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Russia Says NATO, Persian Gulf Nations Plan to Seek No-Fly Zone for Syria

And I explained to you before. Fear is also a big factor. When the regime is killing thousands indiscriminately people will be extremely afraid to go into the street. When there are snipers on the roofs for anyone walking in the street you won't find people on the street.

Others would say that fear is keeping Saudis from coming to the streets. And they don't have Americans to support them either. What makes you want to judge or say whats right for another country.

---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 PM ----------

The only thing on the news that I see that xxx number of people killed by the government, can someone explain to me what going on there? Another Arab Spring revolution?

There are problems in Syria but then its difficult to tell how much is genuine and how much is propaganda by outside forces with ulterior motives like America

---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------

If there is fairness or unfairness in the world you can count on Americans to side with unfairness
Bottom line is that US & Iran are disturbing the regional peace. They are partners in crime.

There joint targets are Turkey, Saudi Arabia & Pakistan... unfortunately, first two states cannot be falsely dehumanized as millions of people from all over the world visit both states and the most of above public of both states trust their govt. more than propaganda can damage the trust.

While in case of Pakistan its army is proving invincible.. despite 35'000 soldiers / officers being killed.. mostly by Iran made IEDs and hi-tech communications and night vision gear made in US.
Turkey and Russia share a border. What if Russia attacks Turkey directly to save Syria? China should help Russia defend Syria, even if we have to join in an attack on Turkey.
where is the Turkiye-Russia border? can you show me on a map
Russians can't swim in Blacksea if Turkish-Bulgarian-Romanian Navies let them , do you think what happen if istanbul strait closed especially in winter?
To the Turks on here you are on thin ice here. Nato and America maybe your allies, They are enemies of Muslims everywhere and we don't need the type of democracy they introduced in Iraq in Syria. Americans are killing Muslims everywhere. Tomorrow maybe they will support rebels in Turkey. It is better that we have non interference in sovereign nations.

Just remember Turks no matter how hard you try you are not accepted as white or European. Look at how they accepted Greeks and Greek Cypriots but didn't allow Turkey into EEC. look at what French openly say about Turks.Yet French are your allies in Nato

why would America support rebels, and who is this rebels?

America's economy would go straight to hell, just by thinking of attacking NATO's second biggest armed force.

the problem with Syria is that we get refugees who is a burden to us... and they keep coming because stupid assad goes around and massacre whoever he wants.

i dont look at myself as a "white European", EEC? you mean EU? if so, no we dont want to get in it. it wont bring us anything good.

greeks and all that stuff has more to do with history than with religion.

French... please. even Americans hate them and want them nuked back to stone age
Are you from Anatolia, Antalya, or Kurdish regions ?

From what I read most of the inhabitants of Western Turkey are of European origin - even though they speak Turkish and are Muslim - mostly Greek origin (from ancient times) but also many from Eastern European countries (that used to be part of Ottoman Empire).
i dont look at myself as a "white European"
Qatar meddles alot it's using it's propaganda wing Al Jazeera to shape it's foreign policy, Libyans were angry at Qatar for Meddling and overstaying.
Syria is just a pawn, a trap. Looks like NATO is trying to get Iran involved in Syria. Turkey gets a friendly country on its borders(Syria, friendly population, not just a friendly leader) and checks Iran growing influence in the region.
Syria is just a pawn, a trap. Looks like NATO is trying to get Iran involved in Syria. Turkey gets a friendly country on its borders(Syria, friendly population, not just a friendly leader) and checks Iran growing influence in the region.

Won't happen Unless Russia wants to lose it's Base.
Syria is just a pawn, a trap. Looks like NATO is trying to get Iran involved in Syria. Turkey gets a friendly country on its borders(Syria, friendly population, not just a friendly leader) and checks Iran growing influence in the region.

And no one has trouble with this nonsense.
Syrian government and Syrian people are in war with terrorists financed and armed by Turkey. dont be surprised if such activity will have reciprocal effect.
No its against the majority of people basically al non "nusayris" so sunnis.
And don't worry about reciprocal effect we already have them for more then 30 years thanks to same bashar assad who sheltere and supported the PK K who also are armed with ak47's made in russia.

So we dont owe you guys nothing. it's payback time, if i was in charge i would've bombed syrian military positions from the air, and also send our elite commandos to fight alongside the FSA already!

Hope they will do this soon before the entire sunni population gets wiped out!!
No its against the majority of people basically al non "nusayris" so sunnis.
And don't worry about reciprocal effect we already have them for more then 30 years thanks to same bashar assad who sheltere and supported the PK K who also are armed with ak47's made in russia.

So now it's payback time, if i was in charge i would've bombed syrian military positions from the air, and also send our elite commandos to fight alongside the FSA already!

If you were in Charge the Entire Middle East would have been in war and turkey hit with Nerve Gas. the only option seems if you can secure rights for the alwaties then Assad will fall.
Are you from Anatolia, Antalya, or Kurdish regions ?

From what I read most of the inhabitants of Western Turkey are of European origin - even though they speak Turkish and are Muslim - mostly Greek origin (from ancient times) but also many from Eastern European countries (that used to be part of Ottoman Empire).

don't believe everything you read. It is propaganda used against Turks by desperate Greeks, Armenians and the rest of all who are hostile against Turks, the source of these kind of anti-Turks black propaganda are alwAys from the same 2 european countries whom we are bitter enemies with (iwont namethem) since almost ancient times! Since Atilla the Hun, just one of the reason of their passionate hate!

We are Turks, Oguz Turks. Pure by blood, by rAce.

Also we got Turks from Balkans that's true they came back After ww1, they were like some sort of settlers who went there after the lands were conquered. Later when we lost the wars the balkans were ethnically cleansed from the Turks, most of them killed minorty survived and made it back to sacred homeland.
Genetic studies prove it. With all respect ... no offense meant at all ... just pointing out the scientific evidence. You can google it, there is plenty of evidence. One study I remember reading was there was no more than 5% Altaic genes in Turkey, although some isolated groups may have a much higher percentage. I am sure you know that, and here is a summary from Wiki:

Genetic history of the Turkish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Contrary to nationalist dogma, studies of population genetics have indicated that the modern Anatolian Turks are genetically influenced by indigenous (pre-Islamic) Anatolian populations.[3] Turkish and Azeri populations are atypical among Altaic speakers in having low frequencies of Asiatic haplotypes. Rather, these two Turkic-speaking groups seem to be closer to populations from the Middle East, Caucasus and the Balkans. This finding is consistent with a model in which the Turkic languages, originating in the Altai-Sayan region of Central Asia and northwestern Mongolia, were imposed on the indigenous peoples without significant genetic admixture, possible example of elite cultural dominance - driven linguistic replacement.[4]
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