftigt nun die Pläne. Noch im Frühjahr soll die großangelegte Militäroperation zur Befreiung des Landes
I agree with you; I'm also down for sending some F-16s there too.
Time to save freedom and democracy; there should be no hesitation when you get involved; it's time to go nutty in Europe.
** Kamas kam ham ko thora sakoon mil jai ga **