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Russia: “Syria Will Be Armed With Weapons That Have Never Been Seen Before

It depends on Russia how much Syrian and Iran are important to her, not you who will decide it , thank you come again :wave:

Depends on Russia how hard they want to get shafted actually.

It won't matter what they throw at Asad's feet or into his hands. The Gulf nations are gonna get him..push comes to shove they may and I mean MAY even intervene directly..
It depends on Russia how much Syrian and Iran are important to her, not you who will decide it , thank you come again :wave:

That's right... that's why now Putin said to Show the Machine that never been seen right:omghaha:
and you poor guy believed....and what happened to the S-300 ?... After Israel threatened, the Machine was never shipped and never entered in Syria....All fake Lies from Russia and Assad
That's right... that's why now Putin said to Show the Machine that never been seen right:omghaha:
and you poor guy believed....and what happened to the S-300 ?... After Israel threatened, the Machine was never shipped and never entered in Syria....All fake Lies from Russia and Assad

It is not about Believe, we are discussing about Russian backing to Assad :disagree: you have to admit that whether Russia provided new weapons or not, due to Russian threat west countries have not able to intervene fully :pop:
It is not about Believe, we are discussing about Russian backing to Assad :disagree: you have to admit that whether Russia provided new weapons or not, due to Russian threat west countries have not able to intervene fully :pop:

MayBe.... but in other hand its Israel that doesn;t want west to intervene in Syria, Israel wants her Enemies to kill each other....
Mere words. Russia have never been able to help Syria like the west. Disappointed on that count. They are playing S 300 game. There are daily statements regarding it. We are yet to see actual arming of Syrian Army. I hope Russia shows some steel in this matter than mere words.
Weapons "never seen before"?

They're not going to transfer sophisticated/sensitive technology to Syria out of fear it would fall into the hands of their own enemies. They didn't even send their outdated S-300 SAM system to Iran so they're definitely not going to send the updated S-400 to Syria if even the older S-300.

This is nothing but bullshit.

Your western centric mindset actually is BS, you don't know but S-300 are already installed in Syria and there is nothing strange if they will supply S-400 to protect their own interests. Iran is another case so no need to be confused moreover would like to say that its Iran who paid RF for those installed S-300 in Syria. Sophisticated weapons probably will be used by Russian army with Syrian & rest of light new inventories may distributed in army. There are minimum chances that these weapons will fall into wrong hands unless some numbers in direct war.
US already has the F-22A Raptors stationed in UAE. It will be interesting what Russians have to say about that. I doubt if Russia can do anything except supplying air defense net to Asad,should the massive air power of the NATO and GCC combine to estsblish a NFZ.
Your western centric mindset actually is BS

If you read my other PDF posts you'll see I am probably one of the least "western centric" guys on here. I'm just pointing out the nonsense written in the article posted. I'm usually a fan of infowars but this nonsense about S-400 sales let alone S-300 sales or weapons that have "never been seen before" makes no sense.

you don't know but S-300 are already installed in Syria and there is nothing strange if they will supply S-400 to protect their own interests.

The Russians will not sell the S-400 to Syria or any other country until they replace it with the S-500 since doing so would compromise their own air defence particularly if an enemy nation get's their hands on the technology. The earliest known sale of the S-400 I have even heard of is to China which they hope can happen is in 2017 probably because the Russians expect prototypes of the S-500 up and running by 2015 and deployment within their military by 2017.
Development of S-500 air defense systems behind schedule - paper | Defense | RIA Novosti

The Russian government stated that they'd sell the S-300 to Syria, just like they once did with Iran and look at how that turned out, but their own foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and President Putin have confirmed that the contract to supply Syria with the air defence system has yet to be fulfilled.
Russian contract for delivery of S-300s to Syria yet to be fulfilled - Putin ? RT News

I personally doubt this deal will go through and your assertions that Iran would pay for the S-300 system for Syria while threatening to take Moscow to court over not delivering the system to their own country where they require it for their own defence is ridiculous.
What Russia needs to do is send a few nukes on TEL launches capable to hit a few capitals in GCC and everything will fall back in place...
Russia is a true ally :smitten:

That's exactly what Afghanistani communists were saying until 1986.

I think Russia is fighting an uphill battle by supporting a minority in Syria.

Russia should have sided with the oppressed majority from day 1.

GCC is under Pakistan Nuclear umbrella - I doubt Russia would want a new cold war on its hands.


you must be kidding. Right.

FYI. Pakistanis are struggling to bring even Pakistan under this supposed umbrella.

GCC is under the umbrella of USA.

Pakistan doesn't count in this game.

Our socialist and commie baboos will never allow Pakistani army to participate against Syrian butcher Assad regime. or the Bud-rooh ayatullah $hit of Iran.

We'll most like be standing on the sidelines like we did during Iran-Iraq wars and the Gulf wars.

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