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Russia to build maintenance facility in Vietnam's Cam Rahn Bay

you are also the false flag and tau running away from VN like a girl but still claim yourself as the Viet, it is better for you to put 2 US flag up since you are no longer help the country of VN but just abandoning

what a joke, Le Duan went to Beijing begging for Chinese help but the extremist Gang of Four told him to denounce Soviets and cut ties so he refused, when Gang of Four was destroyed your Viets thought there was still opportunity to mend ties like the beggars that you are but was completely ignored by Chinese, after that your Viets was just a lowly slave to Soviets, pathetic!

Here is biggest chinese beggar in washington, begged your master USA in Washington to attack Vietnam in 1979.

you are also the false flag and tau running away from VN like a girl but still claim yourself as the Viet, it is better for you to put 2 US flag up since you are no longer help the country of VN but just abandoning

what a joke, Le Duan went to Beijing begging for Chinese help but the extremist Gang of Four told him to denounce Soviets and cut ties so he refused, when Gang of Four was destroyed your Viets thought there was still opportunity to mend ties like the beggars that you are but was completely ignored by Chinese, after that your Viets was just a lowly slave to Soviets, pathetic!
I am currently in VN doing small business and off course I am not abandoned VN like you. Carrying N. Korea flags and not carrying your own flags making you a coward.
Even I don't like communist but it's Vietnam flag and it represent my native country I still carry the flags.
So who ever you are be proud of it and carry your true flags. I will respect you greatly.
So why US agree to ordered naval maneuvers to support China against possible Soviet retaliation ??

If u didnt beg then why would US waste its time to support u ?? It'd much better for US to enslave some idiot Chinese like u if she let USSR naval force wipe out Beijing ,Shang hai ,Hong Kong , right :pop:
Ask the American why for that question because I sense you are too stupid and don't really understand the Cold War between USA-USSR.

Man.. is there any ******* intelligent Vietnamese in here who understand geopolitical game, especially during the Cold War in here?
Ask the American why for that question because I sense you are too stupid and don't really understand the Cold War between USA-USSR.

Man.. is there any ******* intelligent Vietnamese in here who understand geopolitical game, especially during the Cold War in here?
whatever, the Truth still is: without US naval forces protecting your @$$ , USSR navy would wipe out your Beijing, ShangHai,HongKong easily in few weeks coz PLAN so suck in 1979 :pop:

Attacking VN in 1979 to "test" USSR's power is just a lame excuse of China for another humiliate lost in VN
whatever, the Truth still is: without US naval forces protecting your @$$ , USSR navy would wipe out your Beijing, ShangHai,HongKong easily in few weeks coz PLAN so suck in 1979 :pop:

Attacking VN in 1979 to "test" USSR's power is just a lame excuse of China for another humiliate lost in VN
Are you stupid for making speculation on things that didn't happen? Fact is history already record the Soviet didn't launch an attack when we are ready to confront them up North. It showed at that time there were fractional groups in the Soviet internal politics that weaken their will for major war. That is a FACT!

Once again, how the **** did we lost the war again? Did you cross over our border after we retreat to face the Soviet? And how the **** did we occupy Lang Son again?
Are you stupid for making speculation on things that didn't happen? Fact is history already record the Soviet didn't launch an attack when we are ready to confront them up North. It showed at that time there were fractional groups in the Soviet internal politics that weaken their will for major war. That is a FACT!

Once again, how the **** did we lost the war again? Did you cross over our border after we retreat to face the Soviet? And how the **** did we occupy Lang Son again?
What history, who that history for what purpose? Chinese history are not that trustfull out side of China. China history is only for narrow minded, tunnel vision Chinese.
they didn't tell you why PLA pull out of VN, did they,
What history, who that history for what purpose? Chinese history are not that trustfull out side of China. China history is only for narrow minded, tunnel vision Chinese.
they didn't tell you why PLA pull out of VN, did they,
Read the sentence again you incomprehensible moron.
Are you stupid for making speculation on things that didn't happen? Fact is history already record the Soviet didn't launch an attack when we are ready to confront them up North.
Okey, so how could PLAN resist against mighty USSR navy from the East ?? what was your plan ? PLA would swim there and fight against USSR nuke sub ??
Okey, so how could PLAN resist against mighty USSR navy from the East ?? what was your plan ? PLA would swim there and fight against USSR nuke sub ??
Talk when it happens.
here is a recent pic showing Vietnamese President Truong and Russian President Putin meet at the 21st APEC Summit in Bali, Indonesia on October 7, 2013. I can understand what they talked as I am capable of lip-reading :D

Truong: Wladimir, we need technologies, more modern weapons and political support from you in order to stop the Chinese.

Putin: my Vietnam...ese friend, you will get everything you wish. Don´t worry about money, you can pay back anytime you want.

In my opinion, the only thing that China received from Sino-Vietnam war 1979, which is, some of your leaders realized the weakness of your PLA, then they had to repair it... and then you can see PLA stronger as today....

China and USSR challenged each other to see who is the best communist. Soviet lost but not because of 1979 sino-viet war. Russia did not manage their economy and internal conflict properly. They wasted too much money developing weapons to compete with the west. China concentrated on their economy and open to the western market. They later got the latest soviet military technology for a very cheap price. :cheers: Basically, the soviet spent so much time and money on their weapons, then later sell it to China for dirt.

As for the 1979 sino-viet war, in my opinion, the only people who received anything was Deng Xiao Ping and his boyfriends. The losers are the PLA and Vietnamese soldiers who died.
Here is biggest chinese beggar in washington, begged your master USA in Washington to attack Vietnam in 1979.

I am currently in VN doing small business and off course I am not abandoned VN like you. Carrying N. Korea flags and not carrying your own flags making you a coward.
Even I don't like communist but it's Vietnam flag and it represent my native country I still carry the flags.
So who ever you are be proud of it and carry your true flags. I will respect you greatly.
ok then, it is good to hear you are helping the VN but I was born overseas in the Western country so how can I abandon anything, there is no point to putting up the real flag because I was not born or raised in the Vietnam so I do not claiming as a Viet for now, anyways your Viets will still accuse me of the false flag since I was already writing in the Viet before and still your Viets do not believe I am the Viet blood

whatever, the Truth still is: without US naval forces protecting your @$$ , USSR navy would wipe out your Beijing, ShangHai,HongKong easily in few weeks coz PLAN so suck in 1979 :pop:
Attacking VN in 1979 to "test" USSR's power is just a lame excuse of China for another humiliate lost in VN
it is not to test the USSR power but testing their legitimacy as your Viets ally, the Chinese predicted that the Soviets would ***** foot and do nothing for your Viets and they were right, at the end of the day even with all their barking your 'friends' were as good as impotent when the Chinese was busy teaching your hooligans a lesson, shameless
Okey, so how could PLAN resist against mighty USSR navy from the East ?? what was your plan ? PLA would swim there and fight against USSR nuke sub ??

The Russians can't just swim to the Chinese coast. They need to pass through Japan and S. Korea.
Okey, so how could PLAN resist against mighty USSR navy from the East ?? what was your plan ? PLA would swim there and fight against USSR nuke sub ??

The Russians can't just swim to the Chinese coast. They need to pass through Japan and S. Korea.
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