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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

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Yes, it was Russia that did these :

North Korean city of Wonsan in 1951 :

Exactly 60 years later a Libyan city :

And when did you feel bad for the Russians ? Can you show me two posts ? You and your chums were happily posting Russian deaths and UkroNazi killing sprees.

@Foinikas, look at his words about Russia to be bulldozed and all. We have Apollon v2.

Withdrawal can be done but can you write what Russia wanted Zelensky to do during the initial phase of the war ?

And I don't think Russia now cares for these "international" sanctions. "International" as in Western bloc and its followers.

What was wrong in North Korea, why it became Halal for you in Ukraine?
Why you then support invasion of Russin in Ukraine?
Why did you start deeming looting of Russians in Ukraine to be a Halal act now?
"Junior Partner Europe" has relied on "daddy USA" for energy security (we'll have enough energy, we have our transatlantic partners to protect us) and defense security (US would defend Europe from Russian invasion) and economic security. Deepstater Trump should have been a massive warning to Europe that Washington not only does not care if the EU crashes and burns. Washington wants the EU competitor to crash and burn. Deepstate Trump is 100% on Putins side and for Putin goals. Same with Tucker Carlson and other Trumpers who cheer for Putin vs "neoliberal" "gay" EU.

Europe needs to get back to the JCPOA and dump the US as leader of European policies if these dozen or so HIMARS fail to protect Europe in the next weeks.

Iran has more natural gas than they could use in a 1000 years. US and UK say no to JCPOA. EU needs to forget about the UK and US on JCPOA and get cheap energy now.

Biden would spin it as catering to Iran, when the US deepstate framed this event to end the EU, so to heck with that USA crap.

"A dozen or so HIMARS and 100 or so artillery to save Europe." lol

The war on Europe is energy and economic. So go with the JCPOA to flood the markets with natural gas, bring down the prices that are sometimes a 10 fold increase in Europe.

The Putin war aim for Europe is to end the EU, euro and success in Europe. JCPOA is the way to fight back. You think Putin wants the JCPOA to flood the markets with cheap energy, when the Saudis agreed with Putin to not keep energy prices low early on, to cause economic harm to the EU. Putin does not want to sell engines to Iran. Does not want the JCPOA for Iran. Of course, Putin would say Putin supports Iran in every way, when this is the real Putin: Putin is a Zionist Jew. The President of Israel said Putin has Jewish grandparent(s).

So defeat zionist Putin, EU go for the JCPOA.

It is either economic ruin for Europe or JCPOA. Don't rely on Washington to save Europe.

The war is more than Ukraine.

If Russia does invade the EU, US would "save" Europe with 100 HIMARS, as the way to keep loyal to NATO promises. Expect less than peanuts to defend NATO from a Russian invasion. When Poland know their 500 HIMARS order is not enough to hold back Russia. Are the Muricans not going to fulfill the order to Poland fast enough so Poland does not get their order before a Russian invasion.

Here is Russia. Listen to this Chabad Jew brag about Jews owning the Russian economy.

Iranian Islamic Government has worse record of Human Rights than Russia.
These Mullahs are bigger dictatorship than Putin.
I just hope that the Western world never ever feel itself forced to recognize dictatorships like Iran or Taliban.
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What was wrong in North Korea, why it became Halal for you in Ukraine?
Why you then support invasion of Russin in Ukraine?
Why did you start deeming looting of Russians in Ukraine to be a Halal act now?
Most cheer the Russia war of aggression because of different motives. It’s a zoo.
- the West is rich, liberal, progressive.
- the West is decadent.
- the West is Christian.
- the West is Jews.
- the West can make cars.
- the West has the Nato.
Why Katar is rich? Russia poor?
Both have oil, gas.
Russia has more lands, more smart people, more natural resources actually should become richer than Katar.

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If I was Zelensky I would listen to the concerns of the Russians and the Syrians and other volunteers who have been fighting UkroNazis for months and helping Ukrainian civilians terrorized by the UkroNazis cultivated by NATO and I would order the military command to stop fighting and then I would sit at a table in China, facing Putin and talk to him. Fair ?
How about Zelensky should be sent to Israel where he belongs with all the other Zio Nazis and Russia and Ukraine live happily ever after?

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