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Russia seeks to sell stealth jets to Korea

What would South Korea troops do when a conflict between two of its protectors USA and Russia in fights?
This is a strange comment since there is little to no chance of a war between Russia and the US. Russia isn't a threat to anyone unless you happen to be a Georgian.

A little known secret. Korean troops train in Russian Far East and there was once a talk of leasing a base in Russian Far East, which made Kim Jong Il go ballistic because of a possibility that ROK troops would invade from NK-Russian border in the event of a war.
Yakhont : 3 tons
Brahmos : 2.5 tons
Yakhont-K : 2 tons

All three does the same thing at same speed, but Korean one is 500 kg less than Brahmos, just like how Brahmos weigh 500 kg less due to advances in electronics.
2.5 t is air launched Brahmos without booster. With Booster it weights 3 t just like Yakhont. Yakhont-K does not exist.

1) In South Korea and Russia have a common enemy - Japan (territorial disputes).
2) In South Korea and Russia have a common neighbor restless - China.
3) Who will support the United States in the Event of Armed Conflict (Japan and South Korea)?
4) Russia will remain a neighbor always. United States in the region temporal value.

This does not mean we should rush into each other's arms. However, it is normal for Russia and South Korea to build partnerships (with an eye to the future).
Arms trade, fits into the concept.
They only real enemy of SK is NK. And who will support Russia in case of conflict we dont know. US will support SK 100%.

1. Korea already has the operating experience of Russian arms.
They operate small amount of weapons in return for Russia's debt.
Yakhont-K does not exist.
It does. I too was shocked when I first got a word on this follow-up project.

They only real enemy of SK is NK.
Primary adversary faced by Korean military is the Chinese, not NK, because that's whom the Korean military fought against the last time, and whom the Korean military is anticipating as the primary combatant in the next war.

You really don't need something like PAK-FA and supersonic anti-ship missiles to destroy NK troops; they are meant for the Chinese.

They operate small amount of weapons in return for Russia's debt.
Russian involvement in Korea's defense industry is far greater than what you assume. This is why Sukhoi thinks they have a real chance.
Wow, this is amazing, I have though about what you though long time ago but this time is really fantastic because it coming out from a Ruskie. So where is the North Korea? Where is the border lines between Korean peninsula with your great "viva" Russia? What would South Korea troops do when a conflict between two of its protectors USA and Russia in fights? Remember Vietnam, remember Iraq? ....and Japan in your though maybe just a dumb joke standing still and watch!? [/QUOTE]

Apparently you're a little behind on current events (20-40 years).
1. The Cold War ended. Russia has no ideological differences with South Korea.

2. Russia has nothing with North Korea. You have not heard nothing about a split in the socialist camp? North Korea is China's sphere of influence (and quite limited). For this reason, Russia is not involved in the conflict in South Korea and North Korea.

3. Russia and Germany in the 20th century fought twice. This does not preclude establish good economic relations. Nothing prevents to establish mutually beneficial relations in South Korea and Russia.

Maybe I will surprise you. You also surprised me with a question.
It does. I too was shocked when I first got a word on this follow-up project.

Primary adversary faced by Korean military is the Chinese, not NK, because that's whom the Korean military fought against the last time, and whom the Korean military is anticipating as the primary combatant in the next war.
China is not Maoist country anymore, it has blooming economy. Its not going to attack anyone.

You really don't need something like PAK-FA and supersonic anti-ship missiles to destroy NK troops; they are meant for the Chinese.
Yet when NK hikacked people, bombed island and singled destroyed SK did nothing.
Existing stock of US weapons(AMRAAM, Sidewinder, SLAM-ER, Popeye) plus new stock of Korean weapons. Sidewinder equivalent, Korean glide bomb(100 km+ range), Yakhont-K(Another weapon of Russian origin. Similar to Indian Brahmos, but 25% smaller than Brahmos due to weight reduction from better Korean electronics and warhead), and a possible KM-SAM derived mid-range A2A missile etc.

Having foreign avionics, even US ones, always was a hurdle in integrating Korean weapons. This is why Korean warships are loaded with local missiles, but not Korean fighter jets due to avionics access issue.

Integrating US made AAMs and AGMs would be difficult on the FGFA since their missiles are usually for US or European made jets at the maximum in terms of integration. OTOH, getting indigenous Korean and Israel missiles would make more sense since you have the option to have it open-architectured.
Apparently you're a little behind on current events (20-40 years).
1. The Cold War ended. Russia has no ideological differences with South Korea.

No matter what ideological you have I don't care but the fact it is your Russia is close to Korean Peninsular and it may cause you to conflicts, it may not happen to day but tomorrow, nothing guaranteed 100%. I feel like you try to flatter the South Korean to bail for your interests or you are just a too innocent person!? Will the American let you have warm relationship with South Korean more than them, NO, beside the economic corporation, I don't think between Russia and South Korea can go further than that. The USA will try hard to break the relationship, if they can't they will kill South Korea pro-Russia forces event the president of South Korea, it is not too hard for the USA while the American absolutely dominated the vessels state. So don't think that you put down your communist status mean you are safe, the World still view your Russia as a bad guy and an aggressor to their peace. Just look what you have done with the East Europe and yesterday with Georgia. Who would believe your Russian? NO!!!

Furthermore, everybody knows your Ruskie democracy is just a fake, you still have dictatorship with only few powerful guys controlling of your whole country such as Putin or Medvedev. That's is why the West and USA have been using human rights, democracy, freedom of politic cards to against you just like they do with China. In my opinion, I do admire the Chinese more than you because they indeed have more democracy than your Russia, China in the outside looks like one party dictatorship but they are more flexible and realistic than any other political systems. China long blooding history has proved that they cannot growing well if they don't have democracy, so I don't think they choose the opposite approach to prevent themselves from development; China Communist Party just a dud, the Chinese do capitalism damn well more than you though.

2. Russia has nothing with North Korea. You have not heard nothing about a split in the socialist camp? North Korea is China's sphere of influence (and quite limited). For this reason, Russia is not involved in the conflict in South Korea and North Korea.

1-:lol: it is irony when it coming out from a Russian about "socialist camp" it like a prostitute criticize others don't have virgins!? Your Russia is the most evil nation in the World even with your communist comrade, China. How did you treat your comrade, don't you remember?

2- "North Korea is China's sphere of influence" Yeah right, you just give a pure confession about how powerless your Russia today in the region, you really want too but your ability is "quite limited"! China never say that way because they don't think NK is a tool of them but a partner, a comrade in arms who are fighting for survive. Maybe Russia is too big and too "superpower" so everything will be concluded to a "sphere of influence"!?

3- "Russia is not involved in the conflict in South Korea and North Korea" ... Well I let you dream about the paradise relation between the Russia and South Korea, but I just remind you again that once the Korean Peninsular united and independent, nothing will worth both Russia and USA. For example: look at how Vietnam bite back at their comrade Chinese. If the Korean choose to go with the American then your Ruskie will be in huge of threat, that time maybe the world has a new conflict between too "old friends" :lol:, however if the Korean choose the opposite way then USA will be frightened and will like a crazy beast, that time both of your Ruskie and Korean will loosing blood more than you could image ==> China & USA will be friend again to prevent the evil couple Korean and Ruskie!!! Worth for me either because we Cambodian have define that Chinese is our best ally, Chinese good we good :lol:

Last, I want you guys to know that the American is not as good as Chinese, just look how Chinese treat the Viets when the Viets bite back at their previous benefactor, nothing!? The American is absolutely different, when you betray them, you will pay hard!!!

3. Russia and Germany in the 20th century fought twice. This does not preclude establish good economic relations. Nothing prevents to establish mutually beneficial relations in South Korea and Russia.

Hello, economic corporation is a absolutely different, as I said above, even the Chinese have good economic relations with the West and USA more than your non-communist Russia! Do the Chinese and the West loving each others? NO!!! :lol:

Maybe I will surprise you. You also surprised me with a question.

:lol: I though you were more surprised than me, but anyways, you Russian are quite funny when dealing with others about politics. In the future when the Korean want to take some of their lands back from your Russia, don't blackmail them using your fancy Tu-95 flying over Korean penisular. :lol:

This is a strange comment since there is little to no chance of a war between Russia and the US. Russia isn't a threat to anyone unless you happen to be a Georgian.

A little known secret. Korean troops train in Russian Far East and there was once a talk of leasing a base in Russian Far East, which made Kim Jong Il go ballistic because of a possibility that ROK troops would invade from NK-Russian border in the event of a war.

The USA will "love" you very much if you are a new president of South Korea :lol:

I think what you said above is just because the Ruskie want to do something blackmail the NK, Russian indeed is doing great in this business, they use you as a chest for their political issues, they want to pressure the NK, in fact NK do have some border disputes with Russia these days, Russian are also want to have more influence with the North, but over than that, the Ruskie needs NK survive so they can stay away from the U.S. threat more than they need your SK.

SK is done, you can run nowhere, you are stuck hard with the USA, you live or die depend on them so make sure you don't make them unhappy.
You know nothing about Russia. Your words confirm this.
A dozen smiley faces do not change the situation.
I could argue with you on each item. However, it is a waste of time. Let me explain why.
Why do I attend this forum?
I never trust one source or one side of the conflict (especially the press). So I gather information from different sources.
I am an active participant or just a "listener" of the various Russian, European, American and European forums. I constantly have to make translations from different languages. It takes a lot of time.
I have no sense in arguing with you. It is very likely I Predict in advance all of your arguments (based on available sources you).
Because I'm constantly collecting this information. If I start to argue with you, it will take time and I will not give me anything in return.

S. Korea to Deploy Supersonic Ship-to-Surface Missiles

S. Korea to Deploy Supersonic Ship-to-Surface Missiles
By Jung Sung-ki
Staff Reporter

South Korea plans to deploy supersonic ship-to-ground missiles over the next few years, a military source said Sunday.

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration is considering either developing an indigenous model by modifying the Haeseong ship-to-ship missile or buying a foreign missile, the source said. A final decision will be made soon, he added.

This 2009 article is the best English source I can do, as 95% of information is not in English. But that article is talking about a ground-attack version of an anti-ship missile.

Here is the spec info(Not in English)

dandakhan scrapbook

- length : 6.5 m
- diameter : 0.5 m
- weight : 1.5 ton

China is not Maoist country anymore
You can't say that after witnessing China's thuggish behavior in the South China Sea.

Its not going to attack anyone.
And face a US airbase 600 km away from Beijing, where hundreds of stealth fighters and bombers are stationed.

Integrating US made AAMs and AGMs would be difficult on the FGFA since their missiles are usually for US or European made jets at the maximum in terms of integration.
Integrating Korean missiles into US warplanes is even tougher.

Will the American let you have warm relationship with South Korean more than them
Sure, why not?

it is not too hard for the USA while the American absolutely dominated the vessels state.
What is "the vessels state"?

the World still view your Russia as a bad guy and an aggressor to their peace.
Europe is disarming because they don't feel threatened by Russia anymore.

Asia is arming because they feel threatened by China.

Furthermore, everybody knows your Ruskie democracy is just a fake

Democracy Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

107 Russia 4.26 Hybrid regime
136 People's Republic of China 3.14 Authoritarian regime

For example: look at how Vietnam bite back at their comrade Chinese. If the Korean choose to go with the American then your Ruskie will be in huge of threat
Russia actually wants NK to collapse ASAP because that would allow Russian oil and gas to be piped directly to Korea and Japan, and connect Trans-Siberian Railway with Korean railway, which in turn will be connected to Japan via the tunnel, so that Russians could collect billions shipping Korean, Japanese, and European goods by rail which is much faster than by shipping.

Last, I want you guys to know that the American is not as good as Chinese
Euroepans, Russians, Japanese, Koreans, Canadians, and Australians trust the USA.

The same people do not thrust China. In fact, none of China's neighbors do.

You know nothing about Russia. Your words confirm this.
He is just your typical Chinese(or Chinese wanna-be) troll. There are billions of them out there.
You can't say that after witnessing China's thuggish behavior in the South China Sea.

haha "thuggish", it is funny when it coming out from your Korean, the most fascist people in Asia. Don't blame me for discriminate against your people but it is the fact from reality. If your Korean stay close to South China Sea, I think the whole ASEAN will united to kick your *** harder than they do with the Chinese. Let see how you react with the Japanese about Dokdo islands, thuggish? You are the thug!!! But I warn you again that do not act the same to Chinese when you have any territories disputes with them, they will crush you to pieces, don't overestimate your little tiny puny.

Plus, when Chinese have dispute with others they are blamed a thug, so how about your American invading in Iraq and Afghanistan? also your South Korean powerless but having great warlike behavior toward your neighbors China and Japan. Common let look at yourself through mirror!!!

And face a US airbase 600 km away from Beijing, where hundreds of stealth fighters and bombers are stationed.

How dare they start to attack China, if so not only the USA but also your puny SK and Japan will be crash to pieces under hell fire of nuclear ballistic missiles. Watch your mouth before you speak Korean!!! That just show how dependable your SK to USA; Korean, when you declare yourself as a "superpower" don't drag the third party to your side and though that your are so strong. Over thousand years your history has proved that without powerful backbone for your country Korea will not survive. How dare you today team up with the west and dare to bite China, who you think you are!!! You must feel shame more than a proud because of your dependence to others.
Integrating Korean missiles into US warplanes is even tougher.

Yeah yeah everything from your lover will be "tougher" than anything you don't like :lol:

Sure, why not?

Okay let raise your voice up as much as you can and don't cry hard later.

What is "the vessels state"?

As your motherland USA for the answer!

Europe is disarming because they don't feel threatened by Russia anymore.

Asia is arming because they feel threatened by China.

You Korean are very skill in flattering jobs, I bet the Ruskie are turned up now as you used to do with the Yank. Okay let keep doing the business Korean, thousand years of your history tell us everything!!! :lol:

Democracy Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

107 Russia 4.26 Hybrid regime
136 People's Republic of China 3.14 Authoritarian regime

:lol: Democracy of South Korea is the best!!!

Russia actually wants NK to collapse ASAP because that would allow Russian oil and gas to be piped directly to Korea and Japan, and connect Trans-Siberian Railway with Korean railway, which in turn will be connected to Japan via the tunnel, so that Russians could collect billions shipping Korean, Japanese, and European goods by rail which is much faster than by shipping.

:rofl: Just because of some minor interests the Ruskie will scarify its national security to the USA and have to trust and love South Korean because these people are cute and lovely to Russia, from that the Yank will love Ruskie more because the friendly attitude the Ruskie offer to her vessel state in East Asia, Korea!? :rofl:

Euroepans, Russians, Japanese, Koreans, Canadians, and Australians trust the USA.

The same people do not thrust China. In fact, none of China's neighbors do.

So your neighbors trust you a lots!? :rofl:

That's just show you only bow to the West but feel shame if do the same to the Chinese. In the past when Japan invaded Korea, you bow Japanese and serve them like you do to the Yank today, after the Japanese imperial collapsed, you look for new power to protect you, USA...and after USA gone, you will redo your history again!!! :lol:

He is just your typical Chinese(or Chinese wanna-be) troll. There are billions of them out there.

haha someone can't argue with me suing logical reasons then try to switch to the blaming. What a one liner looser!!! Shame for democracy civilians!!!

hey don't become arrogant little puny, you sound like an extremer who being brainwashed by Anti-Communist propaganda and by western licking idealism, all of your argument will go to the final, bashing Chinese. That's all your South Korea has, I wouldn't surprised!!! Keep downgrading the Chinese if it makes you feel safer or less insecure!!!
Funny that the technologically superior mighty Great Korea can't even accomplish what China did in 1970s.

I wonder how many times you guys would keep blaming Russia for your rocket failures. :lol:
Funny that the technologically advanced Great Korea can't even accomplish what China did in 1970s.
You mean make great computer chips? I do not see any Chinese companies in the same league as Samsung or Hynix.
That's just show you only bow to the West but feel shame if do the same to the Chinese. In the past when Japan invaded Korea, you bow Japanese and serve them like you do to the Yank today, after the Japanese imperial collapsed, you look for new power to protect you, USA...and after USA gone, you will redo your history again!!! :lol:
You should stop. Know your own history when the French were in Indochina.
Our 10 petaflops supercomputer in the end of this year gonna power with our indigenous cpu.

Native Chinese Supercomputer Could Be World's Most Efficient | Popular Science

BTW, you should go to ask when the mighty Great Korea can independently launch their own rocket.
And apparently you missed the point completely, that it is wrong to use individual industry or accomplishment to compare one country against another. Currently, despite disparities in individual industry that anyone can name, China and South Korea are relatively the same. South Korea's human intellectual capital may be focused on other more profitable ventures like computer chips, but that is the beauty of the human intellect: flexibility. If South Korea can make computer chips superior to the Chinese and in greater numbers, as in global dominance, South Korea if necessary can have its own space program.
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