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Russia Says NATO, Persian Gulf Nations Plan to Seek No-Fly Zone for Syria


Oct 29, 2011
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Russia received information that members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and some Persian Gulf countries are preparing military intervention in Syria, the head of the Russian Security Council said.

Turkey, a NATO member, may play a key role, Nikolai Patrushev, who used to head the country’s intelligence agency, the Federal Security Service, told Interfax in comments confirmed by his office. The U.S. and Turkey are working on a possible no-fly zone to protect Syrian rebels, Patrushev said.

“We are receiving information that NATO members and some Persian Gulf states, working under the ‘Libyan scenario’, intend to move from indirect intervention in Syria to direct military intervention,” the Russian security chief said.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said yesterday that the Arab League monitoring mission in Syria should end after failing to deter the government’s 10-month campaign of violence against dissidents. She spoke after meeting Qatari Foreign Minister, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor al Thani, a day after President Barack Obama held talks with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal at the White House.

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry and NATO’s press service in Brussels didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

Russia, which has Soviet-era ties with Syria, argues that United Nations-sanctioned bombing of Libya by NATO to protect civilians was used to bring about regime change and that Western governments are trying to repeat that scenario in Syria.
Iranian Alliance

The West is putting pressure on Syria because the country refuses to break off its alliance with Iran and not for repressing the opposition, said Patrushev, who served with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in the Soviet-era KGB.

“This time, it won’t be France, the U.K. and Italy that will provide the main strike forces, but perhaps neighboring Turkey, which was until recently on good terms with Syria and is a rival of Iran with immense ambitions,” Patrushev said.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad rejected calls for his resignation on Jan. 10, accusing “foreign conspiracies” of aiming to divide his country. Unrest in Syria since March 2011 has claimed more than 5,000 lives, according to the United Nations.

The Arab League imposed sanctions on Syria on Nov. 27. Russia and China have blocked efforts by the U.S. and the European Union for the UN Security Council to condemn the crackdown.

Russia, which has a naval base in Syria and sells weapons to the Middle Eastern country, is more concerned that Islamic radicals may come to power, said Irina Zvyagelskaya, a Middle East analyst at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow.
Russian Fear

“Our fear is that Syria could collapse and extremist Islamic forces will seize control that no one will be pleased about,” Zvyagelskaya said in a phone interview today. “This could destabilize the entire region.”

While Russia would block any effort to seek UN approval for a no-fly zone in Syria thanks to its veto-wielding power as a permanent member of the Security Council, Western nations and their allies may form a coalition like they did for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, said the analyst.

“There are scenarios which different countries are looking at,” Zvyagelskaya said. “We have seen before what a no-fly zone means, it will be used to overthrow the regime.”
No-Fly Zone

Defectors from Assad’s army who have set up an opposition force called the Free Syrian Army called at the end of last year for a no-fly zone and two buffer areas with international backing as they seek to topple the Syrian government.

The group wants a buffer zone in the north, on the Turkish- Syrian border, and another in the south near the border with Jordan to help them bring the fight closer to Assad, Riad al As’ad, a former Syrian colonel who leads the Free Syrian Army, said in a phone interview from Turkey on Nov. 18.

Russia may have obtained intelligence about Western military plans in Syria or may be sending a signal that it will actively oppose any such efforts, said Fyodor Lukyanov, an analyst at the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy in Moscow.

“After the Libyan experience, Russia will do everything to stop this scenario from happening,” he said in a phone interview. “Syria is much more important than Libya from Russia’s point of view.”
Russia seems very intent on keeping Syria they Delivered Cruise Missiles and S-300's.
Turkey have good relations with both china and russia! Syrian governement are slaughtering its own people so it must be removed from power, If you want to defend them if you want war, we are right here! We will stand by the poor and opressed. Russia, China etc doesnt matter for us that much!
Turkey have good relations with both china and russia! Syrian governement are slaughtering its own people so it must be removed from power, If you want to defend them if you want war, we are right here! We will stand by the poor and opressed. Russia, China etc doesnt matter for us that much!

Syrian government and Syrian people are in war with terrorists financed and armed by Turkey. dont be surprised if such activity will have reciprocal effect.
Syrian government and Syrian people are in war with terrorists financed and armed by Turkey. dont be surprised if such activity will have reciprocal effect.

blah blah... sure "terrorists". when the peacefull protestors where met with deadly crackdown they dont have any choice but to arm up themself.

sooner or later wheter you like it or not, Syria is going to be a democracy and not a shitty allawite controlled sunni oppresed state, where the presidency goes trough the son and not trough democratical elections.

you can keep dreaming about "Russia STr00o0onng!11!!|!1, beat Turkey". may i remind you...

To the Turks on here you are on thin ice here. Nato and America maybe your allies, They are enemies of Muslims everywhere and we don't need the type of democracy they introduced in Iraq in Syria. Americans are killing Muslims everywhere. Tomorrow maybe they will support rebels in Turkey. It is better that we have non interference in sovereign nations.

Just remember Turks no matter how hard you try you are not accepted as white or European. Look at how they accepted Greeks and Greek Cypriots but didn't allow Turkey into EEC. look at what French openly say about Turks.Yet French are your allies in Nato
To the Turks on here you are on thin ice here. Nato and America maybe your allies, They are enemies of Muslims everywhere and we don't need the type of democracy they introduced in Iraq in Syria. Americans are killing Muslims everywhere. Tomorrow maybe they will support rebels in Turkey. It is better that we have non interference in sovereign nations.

Just remember Turks no matter how hard you try you are not accepted as white or European. Look at how they accepted Greeks and Greek Cypriots but didn't allow Turkey into EEC. look at what French openly say about Turks.Yet French are your allies in Nato

Tell me brother in Islam, what difference is there between USA, China or Russia when it comes to Muslims? Atleast muslims have more freedom in United States compared to China.
Tell me brother in Islam, what difference is there between USA, China or Russia when it comes to enemy of Muslims?

Brother you know I have the utmost regard for my Turkish brothers. But actions speak louder than words, It is a fact that Americans have created more Muslim orphans and widows than China or Russia. Simply this is because AIPAC controls American government
Brother you know I have the utmost regard for my Turkish brothers. But actions speak louder than words, It is a fact that Americans have created more Muslim orphans and widows than China or Russia. Simply this is because AIPAC controls American government

They have created more true. But the other one also creating a fair amount. Tell me Aryan_B do you want Assad to stay?? Do you really believe that he is not killing his people by the thousands and sending his Shabihah on them to massacre them like dogs?? I know a Syrian guy he works in a Pharmacy here down the street his brother and mother was killed by Assad's goons. I would like to see you go up to him and say "Assad is a good guy".
They have created more true. But the other one also creating a fair amount. Tell me Aryan_B do you want Assad to stay?? Do you really believe that he is not killing his people by the thousands and sending his Shabihah on them to massacre them like dogs?? I know a Syrian guy he works in a Pharmacy here down the street his brother and mother was killed by Assad's goons. I would like to see you go up to him and say "Assad is a good guy".

I am a great believer of non interference. I explained to you before if there is a real popular movement then Assad would not last a week. take for example Pakistan if only 10% of th peoples came on the street the security forces would not be able to contain that 10% even though we have a large army with nukes. what can our armed forces do kill 18 million Pakistanis- no way. In every country you get small numbers who disagree with govt. Who are we outsiders to say they are the ones are the right ones to decide. every country on the path of democracy has periods of revolution. Let Syrians decide not Americans and west who should rule Syria
I am a great believer of non interference. I explained to you before if there is a real popular movement then Assad would not last a week. take for example Pakistan if only 10% of th peoples came on the street the security forces would not be able to contain that 10% even though we have a large army with nukes. what can our armed forces do kill 18 million Pakistanis- no way. In every country you get small numbers who disagree with govt. Who are we outsiders to say they are the ones are the right ones to decide. every country on the path of democracy has periods of revolution. Let Syrians decide not Americans and west who should rule Syria

And I explained to you before. Fear is also a big factor. When the regime is killing thousands indiscriminately people will be extremely afraid to go into the street. When there are snipers on the roofs for anyone walking in the street you won't find people on the street.
I am a great believer of non interference. I explained to you before if there is a real popular movement then Assad would not last a week. take for example Pakistan if only 10% of th peoples came on the street the security forces would not be able to contain that 10% even though we have a large army with nukes. what can our armed forces do kill 18 million Pakistanis- no way. In every country you get small numbers who disagree with govt. Who are we outsiders to say they are the ones are the right ones to decide. every country on the path of democracy has periods of revolution. Let Syrians decide not Americans and west who should rule Syria

Do you condemn the activities of bharti consulate in Zahedan in past decade?

Do you condemn the venture of Iran and US in bringing down Iraq & Lybia?

You do not know a squat.. what is going on out there!!

Do you know US handed Saddam to Mullah Sadar, and it was Saddar's men who hanged Saddam and how it concluded is on you tube. While people like you know that Mullah Saddar was leading armed struggel against US!
Which is partly correct that his men killed various US soldiers but there are alliances on the top.

Do you know that in various states of the world popular movements are being crushed by the dictator rulers and no western or Arabic or bharti news paper will report it. While in the same states the companies of dick cheney are making oil/gas projects in partnership with the worst dictators?

You need to go out on world tour, live among locals and come back after 10 years and than i would like to hear your opinion.
The only thing on the news that I see that xxx number of people killed by the government, can someone explain to me what going on there? Another Arab Spring revolution?
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