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Russia to guard destruction of Syria chemical arms

[Bregs];4814025 said:
Russia never has any dreams of ruling power as US has

Yeah, Russia came to Afghanistan for summer vacations.
What missles??? Syria got hold of Iskander and S-300 which are the biggest nightmare of Israel. Chemical weapons were never an issues

For Israel, WMD's ie Chemical weapons were the only issue.

First, Syrai does not have S-300

You are overestimating the usefulness of Iskander and S-300.

Iskander is a grorified SCUD missile and even primitive BMD systems ( primitive compared to today's ) could intercept it. On top of it, Israel is a pioneer in field of missile defense technology. This system does not poses a threat which Arrow could not handle.

Regarding S-300, People here forget that it is a cold war system that Russia no longer uses as a frontline Air defense system(they have S-400) and there are ways to get rid of S-300.One of the method is to use one of your plane to loiter outside the range of S-300 missile at higher altitude while using using other plane to infiltrate deep by low flying or by using terrain to mask one's approach. The hidden aircraft fires it'd missile which is then guided to it's target by the loitering plane.

This is one of the method.Other's are anti-radiation missiles and terrain hugging Cruise missile strikes. ( S-300 cannot intercept an aircraft(Cruise missile is an aircraft) at altitude of less than 50 m).
For Israel, WMD's ie Chemical weapons were the only issue.

First, Syrai does not have S-300

You are overestimating the usefulness of Iskander and S-300.

Iskander is a grorified SCUD missile and even primitive BMD systems ( primitive compared to today's ) could intercept it. On top of it, Israel is a pioneer in field of missile defense technology. This system does not poses a threat which Arrow could not handle.

Regarding S-300, People here forget that it is a cold war system that Russia no longer uses as a frontline Air defense system(they have S-400) and there are ways to get rid of S-300.One of the method is to use one of your plane to loiter outside the range of S-300 missile at higher altitude while using using other plane to infiltrate deep by low flying or by using terrain to mask one's approach. The hidden aircraft fires it'd missile which is then guided to it's target by the loitering plane.

This is one of the method.Other's are anti-radiation missiles and terrain hugging Cruise missile strikes. ( S-300 cannot intercept an aircraft(Cruise missile is an aircraft) at altitude of less than 50 m).

Enough of your bullcrrap...
During interviews on CNN and Fox News, President Obama’s plan to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons without launching a single missile became obvious, as he is outsmarting the media, Russia, Syria and his Republican critics.

President Obama admitted that he had been discussing the international option on Syria with Putin since last year.

It turns out that all of the people on the left and right who were fooled by the pundits and hosts on cable news into believing that war was just around the corner were absolutely, completely, totally, utterly wrong. War is not around the corner. In fact, President Obama had a strategy to get Syria to the table. That strategy was to get the United States talking about striking Syria by asking Congress for authorization.

If President Obama wanted to strike Syria, he could have done so at any time. He didn’t, because military action in Syria was not what he wanted. The president wanted Syria to surrender their chemical weapons to the international community, and the best way to get Russia to listen was to turn up the heat by letting Congress debate a potential military strike on Syria.

Obama is going to keep the pressure on Assad by letting the congressional debate take center stage for the next several weeks. The best way for Congress to avoid military strikes in Syria, while keeping Assad at the table would be to seriously consider authorizing the strikes. If Congress really wants to scare the pants off of Assad, they’ll authorize the strikes.

If you don’t think the strikes will have an impact, ask yourself why is Assad trying to sway the Congress and American public opinion away from them? The reality is that Assad knows that strikes will do major damage to his forces. This is why wants nothing more than to keep the rest of the world out of Syria.

President Obama may end up getting exactly what he wanted without firing a single missile, and he may very well get Syria’s chemical weapons destroyed. Obama has no interest in getting the country involved in a civil war in Syria, but the president will not stand by and let chemical weapons be used on civilians.

Barack Obama came up with a brilliant strategy. He may end up outsmarting everyone without risking a single American life, or another dollar on military action.
Fox News FULL Important Syria Interview with President Obama - YouTube
Things were quite different than what you narrated here. Obama was fooled by FSA by using chemical weapons which they tried earlier as well. Obama fell for it and prepared for a strike but had to scale back when Russians started moving theirs assets. In this critical scenario Obama just wanted to pass the burden to the congress where he knew that the outcome will be negative.
Things were quite different than what you narrated here. Obama was fooled by FSA by using chemical weapons which they tried earlier as well. Obama fell for it and prepared for a strike but had to scale back when Russians started moving theirs assets. In this critical scenario Obama just wanted to pass the burden to the congress where he knew that the outcome will be negative.

UN report shows it was Syria that used the chemical weapons and Obama is achieving his goal of getting rid of the chemical weapons. When it comes to a politician there has not ben Obama equal in a long time.

An independent analysis in the pages of the New York Times also sees the Syrian government as the likely culprits, noting several pieces of evidence from within the report that could only point to the regime, even if not directly naming them as culpable. Among the data cited includes specific trajectories from based on the way the rockets determined to have been carrying sarin gas landed during the attack. Those trajectories and their bearings show that they come from Mount Qasioun, an area that is a stronghold of government control and what the Times calls “Damascus’s most prominent military position.”

Human Rights Watch reached the same conclusion as the Times, on Tuesday publishing a blog post noting that the directions and angles listed in the report could only have come from Moutn Qasioun. “The two attack locations are located 16 kilometers apart, but when mapping these trajectories, the presumed flight paths of the rockets converge on a well-known military base of the Republican Guard 104th Brigade, situated only a few kilometers north of downtown Damascus and within firing range of the neighborhoods attacked by chemical weapons,” analyst Josh Lyons writes. “This isn’t conclusive, given the limited data available to the UN team, but it is highly suggestive and another piece of the puzzle.”
Dont underestimate beavers,sir.They are great engineers.:omghaha:

My apologies to beavers world wide.
@noname1 -Dude,don't be a tool Obummer and his red line got b*tchslapped by Putin,now the world believes that the word of the american president is worth nothing.
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UN report shows it was Syria that used the chemical weapons and Obama is achieving his goal of getting rid of the chemical weapons. When it comes to a politician there has not ben Obama equal in a long time.

An independent analysis in the pages of the New York Times also sees the Syrian government as the likely culprits, noting several pieces of evidence from within the report that could only point to the regime, even if not directly naming them as culpable. Among the data cited includes specific trajectories from based on the way the rockets determined to have been carrying sarin gas landed during the attack. Those trajectories and their bearings show that they come from Mount Qasioun, an area that is a stronghold of government control and what the Times calls “Damascus’s most prominent military position.”

Human Rights Watch reached the same conclusion as the Times, on Tuesday publishing a blog post noting that the directions and angles listed in the report could only have come from Moutn Qasioun. “The two attack locations are located 16 kilometers apart, but when mapping these trajectories, the presumed flight paths of the rockets converge on a well-known military base of the Republican Guard 104th Brigade, situated only a few kilometers north of downtown Damascus and within firing range of the neighborhoods attacked by chemical weapons,” analyst Josh Lyons writes. “This isn’t conclusive, given the limited data available to the UN team, but it is highly suggestive and another piece of the puzzle.”

Specific trajectory tells you nothing when FSA earlier admitted that they used chemical weapons and USA did nothing against that, rather approved more weapons for them.

USA achieved nothing here as the goal was to kick Assad and Iran out of Syria not Chemical Weapons. But this weapons thing nullified the actual goal and Assad got a dummy to play with and stay in power in a legitimate way.
Specific trajectory tells you nothing when FSA earlier admitted that they used chemical weapons and USA did nothing against that, rather approved more weapons for them.

USA achieved nothing here as the goal was to kick Assad and Iran out of Syria not Chemical Weapons. But this weapons thing nullified the actual goal and Assad got a dummy to play with and stay in power in a legitimate way.

I expect Assad and his regimes days are numbered no matter what any one does. It seems the surrounding Islamic countries are more interested in who wins in Syria then the USA. To be perfectly honest most americans don't mind standing back and watching muslims kill each other.
Enough of your bullcrrap...

Agreed with you.

( S-300 cannot intercept an aircraft(Cruise missile is an aircraft) at altitude of less than 50 m).

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe...tion-syria-chemical-arms-2.html#ixzz2g1BnMGaX

Here's the facts:

The S-300F Fort (Russian С-300Ф Форт, DoD designation SA-N-6, F suffix for Flot, Russian for fleet) was introduced in 1984 as the original ship-based (naval) version of the S-300P system developed by Altair with the new 5V55RM missile with range extended to 7–90 km (4–56 mi, equal to 3.8–50 nautical miles) and maximum target speed up to Mach 4 while engagement altitude was reduced to 25–25,000 m (100-82,000 ft). The naval version utilises the TOP SAIL or TOP STEER, TOP PAIR and 3R41 Volna (TOP DOME) radar and utilises command guidance with a terminal semi-active radar homing (SARH) mode. Its first installation and sea trials were on a Kara class cruiser and it is also installed on Slava class cruisers and Kirov class battlecruisers. It is stored in eight (Slava) or twelve (Kirov) 8-missile rotary launchers below decks. The export version of this system is known as Rif (Russian Риф – reef). The NATO name, found also in colloquial use, is "Grumble"
S-300 (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israeli experts largely agree with this assessment. The S-300, which can intercept fighter jets and cruise missiles, “is the ultimate system,” said Uzi Rubin, the former head of missile defense at Israel’s Defense Ministry and a senior researcher at the Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies.
It's not just the missiles, stupid | The Times of Israel

On Iskander:

Boost phase thrust vector control (TVC) is accomplished by graphite vanes similar in layout to the V-2 and Scud series tactical ballistic missiles. In flight, the missile follows a quasi-ballistic path, performing evasive maneuvers in the terminal phase of flight and releasing decoys in order to penetrate missile defense systems. The missile never leaves the atmosphere as it follows a relatively flat trajectory.[citation needed]
The Russian Iskander-M cruises at hypersonic speed of 2100–2600 m/s (Mach 6–7) at a height of 50 km. The Iskander-M weighs 4615 kg, carries a warhead of 710–800 kg, has a range of 400–480 km, and achieves a CEP (Circular error probable) of 5–7 meters. During flight it can maneuver at different altitudes and trajectories and can pull up to 20 to 30 G to evade anti-ballistic missiles. For example, in one of the trajectory modes it can dive at the target at 90 degrees at the rate of 700–800 m/s performing anti-ABM maneuvers.[3][6]
9K720 Iskander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iskander has accuracy of 5-7 meters and a scud has 300-500 meters CEP ... Some people are total morons ,but.

Also, the latest versions of the S-300 can hit combat aircraft and cruise missiles flying as low as six meters above the ground. The S-300 effectively destroys warheads at the point of interception, according to Missile Threat report.

Read more: http://digitaljournal.com/article/356657#ixzz2g1DexpUx
@iajdani you were right.Some members here are morons of the first order.
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I expect Assad and his regimes days are numbered no matter what any one does. It seems the surrounding Islamic countries are more interested in who wins in Syria then the USA. To be perfectly honest most americans don't mind standing back and watching muslims kill each other.

So you are a Isloamophobic Indian in US disguise...

Russians and Americans are very used to these games and they can drag this forever.. You can only expect... and that all you should be doing now.
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