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Russia Today Reporter destroys CNN

The CNN interviewer in first video is extremely biased. This is against journalistic ethics. This is not freedom of press. This is what we call propaganda.

There is no media more idiotic than American
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The CNN interviewer in first video is extremely biased. This is against journalistic ethics. This is not freedom of press. This is what we call propaganda.

There is no media more idiotic than American
Yes it is. The freedom of the press INCLUDES the freedom to be as biased as we want. You do not like it ? No one forces you to watch it. Change the channel to another biased source that you like.
My old university professor once said

"You have to be bias to say other bias, if you don't have a preset of mind, then how exactly do you see other's bias??"

If you want a media outlet that's not bias. then just unplug your TV and throw it down the river, stories, always either left or right, the only way a story stay in the middle is when there are no story at all.
The CNN interviewer in first video is extremely biased. This is against journalistic ethics. This is not freedom of press. This is what we call propaganda.

There is no media more idiotic than American

And RT is straight down the middle ? HAHAHAHAHA !!! What a rag !!
And RT is straight down the middle ? HAHAHAHAHA !!! What a rag !!
You cannot help but wonder at the warped minds that made these posts.

A truly free press means no one is owned by the government and anyone is allowed to opine and/or strictly report. But according to these warped minds, biased opinions are signs of a controlled press, and government controlled press cannot be biased and therefore only dictatorships have free press.

What mental contortions have they gone thru...???
You cannot help but wonder at the warped minds that made these posts.

A truly free press means no one is owned by the government and anyone is allowed to opine and/or strictly report. But according to these warped minds, biased opinions are signs of a controlled press, and government controlled press cannot be biased and therefore only dictatorships have free press.

What mental contortions have they gone thru...???

Absolutely. I understand CNN is not owned by the government. But dont forget media speaks the language of those fund it. We have this phenomenon in Pakistan too. There, private media is owned by big business groups and the media never reveals their frauds and tax evasion.

The way CNN anchor is asking questions to me at least, vitiates the debate. His questions are loaded with bias. He seems to be putting questions to get the answers he wants.
Absolutely. I understand CNN is not owned by the government. But dont forget media speaks the language of those fund it. We have this phenomenon in Pakistan too. There, private media is owned by big business groups and the media never reveals their frauds and tax evasion.

The way CNN anchor is asking questions to me at least, vitiates the debate. His questions are loaded with bias. He seems to be putting questions to get the answers he wants.
You are still seriously confused. CNN is not 'the media'. CNN is a member of 'the media'. If you do not like CNN, then go to Fox. :lol:

You are just like your fellow Pakistanis here who criticizes US but nearly always OFFER NO SOLUTIONS. And I do not mean speaking in vague generalities. I want concrete operational solutions.
FOX is the mouth piece of Republican Party , MSNbc is all hail Obama. CNN is more liberal than it is conservative. Lately CNN seems to have lost its ways. Its accepting money from sponsors to run shows as special reports.

In other words for a few dollars CNN wouldn't mind to be your hoe !!
American media is the propaganda mouthpieces of the American regime. Everyone outside America knows this. Only the gullible fools inside America are too brainwashed to see it.

RT is my favourite channel because they expose everything the Americsns want to hide.

Love RT :yahoo:
FOX is the mouth piece of Republican Party , MSNbc is all hail Obama. CNN is more liberal than it is conservative. Lately CNN seems to have lost its ways. Its accepting money from sponsors to run shows as special reports.

In other words for a few dollars CNN wouldn't mind to be your hoe !!
Are you merely pointing out what we already know ? Or are you doing just what Pakistanis like to do about US, bitching and moaning and offering no real solutions ?
My old university professor once said

"You have to be bias to say other bias, if you don't have a preset of mind, then how exactly do you see other's bias??"

If you want a media outlet that's not bias. then just unplug your TV and throw it down the river, stories, always either left or right, the only way a story stay in the middle is when there are no story at all.

Well said!
CNN keep used words Russia propaganda like the US media never under influence of US government propaganda. All media under control of government propaganda machine. When the CNN keep harping Russia propaganda to drive home his point in the debate, he end up lost his agrument in the debate.

Remember US government paid 5 billions dollars for the revolution to oust Ukraine ex president. Of course US media will be bias toward Russia to painted Russian as a invader and land grabber. US government want to isolate Russia into the corner and US media is the key to help win over world opinion that Russia in the wrong with their aggressive stance on Ukraine situation.
Despite of the well funded, supa dupa, fancy pansy Washington mouth pieces, the American public in general are pretty well informed. I don't have a TV and I don't watch TV. Even when I read online news, I pretty much skip the news reports and dive straight to the comment sections. You will be surprise how many people, local and foreign, condemn the US government on its actions in Syria, Ukraine and Afghan.

Some Americans cannot be fooled.
You are still seriously confused. CNN is not 'the media'. CNN is a member of 'the media'. If you do not like CNN, then go to Fox. :lol:

You are just like your fellow Pakistanis here who criticizes US but nearly always OFFER NO SOLUTIONS. And I do not mean speaking in vague generalities. I want concrete operational solutions.

You want solution for what my dear @gambit?

I can only say things in the context of this post. The solution to this media circus? I dont know. But what I know is that journalists in print and electronic media must be impartial. Not like CNN anchor, who is asking fraught questions. The questions are loaded with American bias on this issue.

The bias is that Russia is bad. It has invaded Ukraine. Putin is a villain. All the while forgetting America's blatant lies for a decade about Iraq's WMD and then illegal invasion of that country.

Even in the second video, the former general speaking in extremely patronizing terms. He does not the know the political context of the issue. He does not know the geopolitics of the region. I bet e has never been to that part of the world. This dumb down ' free' media creates dumb viewers. Better read Guardian on this or any other issue to get good insight.
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