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Russia rejects Chinese help offer on Japan disputes

Russia should become generous :P They have so much of land what they will do with all that land and only 170 million people.

They can't claim they r running out of OIL and Gas . They have enough of it already.

A country who has denied its atrocities in the WWII, has denied the comfort women, has denied the Massacre of Nanjing.

Just imagine the credibility of their reports.
Chinese play dirty tricks against Japan when they can't solve the problem them self. As you can see PLA fan boys applause the this dirty move that tell you their true moral being of Chinese. Russia dont needed dirty tricks to solve their own problems.
the fact is,all of them were part of Japan till 1945,when SU unilaterally violated Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact in 1941 from 1875(Treaty of Saint Petersburg except the island Sakhalin) and Japan got half of Sakhalin by Treaty of Portsmouth in 1905.
Germany violated their pact with USSR. They had a right to null any other agreements with the axis.
Chinese play dirty tricks against Japan when they can't solve the problem them self. As you can see PLA fan boys applause the this dirty move that tell you their true moral being of Chinese. Russia dont needed dirty tricks to solve their own problems.

Russia doesn't need China's help to defend the Kuril Island, while same for China which doesn't need Russia's help to defend the Diaoyu Island.

But now we are supposed to be the strategic partners, so we should express our stance for each other, this is the manner.
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CCTV english - Chinese, Russian presidents hold talks on bilateral ties
SOCHI, Russia, Feb. 6 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping met his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, here Thursday for talks on bilateral ties.


Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi, Russia, Feb. 6, 2014. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen)
The two leaders reviewed the important achievements in the China-Russia ties in the past year, made strategic plans for the bilateral cooperation in the new year and reached important consensuses on the strategic coordination on major international and regional issues.
The two leaders also agreed to hold activities to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the 70th anniversary of the victory of Anti-Japanese War in 2015, so as to remember the history and educate future generations.
Putin said the Nazi forces' aggression toward European countries including the Soviet Union, and the serious crimes committed by the Japanese imperialist military in China and other Asian countries can not be forgotten, adding that Russia is willing to make joint efforts with China to hold commemorative activities.
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most of the members don't know that in 2006 Putin offered 2 island(Shikotan and Habomai) to Japan if they accept other 2 are Russians..but guess what??these 2 are the smallest in size.and actually in 1956,SU promised Japan that these 2 islands will be transferred to Japan after "Peace Treaty".

the fact is,all of them were part of Japan till 1945,when SU unilaterally violated Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact in 1941 from 1875(Treaty of Saint Petersburg except the island Sakhalin) and Japan got half of Sakhalin by Treaty of Portsmouth in 1905.

Guess what? Neither of them are native so why would it matter if Japan or Russia ruled the islands? The Japanese who demographically swamped the Ainu natives aren't the locals so why do they "have" to move back?

Ainu people lay ancient claim to Kurile Islands: The hunters and fishers who lost their land to the Russians and Japanese are gaining the confidence to demand their rights, reports Terry McCarthy - World - News - The Independent

Japan should be thankful that it was atomic bombed by America, because if the Soviets has participated in a land invasion of the Japanese home islands, the Soviets might have annexed Hokkaido and turned it into an autonomous Ainu SSR, since its the Ainu who are native to Hokkaido, South Sakhalin, and the Kuriles. All Japanese in Hokkaido, the Kuriles and Sakhalin are colonists.

History of Ainu resistance against Japan

Japan's indigenous Ainu battle for return of ancestors
Germany violated their pact with USSR. They had a right to null any other agreements with the axis.

it was a bilateral pact,signed by Soviet and Japan way later Germany violated the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

Guess what? Neither of them are native so why would it matter if Japan or Russia ruled the islands? The Japanese who demographically swamped the Ainu natives aren't the locals so why do they "have" to move back?

Ainu people lay ancient claim to Kurile Islands: The hunters and fishers who lost their land to the Russians and Japanese are gaining the confidence to demand their rights, reports Terry McCarthy - World - News - The Independent

these Ainus are "Red Indians" of Japan.nothing else.they don't have a sovereign country.they mostly live in Japan(some lives in Russia).

Japan should be thankful that it was atomic bombed by America, because if the Soviets has participated in a land invasion of the Japanese home islands, the Soviets might have annexed Hokkaido and turned it into an autonomous Ainu SSR, since its the Ainu who are native to Hokkaido, South Sakhalin, and the Kuriles. All Japanese in Hokkaido, the Kuriles and Sakhalin are colonists.

History of Ainu resistance against Japan

Japan's indigenous Ainu battle for return of ancestors


SU wouldn't give a single f@@rt to Ainus(no offense).they didn't gave much of an importance to the "Inhabitants of the captured land" ever..
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it was a bilateral pact,signed by Soviet and Japan way later Germany violated the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

these Ainus are "Red Indians" of Japan.nothing else.they don't have a sovereign country.they mostly live in Japan(some lives in Russia).


SU wouldn't give a single f@@rt to Ainus(no offense).they didn't gave much of an importance to the "Inhabitants of the captured land" ever..

Did I say they would care? I said they would annex Hokkaido and create an autonomous SSR, like the other Soviet Republics, which would mean Japan losing land and the SU gaining land, never said they cared about Ainu in particular. I was saying that Japan would lose more, while the Soviets would have benefited from a land invasion instead of atomic bombing.

The Soviets annexed the Baltic republics during WW2 as "autonomous SSRs" and benefited from it.
Did I say they would care? I said they would annex Hokkaido and create an autonomous SSR, like the other Soviet Republics, which would mean Japan losing land and the SU gaining land, never said they cared about Ainu in particular. I was saying that Japan would lose more, while the Soviets would have benefited from a land invasion instead of atomic bombing.

The Soviets annexed the Baltic republics during WW2 as "autonomous SSRs" and benefited from it.

Japan actually already lost more when Russia attacked Kuril.they lost entire Manchukuo,Inner Mongolia,Northern Korea and southern Sakhalin before Kuril to SU.
Japan actually already lost more when Russia attacked Kuril.they lost entire Manchukuo,Inner Mongolia,Northern Korea and southern Sakhalin before Kuril to SU.

Japan set Manchukuo and Inner Mongolia up as puppet states, not annexed directly as part of Japan, and their colonization schemes failed to make ethnic Japanese the majority in those areas. (They tried to import more Japanese to Korea too, but failed since Koreans still outnumbered them) but the Japanese were succesfuly in demographically changing Hokkiado, Kuriles, and South Sakhalin with Japanese majority and reducing Ainu to minority. The Japanese also never recognized the Ainu language and forced them to assimiliate, with no autonomous region. Japan in fact has no autonomous regions for either the Ainu or Okinawan native minorities, and their languages are not recognized and dying out, they mostly speak Japanese.
The interesting things are :

1. "China offered 2 against 1"
2. "Russia rejected the offer"
The interesting things are :

1. "China offered 2 against 1"
2. "Russia rejected the offer"

The subject of the disputed island isn't even mentioned during the meeting, those nips are fabricating the false story as usual.
The subject of the disputed island isn't even mentioned during the meeting, those nips are fabricating the false story as usual.

Why you could make sure that's a false story ?
We consider it as a doubt, because the same offer always intend to be in secret.
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