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Russia sending Syria attack helicopters

^^^Russia is doing all it can to hold on to its military base.Wonder how USA was able to look the other way on Bahrain when its naval base was threatened.

USA was hostile toward Bahran regime, and it even imposed an impargo on transfering arms to it, aside from agressive criticism of their media and deplomatic speeches, until Saudi foreign minister, Saud Al-Faisal shut their mouths in a clear and direct threat "Any finger directed to GCC will be chopped off", thereafter, there was no more intervention in Bahrain. Therefore, the terrorists were crunched.:smokin:
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While I don't like the Assad regime, I support Russia on this matter. Syria's sovereignty should not be treated as the same way as Pakistan's, Iran's or Libya's.
lol thats strnge ever war is fighting in muslims country lol the crime rate of n.y of day is higher then paks whole year =))) usa and russia are 2 countries with most crime rate 1st go and sort out ur issues =)) after that try 1else issue u.s is power bull =)) thats untul he dont crushed by some mad man we wont gone stop :D now their isnt any mad man right now so lets wait and watch
No problem, this will deal with them...

BTW, several hells were shot down.

FSA are doing very well...:lol:

and this russian weapon will deal with you:

go ahead and use those weapons kid, do you want your camels to evaporate?
come on you take him seriously let him talk his kind is only brave when he faces countrys sanctioned and surrounded by west and arabs puppets

My friend no one even knows that jordon is a country, Jordon is a make of shoes.
do you think we take them seriously? that poor miserable kid is here to advertise his country and we just laugh.:lol:
Really can't believe here some people are supporting the deaths of hundreds of kids unneccasarily in Syria.

and isn't it because some well known exporter of terrorists and terrorism send those foreign mercenaries and armed gangs and kidnappers into Syria
thats Strange every day muslims are killed and we all are fighting with each other iraq , iran , ksa, turkey or any country we all are brothers made by a bond and Holy Prophet Created that bond i respect All countries same as i respct My motherland so plz stop this
USA was hostile toward Bahran regime, and it even imposed an impargo on transfering arms to it, aside from agressive criticism of their media and deplomatic speeches, until Saudi foreign minister, Saud Al-Faisal shut their mouths in a clear and direct threat "Any finger directed to GCC will be chopped off", thereafter, there was no more intervention in Bahrain. Therefore, the terrorists were crunched.:smokin:
IN other words USA chickened out on Bahrain! So much for supporter of universal human rights.
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USA was hostile toward Bahran regime, and it even imposed an impargo on transfering arms to it, aside from agressive criticism of their media and deplomatic speeches, until Saudi foreign minister, Saud Al-Faisal shut their mouths in a clear and direct threat "Any finger directed to GCC will be chopped off", thereafter, there was no more intervention in Bahrain. Therefore, the terrorists were crunched.:smokin:

and yet you support Syrian terrorists?Did you tell us that you are a big fuckin hypocrite.
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