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RUSSIA starts work on second 5th generation fighter.

I don't know whether the Russians will be able to finance such a project. Especially considering the economic crisis all around the world. Russian economy is in a bad condition and talks about loans are already taking place. Not a very realistic option at this juncture.

Russia to allocate $35.3 billion for arms production in 2009-11
20:35 | 22/ 12/ 2008

MOSCOW, December 22 (RIA Novosti) - State capital investments into serial production of armaments and military hardware in 2009-2011 will total about $35.3 billion, a first deputy chairman of Russia's military-industrial commission said Monday.

"In practice, over three years these expenditures will total about 1 trillion rubles," Vladislav Putilin said.

Putilin also said the government had approved the state defense order for 2009-11 worth a total of 4 trillion rubles ($141 billion).

Russia plans to put into service more than 400 new weapons, materiel and other pieces of military equipment, the official added.

In the period of 2009-2011, Russian armed forces will receive 70 strategic missiles, 30 Iskander missiles and a number of carrier rockets and spacecraft.

In addition, "Russia will buy 38 military aircraft, six drones, over 60 helicopters, 14 ships, almost 300 tanks and over 2,000 vehicles," Putilin said.
russia develops new AESA radar for PAKFA and MIG-35

The Russian corporation Fazotron-NIIR has concluded development of the newest "Zhuk-AEh" active phased array aircraft radar for MiG-35 fighters. According to the firm's general director, Vyacheslav Tishchenko, it is the first active phased array antenna assembled in Russia. Its appearance brings out fighter closer to the main competitor, the American F-35 fifth generation fighter. Now our MiG is able to compete with the F-35 not only in combat but also in the worldwide arms marketplace.

It is thought that Russia was lagging behind the United States in the area of the development of future new, fifth generation aviation complexes. The Americans already have the F-22 Raptor ((in English)) heavy fighter which has gone into series production. The F-35 is still at the testing stage. But it already is clear that it will be one of the most prospective combat aircraft of the world. The United States and its allies already have ordered more than 3,000 such fighters. We still have more to think about than to respond to the Americans. As the say at the Sukhoy design bureau, at the firm that won the state tender for the development of the future fighter, "everything is going according to plan." The already are assembling the first examples of the new aircraft at Komsomol'sk-on-Amur, and the future S-117 engine for it is being broken in on the newest Su-35.

The appearance of the regenerated MiG is an event of the very same magnitude. The renovated electronic "stuffing" distinguishes it from the usual MiG-29. All airplane systems are controlled by on-board computers. Instead of analogue needled instruments there are liquid crystal panels. The newest Peterburg Klimov Design Bureau RD-33MK engines with fully rotating nozzles. In which connection, not only in "normal" flight regime, but also in afterburner. These properties radically distinguish the MiG-35 from the Su-30MKI itself or the American F-22 and F-35.

However, in modern combat all this is not enough if the aircraft and the pilots are "blind." The "Zhuk-AEh" solves this very problem. Such radars were installed only on the most modern American fighters until its appearance, and Western Europe still is unable to create them. The installation of the complex will bring our MiG-35 fully up to the Western competitors, and at the same time will increase the chances for victory in the tender offered by India for the MMRCA program for the delivery to Delhi of 126 fighters. Let's try to analyze the details.

Parabolic or slot antennas were installed on our previous airplanes. They had one signal transmitter and receiver each. An active phased antenna array is built on the principle of a comb, which consists of 680 miniature receiving and transmitting systems. Such an antenna (again in contrast to the "predecessors") is monolithic, that is it does not turn from side to side in the search for targets. This economizes not only the systems' weight (it no longer needs electric motors), but also decreases the time for detection by the radar of targets by an order of magnitude, the scanning beam shifts from one antenna point to another in split seconds.

The new "Zhuk" has an angle of view of plus - minus 60 degrees. Viewing range is 140 kilometers. It can simultaneously track 30 and fire at 6 targets. Both in the air and on the ground. At the same time, the new antenna allows resolving a number of tasks. To transmit data about the tactical situation to other airplanes, perform electronic warfare and terrain mapping. Exactly the same as it is done on the American F-35.

According to the head of the Unified Aircraft Building Corporation, Aleksey Fedorov, all this allows talking about the MiG-35 as one of the most prospective Russian fighters which brings it close to the new generation of combat airplanes in its capabilities. In case of winning the tender, as Russian experts note, India will receive not only the fighter itself, but also the technology for producing the new radars with the active phased antenna array.

Source: 15.12.08, Finansovye Izvestiya, Correspondent: Dmitriy Litovkin


the zhuk AE AESA RADAR already under trials on mig-35 and flankers.
technical details about its performance.

This 3cm (X-band) radar. The Russians designed their radar to produce linear power output at the range of 6-8 watt, to address available power (provided by the aircraft) and performance (range). The radar uses multiple four channel transceivers modules generating an output of 5watt per channel, installed on a liquid cooled base plate to dissipate the generated heat. If a specific transceiver is overheated, it will be switched off by the radar computer until it cools down.

Zhuk-AE can detect aerial targets at ranges up to 130 km (head on) in both look-up or look down modes. Look-up tail-on detection range is 50km (40km look down). The radar can track 30 aerial targets in the track-while-scan mode, and engage six targets simultaneously in the attack mode.

The radar provides target designation data for various Russian made missiles such as the R-27R1(R1E0, RVV-AE, R-73E, Kh-31A, Kh-35E and R-27T(TE) missiles. The radar can distinguish and count closely flying targets as well as identifying targets with known signatures. Close maneuvering combat mode optimizes the system's performance to provide effective vertical scans, coverage of the HUD field-of view, and slew to follow the helmet sighting angles. Special optimization is also provided in the helicopter detection mode, detecting and attacking slow-flying and hovering targets. In the air/surface mode the radar supports ranging, mapping and tracking of moving targets, The radar supports real-beam, Doppler beam sharpening and focused synthetic aperture modes, offering different map scale expansion, map 'freezing', and tracking of four targets, including ground or sea-surface moving targets. It has a sea-surface search mode. The Zhuk AE can detect a destroyer size target at a range of 200 km.
India is collaborating with Russia in PAK-FA project and will spend a lot of money on this project, so there is nothing to stop this project.

Can u tell us, how much...exactly is this lot of money which Indian will pay to Russia for the development of this new fighter?
What is the estimated timed time frame for the development?
Can u tell us, how much...exactly is this lot of money which Indian will pay to Russia for the development of this new fighter?
What is the estimated timed time frame for the development?

sir exact finalcial details are beyond the scope of my knowledge maybe some wiser indian friends can enlighten us on the issue.
as per the development details let me assure you that pakfa is under development already.<i have posted various threads and links>
the different components of the aircraft is undergoing clinical trials eg,
engines,radars,weaponsystem and plasma mirrors<stealth>
the flight is to undergo air trials by 2009,
i personally will be going to MAKS ,<airdefence show>scheduled in august 2009 and hope to see the aircraft in person

the aircraft is scheduled to go into production not before 2015.:agree:
Did i miss something here whatever happened to that 125 jet fighters order that India was supposed to order:cheesy:
comrade thanks for the info, I became curious about this new fighter, specially when 'linkipark' mentioned lot of money without any figure.
As u said lets wait may be we get some info this time from indian side as well!

Now since u mention 2015 to be the expected production date of PAK-FA than i wonder if indian MMRCA deal will ever happen? seems not wise to me.
comrade thanks for the info, I became curious about this new fighter, specially when 'linkipark' mentioned lot of money without any figure.
As u said lets wait may be we get some info this time from indian side as well!

Now since u mention 2015 to be the expected production date of PAK-FA than i wonder if indian MMRCA deal will ever happen? seems not wise to me.

IIRC, it will be around 1-2 billion dollars that India will spend on this project and now even Brazil has joined it.

India will get them only in 2020, so as a interim MMRCA is the right thing to do.
IIRC, it will be around 1-2 billion dollars that India will spend on this project and now even Brazil has joined it.

India will get them only in 2020, so as a interim MMRCA is the right thing to do.

iI hope that india chooses MIG-35 for its mmrca deal. they can bargain for all the 5 gen tech to be incorporated in the migs as all the techs designed for PAKFA will undergo trials in mig-35 and flankers.
also mig can offer full transfer of technology with additional blueprints about aircraft designs,engines and maintaince.:agree:
iI hope that india chooses MIG-35 for its mmrca deal. they can bargain for all the 5 gen tech to be incorporated in the migs as all the techs designed for PAKFA will undergo trials in mig-35 and flankers.
also mig can offer full transfer of technology with additional blueprints about aircraft designs,engines and maintaince.:agree:

My guess is India will go for

Rafale - for AESA technology with complete ToT

Shornet F-18 - for giving India nuclear deal.

We already have too much of Russian military hardware, probably India want to look for something new.
A team of Indian scientist is working on the project with Russian scientist for the development. This will also help in technology transfer. Brazil will give around $1 billion for the research.
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Did i miss something here whatever happened to that 125 jet fighters order that India was supposed to order:cheesy:

125 aircraft is the MMRCA deal previous post are talking about. Then there are 200 sukhoi and this 5th generation aircraft will be different. Plan is maintain air force balance with china. India needs to develop private domestic defense industry.
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Can u tell us, how much...exactly is this lot of money which Indian will pay to Russia for the development of this new fighter?
What is the estimated timed time frame for the development?

5 billion dollars are budgeted for it from India's side. There will be two different versions Russian one will be single seater and Indian one will be two seater. Russian model will take in to skies by early next year. There is no date given when Indian version will take to the skies. Estimated time to fructify near 2020. Although Russians are optimistic that by 2017-2018 time frame both models will be ready for induction

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