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Russia’s new Middle East energy game


Dec 31, 2012
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Russia’s new Middle East energy game

Moscow won’t jeopardize its new deeply strategic energy partnership with its Israeli-Greek Cypriot ‘Western’ partners. Where does that leave Iran?


Can Iran possibly compete with Russia primary priority: energy?

If anything offers a litmus test for trends in hard-nosed realpolitik, it’s the cutting of strategic international energy deals. While the Western media persists in warning of apocalyptic consequences should Iran’s nuclear ambitions lead to outright conflict with Israel – a conflict drawing in Russia et al. – an entirely different scenario is developing as Moscow is quietly buying long-term into the Israeli-Cypriot gas and oil energy bonanza.

Despite the Kremlin’s apparent public support for its traditional Middle East (ME) partners, its actions represent nothing less than a paradigm shift in the tectonic plates of regional power. More specifically, they represent an effective selling out of Russia’s backing for both Iran and Syria – something we predicted in Has Russia Sold Out Iran for a Stake in Israeli Gas? last year.

Only too aware of the threat of east Mediterranean supply if Europe is able to diversify away from Russian gas dependency, Moscow has been steadily feting Israel to buy into a piece of the action. On February 26th, that culminated in Russia’s Gazprom clinching a key deal to market Israeli liquefied natural gas (LNG).

But the 20-year contract between Gazprom Marketing, Trading Switzerland and Levant LNG Marketing Corporation represents only the first step in Russia’s new Middle East energy game.

As veteran observer M.K. Bhadrakumar wrote in the Asia Times, “The Tamar deal rewrites the ABC of geopolitics of energy security” being “an important milestone for strengthening Gazprom’s position in the global LNG market ... and in the booming Asian LNG market.” More than that, however, it’s a masterstroke that reflects Russia’s underlying priority across the Middle East itself.

Discovered in 2009, the Tamar and Dalit offshore fields hold around nine trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas. Due to come online in 2017, the Tamar LNG Project is expected to produce a cool three million metric tons of LNG annually. A multi-billion dollar floating LNG terminal is to be built near Cyprus to handle the conversion to LNG. And that will also bring into play gas piped from the island’s own Aphrodite field – another seven tcf.

That Moscow is in this for the long haul with its Israeli-Cypriot partners is plain enough. Moscow has already advanced a $3.5 billion loan and attempted to gain more leverage over Cyprus' economic and energy assets during the recent bitter negotiations in the banking crisis.

But the Tamar deal is just for starters. The Kremlin is playing a much bigger game. Gazprom is already eyeing a role in the development of Israel’s gigantic Leviathan gas field. With its estimated 25 tcf of gas Leviathan is due to come on-stream by 2016. And the eastern Mediterranean bonanza is potentially huge. The US Geological Survey estimates the eastern Mediterranean Levant Basin contains around 123 tcf of gas and 1.7 billion barrels of oil.

Apart from the potential of supplying Europe by pipeline, this offers Russia, already the global leader in LNG supply, a major role in exporting Mediterranean gas to the highly lucrative and burgeoning Asian market, including China, India and Japan, where piping the gas is not an option.

Given that the Leviathan-Tamar holdings are dominated by a raft of Israeli companies (Delek, Avnar Oil Exploration and others) together with a 39 percent stake held by the US oil major Noble Energy – effectively a joint Israeli-US venture – one can only surmise that critical security commitments have been made by the Kremlin to their new Israeli and US partners.

Russia’s economy depends on its energy revenues. As we have said before: “Putin is only too aware of the triple whammy of falling domestic energy productivity, surging global shale development in the wake of the US shale revolution, and the new threat posed to a European market still dependent on Russian gas imports – the significant potential of Israeli gas exports”.

At a stroke Russia has now achieved a major role, and a serious piece of the eastern Mediterranean energy action, whether the energy is exported north to Europe or east to Asia. And Gazprom is not likely to leave things there.

According to the details of the February deal, Gazprom has also been granted the exclusive right to purchase the LNG produced by the terminal. Thus the Tamar deal greatly strengthens Gazprom’s hand in fulfilling commitments made in a raft of medium and long-term deals with India and in north-east Asia.

Russia’s state-backed Gazprom is being used to extend and secure Russia’s global energy hegemony. But while the Tamar deal did make one or two headlines in the media’s business and energy sections, its wider ramifications for Middle East security has largely been lost on Middle East observers. So let’s spell them out.

First, it sends a clear message to Turkey should the Ankara Government consider military intervention in an attempt to stop Greek Cypriot gas and oil exploration and infrastructure development. Second, for all its apparent support for Syria’s Assad regime, Russia’s energy partnership with Israel is clearly meant for the long haul whichever side gains control in Damascus. No wonder Israel has recently felt sufficiently emboldened to issue oil and gas exploration rights on the disputed Golan Heights.

But, most significantly of all, Russia’s ME ‘re-alignment’ delivers a powerful retort to the hand-wringing angst of Western intellectuals and media ‘experts’ who persist in invoking the fear-laden question: what would Russia do if Israel decides militarily intervention is the only way to end Iran’s nuclear ambitions?

While we have consistently made out a strong case that the (Iranian-Syrian) Shia v Sunni (Saudi and much of the rest of the ME) divide would, despite the rhetoric, means not a single ME government would come to Iran’s aid in the event of an attack, we can also state precisely what Russia won’t do.

Moscow won’t jeopardize its new deeply strategic energy partnership with its Israeli-Greek Cypriot ‘Western’ partners – in particular, its burgeoning relationship with the Middle East’s coming energy superpower, Israel.

Peter C Glover and Professor Michael J. Economides are co-authors of Energy and Climate Wars (Continuum), Power Politics: The Inside Track On Energy (HardWired, e-book). For more: www.petercglover.com

Russia has nothin to do with the energy things in ME. ME countries should write their energy map. Nor Russia or US. Btw since the normalisations of relations; there won't be a need for mil. intervention. Plus, we're welcomed to launch another "Operation Atilla". But seriously, it has nothing to do with Iran I guess. Topic should be moved to Mid-East sub section :)
Yes. When Israel discovered more gas and Shale Oil reserves - many analysts were saying it's a game-changer in the middle east.

Europe will prefer to buy from Israel. So politically Israel; is stronger.

Yes. When Israel discovered more gas and Shale Oil reserves - many analysts were saying it's a game-changer in the middle east.

Europe will prefer to buy from Israel. So politically Israel; is stronger.


Does Israel have enough to export?

I remember the news about discovery, but I didn't think it'd be enough to meet both domestic and export mkt needs. It has to be economically viable to build pipelines etc... Even if there's a little left for export, I don't think it's enough. Could be wrong though.
Russia is more than thrilled to see Iranian oil and gas being cut off the European market.. it is well known that Iran is the most potent long term competitor to Russian oil and gas exports to the European continent...Iran holds the worlds greatest combined fossil energy reserves (oil+gas)…as always Russia plays a double game with Iran….
Russia is preparing for Iran war and that it will step aside. All signs show soon Iran will be uprooted.
Russia is more than thrilled to see Iranian oil and gas being cut off the European market.. it is well known that Iran is the most potent long term competitor to Russian oil and gas exports to the European continent...Iran holds the worlds greatest combined fossil energy reserves (oil+gas)…as always Russia plays a double game with Iran….


List of countries by natural gas proven reserves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have the largest gas reserves on the planet.
Does Israel have enough to export?

I remember the news about discovery, but I didn't think it'd be enough to meet both domestic and export mkt needs. It has to be economically viable to build pipelines etc... Even if there's a little left for export, I don't think it's enough. Could be wrong though.

Yes. They will export gas. The gas is estimated to take care of Israel's domestic needs for 75 years minimum.

Only problem now is who to export through. We were going to go through Cyprus into Europe - but now that we have kissed and made up with Turkey - they want us to go through them and don't want us involved with Cyprus as they are bitter enemies.

But we don't want to ditch Cyprus.

So it's still being worked out.
Yes. They will export gas. The gas is estimated to take care of Israel's domestic needs for 75 years minimum.

Only problem now is who to export through. We were going to go through Cyprus into Europe - but now that we have kissed and made up with Turkey - they want us to go through them and don't want us involved with Cyprus as they are bitter enemies.

But we don't want to ditch Cyprus.

So it's still being worked out.

You can't go around Turkey. Oil pipes to the deep med sea is not feasible. We know how the Jewish brain works. They first made all calculations and discovered going around Turkey, so Israel> South-Cyprus> Greece is not possible physically dangerous and financially not feasible.
Yes. When Israel discovered more gas and Shale Oil reserves - many analysts were saying it's a game-changer in the middle east.

Europe will prefer to buy from Israel. So politically Israel; is stronger.


Israel, and all other countries combined, can not compete with Arabs in energy sector.

Saudi Aramco produces 1 barrel of oil at $2.5 and sells it at around $90+ .... Do you think Russia, Israel etc can even think of competing with THAT?

But offcourse, discovery of gas will definitely increase Israel's stature...
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