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Russia’s Growing Ties with Vietnam


Apr 11, 2012
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Russia’s policies in Southeast Asia often pass without a great deal of remark. But missing the latest twists and turns in Russia’s relationship with Vietnam risks a failure to grasp key elements of the way in which these two important Asian actors are responding to China’s rising power and to trends in Asian security. Although Sino-Russian ties are deepening, at least in the context of the United States, in Southeast Asia Russia has in fact quietly but openly resisted Chinese encroachments and is forging a deeper military-political relationship with Vietnam.

Beijing has repeatedly demanded that Moscow terminate energy explorations in the South China Sea, clearly responding to Russia’s visibly enhanced interests in the region. In 2012, Russia announced its interest in regaining a naval base at Cam Ranh Bay, a step probably connected to joint Russo-Vietnamese energy projects off Vietnam’s coast, and a potential means of checking China. Gazprom also signed a deal to explore two licensed blocks in Vietnam’s continental shelf in the South China Sea, taking a 49% stake in the offshore blocks, which hold an estimated 1.9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and more than 25 million tons of gas condensate. Those actions precipitated Beijing’s demand that Moscow leave the area. Yet despite its silence, presumably to avoid antagonizing China, Moscow stayed put. Since then it has stepped up support for Vietnam involving energy exploration in the South China Sea and, perhaps more ominously from China’s standpoint, arms sales and defense cooperation.

Russia’s ties to Vietnam are flourishing as Hanoi, clearly aiming to deter the China threat, has become a major customer for Russian weapons, primarily buying submarines and planes. Russia and Vietnam have been “strategic partners” since 2001, a relationship that was upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2012. Bilateral trade and scientific-cultural exchanges are growing, with Russia ranking eighteenth among 101 foreign investors in Vietnam, focusing on mining, processing and manufacturing industries (particularly energy). And Russia is helping Vietnam build a nuclear power plant.

But perhaps the most striking and consequential forms of cooperation are military. Vietnam’s Defense minister, General Phung Quang Thanh, recently remarked, “cooperation in the military-technical spheres between the two countries highly contribute towards strengthening the traditional friendship and facilitating the further development of the strategic partnership.”

Apart from the openly expressed interest in using Cam Rah Bay, Russia is helping Vietnam build a submarine base and repair dockyard to provide maintenance support for other naval platforms. The submarine base will host the Kilo-class subs that Vietnam has bought from Russia and will almost certainly be deployed to protect Vietnamese interests in the South China Sea. More recently, both sides have begun discussing a document allowing for regular Russian port visits to Vietnam for maintenance and R&R, although Cam Ranh Bay will not become a Russian base.

Vietnam and Russia also announced a third tranche of the sale of 12 new SU-30MK2 fighter aircraft that can target ships, aerial and ground targets, while Vietnam has also ordered six Varshavyanka-class submarines that represent an improvement on its existing Kilo-class submarines and can conduct anti-submarine, anti-ship, general reconnaissance and patrols in relatively shallow waters like the South China Sea. These sales represent a Vietnamese example of defense modernization to defend against threats to its offshore energy interests, defend its claims in the South China Sea, and deter growing Chinese aggressiveness. In these respects it is doing what other Southeast Asian states are doing to modernize aging defense inventories and defend against new threats.

But perhaps the most striking aspect of these recent arms sales and ministerial talks is the fact that Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has approved a draft Russia-Vietnam military cooperation pact that would formalize the two governments’ defense cooperation. Medvedev’s approval orders the Russian Ministry of Defense to discuss the planned accord with the Vietnamese government and authorizes the Russian ministry to sign the agreement on behalf of the Russian government. The planned accord would stipulate exchanges of opinions and information confidence-building measures, cooperate to enhance international security and ensure more effective action against terrorism and better arms control.

Of course, nothing in the bilateral relationship is intended to target a third country, or so they say. But it is clear that this relationship, the high points of which are the new agreement and these arms sales is intended to curb China’s aggressive intentions and behavior in the South China Sea. It is noteworthy that most of these announcements come from the Vietnamese side, which clearly has every reason to display publicly to China its ability to garner support for its military buildup and political resistance to Chinese claims. Thus, Vietnam not only enjoys strong U.S., Russian and Indian diplomatic and military support, it is buying weapons from Russia, Sweden and Israel, among others. Indeed, to strengthen its C4ISR capabilities Vietnam is also investing in powerful foreign C4ISR systems and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to protect its offshore interests and installations.

While Vietnam’s weaving together of a strong military-political web of external support and internal development using foreign and domestic capabilities that have been indigenized is designed to resist China, it is also noteworthy that Rusisa is steadily upgrading its military, economic and political support for Vietnam, despite the burgeoning identity of anti-American interests and cooperation with China. This is clearly part of Moscow’s own “pivot” to Asia, which actually preceded its U.S. namesake and aims to invigorate Moscow’s economic, military and political position as a major, independent Asian power in its own right.

Despite the professed identity of interests with China, Beijing clearly is not happy with these Muscovite policies. In 2012, its media called them “unrighteous” and stressed that Russo-Vietnamese military and energy cooperation allows Vietnam to extend energy exploration into contested areas. Vietnam depends on this cooperation with Russia, so in some sense Russia is culpable. China also correctly accused Russia at that time of seeking a return to Cam Ranh Bay. These developments support the argument put forth by Jeffrey Mankoff that the visible signs of Russo-Chinese amity is something of a façade. He observes:

Moscow touts its partnership with Beijing mostly to prove to the rest of the world that Russia still matters, while China views it as a low-cost way of placating Russia. Lacking much of a common agenda, cooperation is limited to areas where their interests already overlap, like bolstering trade. In the parts of the world that matter most to them, Russia and China are more rivals than allies….Nor does sporadic cooperation between the Russian and Chinese militaries alter the fact that China’s assertiveness worries Russia as least as much as it worries the United States. Russian military commanders acknowledge that they see China as a potential for, even as official statements continue to focus on the alleged that form the United States and NATO. In July 2010, Russia conducted one of its largest ever military exercises, which aimed at defending the sparsely populated Russian Far East from an unnamed opponent with characteristics much like those of he People’s Liberation Army.

If this is indeed the case, Russo-Chinese ties may not be as dangerous for the U.S. as some have feared. Of course, complacency would be ill advised since the two governments will clearly collude to block numerous American initiatives globally. In Asia, though, we might see added jockeying and competition for support and influence, both by major actors like Russia and China as well as by increasingly capable middle powers like Vietnam, something that will only add a further layer of complexity to Asia’s already tangled security agendas.

Despite the professed identity of interests with China, Beijing clearly is not happy with these Muscovite policies. In 2012, its media called them “unrighteous” and stressed that Russo-Vietnamese military and energy cooperation allows Vietnam to extend energy exploration into contested areas. Vietnam depends on this cooperation with Russia, so in some sense Russia is culpable. China also correctly accused Russia at that time of seeking a return to Cam Ranh Bay. These developments support the argument put forth by Jeffrey Mankoff that the visible signs of Russo-Chinese amity is something of a façade. He observes:

Moscow touts its partnership with Beijing mostly to prove to the rest of the world that Russia still matters, while China views it as a low-cost way of placating Russia. Lacking much of a common agenda, cooperation is limited to areas where their interests already overlap, like bolstering trade. In the parts of the world that matter most to them, Russia and China are more rivals than allies….Nor does sporadic cooperation between the Russian and Chinese militaries alter the fact that China’s assertiveness worries Russia as least as much as it worries the United States. Russian military commanders acknowledge that they see China as a potential for, even as official statements continue to focus on the alleged that form the United States and NATO. In July 2010, Russia conducted one of its largest ever military exercises, which aimed at defending the sparsely populated Russian Far East from an unnamed opponent with characteristics much like those of he People’s Liberation Army.

If this is indeed the case, Russo-Chinese ties may not be as dangerous for the U.S. as some have feared. Of course, complacency would be ill advised since the two governments will clearly collude to block numerous American initiatives globally. In Asia, though, we might see added jockeying and competition for support and influence, both by major actors like Russia and China as well as by increasingly capable middle powers like Vietnam, something that will only add a further layer of complexity to Asia’s already tangled security agendas.
interesting...as of two points from the author
- if Russia has to choose between China and Vietnam, then it will favor Vietnam
- Vietnam is called again as middle power, now by an US-American

Before I get attacks from some Chinese, personally I see Vietnam is not a middle power yet, maybe in several years when our economy and living standard have improved more than as we have seen yet.

interesting...as of two points from the author
- if Russia has to choose between China and Vietnam, then it will favor Vietnam
- Vietnam is called again as middle power, now by an US-American

Before I get attacks from some Chinese, personally I see Vietnam is not a middle power yet, maybe in several years when our economy and living standard have improved more than as we have seen yet.

middle power or not, not important, in fact,wt Scud-C/D, nuke capable Shaddock,CBU 55, special 'mud men', perfect spies, our army can attack and destroy any neighbours (except China) within a month :pop:
middle power or not, not important, in fact,wt Scud-C/D, nuke capable Shaddock,CBU 55, special 'mud men', perfect spies, our army can attack and destroy any neighbours (except China) within a month :pop:

Vietnam use CBU-55???I do agree that in East Asian Countries(apart from both Korea,Japan and China),Vietnam is stronger than any other nation..recent induction of huge amount of arms just made it multifold..
interesting...as of two points from the author
- if Russia has to choose between China and Vietnam, then it will favor Vietnam
- Vietnam is called again as middle power, now by an US-American

Before I get attacks from some Chinese, personally I see Vietnam is not a middle power yet, maybe in several years when our economy and living standard have improved more than as we have seen yet.


You guys better to understand your position in this game, Russia treats you guys as their pawn, just to keep China busier in the SCS.

When against their biggest foe USA, the only partner they can rely on is China, meanwhile we are their biggest trading partner.

You Viets are not their Slavic brother, the Russian bear has no natural love for you guys.

You are just a pawn, end of story.
Japanese article - hence aims to sow discord. In this case - between China and Russia. The Japanese do not care who is with who strengthens ties, they are important to cause discord between the main contenders. Of course, this is done with the filing of the U.S., but I am 100% sure that even after the U.S. ends its occupation of Japan, Japan will remain the same provocative policy.
Vietnam use CBU-55???I do agree that in East Asian Countries(apart from both Korea,Japan and China),Vietnam is stronger than any other nation..recent induction of huge amount of arms just made it multifold..
We got some after defeating US

A Vietnamese C-130 transport plane circled Xuan Loc at 20,000 feet (6,100 m), then dropped the bomb. The contents exploded in a fireball over a 4-acre (16,000 m2) area. Experts estimated that 250 soldiers had been killed, primarily by the immediate depletion of oxygen rather than from burns. The CBU-55 was never used again in the war, and South Vietnam's government surrendered on April 30.[1]
We got some after defeating US

the quote you mentioned from wiki is of South Vietnamese force's bombing on North Vietnamese force..may be you are right that you got some from south vietnam..but i wonder if those bombs are still active..
Sometime I don't get the Vietnamese nationalists at all. They can punk and trick the West but not us. Nobody understands the Vietnamese Government regime than we do. Through thick bone and skin, we know their regime survival depends on us, so whatever their Vietnamese people say is irrelevant. Due to the weakness of this Vietnam regime, they are very susceptible to the NATO's military strike, if and when, there is society instability happening in Vietnam, like the Arab Spring. Since they have nobody to back them up, it is very dangerous for the Vietnamese. Future is not looking good for the Vietnamese and I hope they don't make mistake that lead of societal instability that will give NATO a reason to strike and broken up the country into regional fraction like what happen in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, and soon to be, Syria.
Joint communiqué confirms strong Vietnam-Russia ties

Vietnam and Russia on May 15 issued a Joint Communiqué, confirming that the lifting of bilateral ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership level has created a strong driving force for stronger cooperation in the new era.

The Communiqué, issued following Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s May 13-15 visit, says the two Governments will work closely and ask ministries, departments and localities to comprehensively deepen cooperation in various areas.

The two sides agreed to increase political dialogues, further bolster the relations through Party, State, Government and legislature channels as well as between ministries, departments and peoples of the two nations.

Leaders of the Vietnamese and Russian Governments agreed to take measures to boost two-way trade to US$7 billion by 2015 and US$10 billion by 2020.

Both sides will negotiate a comprehensive free trade agreement covering trade, investment, services and issues of mutual concern, based on flexible principles, development goals, the balance between demand and interest in line with common international practices and the World Trade Organisation’s regulations.

They highly valued bilateral cooperation in nuclear energy and attached special importance to the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Vietnam.

Vietnam and Russia pledged to further collaboration in national defence and security in the spirit of agreements reached by the two countries’ leaders.

The two PMs affirmed their determination to implement the high-level agreements reached by President Truong Tan Sang and President Vladimir Putin under a Joint Communiqué in July 2012 on accelerating the Vietnam – Russia comprehensive strategic partnership in foreign policies as well as boosting coordination in international arena, contributing to peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia – Pacific region and the world.

During PM Dung’s visit, the two sides signed a tourism cooperation plan and a judicial cooperation programme for the 2013-2014 period.

The two sides agreed that that PM Dung’s visit to Russia has make important contributions to advancing the Vietnam – Russia comprehensive strategic partnership.

Before leaving Russia, Prime Minister Dung met with President Vladimir Putin. Dung highly valued Russia’s foreign policy of considering Vietnam a prioritised partner in the region. He affirmed that Russia is Vietnam’s important partner, adding that Vietnam will make every effort with Russia to expand bilateral comprehensive links in various realms, on the basis of enhanced and trustworthy political relations.

The PM also informed President Putin of the East Sea situation and pledged to create all possible favourable conditions for Russian oil and gas companies to expand operations in the continental shelf and offshore Vietnam in line with international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

President Putin said Russia attaches much importance to the maintenance of peace and stability in the East Sea and hopes relevant parties settle the East Sea disputes on the basis of international law.

Both host and guest said bilateral trade remains modest and has yet to match the two countries’ potential. The signing of a free trade area agreement between Vietnam and the Union of Customs of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan will contribute to raising two-way trade to US$10 billion by 2020.

Dung and Putin stressed that energy cooperation is one of top priorities between the two nations. The Russian side will actively continue oil and gas exploitation activities in Vietnam’s continental shelf, and encourage Russia-Vietnam joint ventures to expand cooperation in Russia.

In the field of nuclear power, they vowed to closely work on building the Ninh Thuan 1 nuclear power plant as scheduled, based on the state-of-the-art technology to ensure safety, quality and the best efficiency.

Both leaders also reached a consensus on working closely in education – training, and science-technology.

After the meeting, Dung witnessed the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group and Rosneft Corporation on searching, surveying and exploiting oil and gas in Russia, Vietnam and the third countries.
VNA/VOV online
the quote you mentioned from wiki is of South Vietnamese force's bombing on North Vietnamese force..may be you are right that you got some from south vietnam..but i wonder if those bombs are still active..
many kind of US's weapon still work well until now like Uh 1 huey, Landing Craft Utility, so, wt Russia's help its not a big problem to keep those CBU 55 in active ,bro .
Sometime I don't get the Vietnamese nationalists at all. They can punk and trick the West but not us. Nobody understands the Vietnamese Government regime than we do. Through thick bone and skin, we know their regime survival depends on us, so whatever their Vietnamese people say is irrelevant. Due to the weakness of this Vietnam regime, they are very susceptible to the NATO's military strike, if and when, there is society instability happening in Vietnam, like the Arab Spring. Since they have nobody to back them up, it is very dangerous for the Vietnamese. Future is not looking good for the Vietnamese and I hope they don't make mistake that lead of societal instability that will give NATO a reason to strike and broken up the country into regional fraction like what happen in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, and soon to be, Syria.

It's typical Ah Q mentality. :omghaha:
Sometime I don't get the Vietnamese nationalists at all. They can punk and trick the West but not us. Nobody understands the Vietnamese Government regime than we do. Through thick bone and skin, we know their regime survival depends on us, so whatever their Vietnamese people say is irrelevant. Due to the weakness of this Vietnam regime, they are very susceptible to the NATO's military strike, if and when, there is society instability happening in Vietnam, like the Arab Spring. Since they have nobody to back them up, it is very dangerous for the Vietnamese. Future is not looking good for the Vietnamese and I hope they don't make mistake that lead of societal instability that will give NATO a reason to strike and broken up the country into regional fraction like what happen in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, and soon to be, Syria.

Poor u, low IQ brainwash Chinese, pls open your eyes wider and see that unlike corrupted govt in China, our Leader must survive the confident vote first before they can keep ruling the country. So, our leader must listen to people's wish if they wanna survive the next confident vote , they cant side wt China coz VNese dont like that

Got it,dude ?? and if you've been living in the dark for too long and dont know what confident vote is, then I will help u to understand it .:pop:
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