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Russia puts off delivery of nuke sub to india


Oct 31, 2008
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Russia indefinitely puts off delivery of nuke submarines to India
21 Jan 2009, 1612 hrs IST, PTI

MOSCOW: In what could be a major set back for India's defence preparedness, Russia has 'indefinitely' postponed the delivery of "Akula-II' class Nerpa nuclear submarine, citing that sea trials were still incomplete.

"The pre-delivery trials have been postponed by the Amur Shipyard as it has no trial crew and is running short of cash," Far Eastern edition of Kommersant daily reported today. The Amur Shipyard is yet to constitute a new trial team for these class of nuclear submarines after November 8 accident in which 20 members of the trial team were killed during the subs sea trials in Sea of Japan, the paper said.

It said the new team will not be ready before March and would have to undergo up to one year long refresher course before it could be authorized to resume pre-delivery trails. Under the larger Gorshkov package with Russia, the Indian Navy was to get first of the two Shchuka-B project nuclear submarines on lease last year.

But later the Russians revised the delivery schedule to August 2009. The submarines are being acquired to train the Indian crews for the indigenous submarines being developed under Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) project.

"Some members of the trial team, which was on the submarine during last year's accident have died, some are medically unfit, while some others have refused to go to the sea due to psychological reasons," Gennady Bagin, Director of 'Vostok' — a unit of the Amur shipyard, was quoted as saying by the daily.

Russia indefinitely puts off delivery of nuke submarines to India-India-The Times of India
Well, as per the aircraft carrier analogy, it seems a plausible reason. Change of heart may be another.
If the MRCA project is won by the Americans, there's definitely going to be SOME sort of an aggression from the Russians. As I've said before in one of the threads, it's like Pakistan buying "Grade A" equipment from Russia. The American response to that wouldn't have been positive at all.

But let's just wait and see how things unfold.
I think the Russians are definitely concerned that they may lose their position as india,s biggest arms supplier.

In last 12 months alone india has sined $3 billion dollars worth of contracts with USA. ie Posedion Maritime aircraft & C130J transport planes.

India also gave the SAM contract to ISRAEL for Spyder system rather than buy Russian S400....

The french got the $3 billion order for 6 new submarines when Russia was offering AMUR class subs too last year..

The global ender for MMRCA will really have annoyed them. too...with so many western contenders.


Akula class subs where to be delivered by end of 2009 and give india a excellent sub launched nuke strike deterrance...

it as a major part of indian strategy..

Add to the delay and massive cost overruns on Gorskhov CARRIER and this is becoming a very serious issue...

I THINK the CEO at both Boeing & General Dynamics may be smiling though !!!!!!

The Americans & french are loving it
I think the Russians are definitely concerned that they may lose their position as india,s biggest arms supplier.

Do you think their is nothing in it for india to concern?
does anyone here have even the basic idea for the delay.
its clearly pointed in the original article that the serious accident on board the submarine during its sea trials and if all the parameters are not safe how do you all think its possible to give the delivery?its a very highly specialised technology.
how much experience does india have in maintaining a nuclear sub. if similar kinds of accident occur later who will be held responsible does india posses the expertise to prevent and cure the accident from causing a mass disaster like what the russians did?
men have lost their lifes teying to repair the sub on trials and everyone thinks its so easy to maintain a nuclear sub, its not a childs play to maintain a nuclear sub lets that be claer first.
indefinite delay is because because till all parameters are deemed safe its very risky proposition to lease it out.

yes to all those who think russia and india defence relations are over, in 2009 , russian will be contesting with other countries for the sale of 3-6 disel electric submarine which is a very big oder in terms of money.

during president medvedov's december visit to india russia offered india more recent nuclear powered submarine due to the delay in the akula. i will get the link and post it soon.

all the members here please answer this question of mine which country in the world is offering to sell or lease a nuclear powered submarine to another country?

will the US sell a nuclear sub to india or china offer it to pakistan. why not have you ever thought?

the answer to the above questions will provide you with the clues of future russia-india defence relations.
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i request all the members to please stress on the highlighted portion of my post with attention before jumping to conclusions.

Russia plans to lease to India several nuclear-powered submarines of the type on which 20 people were killed last month in a gas leak, ITAR-TASS quoted a top official as saying on Monday.
"There is a real possibility we will transfer to India, on a 10-year lease, several nuclear-powered submarines of the same class as the Nerpa," said the head of the state arms cooperation service, Mikhail Dmitriyev.

The Nerpa was the Project 971 Shchuka-B submarine involved in last month's accident.

"According to the contract, it isn't a sale of submarines to India but rental to India's navy," he said.

The Shchuka-B is a high-speed Soviet-designed attack submarine capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

Russian officials denied during last month's accident press reports that the Nerpa was intended for sale to India and have since said the vessel will be used by Russia's navy.

Investigators determined that 20 people suffocated to death when fire-fighting equipment was accidentally triggered in one of the submarine's compartments during sea trials off the Russian Pacific coast.

Press reports have said India plans to lease two of the Project 971 Shchuka-B submarines.
Dmitriyev also said Russia would in the next two to three years supply India 80 Mi-17 helicopters, following the signing of an agreement during a visit to New Delhi by President Dmitry Medvedev earlier this month.


this report proves my previous point that russia is willing to lease better and modern nuclear powered sub to india as akula's replacement.

Newer Russian Nuclear Attack Sub Sought for 2010
Published: 19 Nov 14:07 EST (19:07 GMT) Print | Email

PARIS - The first of a new class of multipurpose Russian nuclear attack submarines currently in construction will be operational by 2010, a Russian news agency reported Nov. 19.

The Severodvinsk "will be operational in 2010," Ria Novosti said citing naval official Nicolas Kalisstratov.

Named after the White Sea port that houses the main Russian nuclear submarine base, the Severodvinsk is about 390 feet long and can navigate at a depth of about 1,970 feet.

It "will be able to perform every mission that could be asked of it by the state: attacking different targets when under water, on the surface or (by) land," according to a naval admiral.


India also gave the SAM contract to ISRAEL for Spyder system rather than buy Russian S400....
What an excellent BS. Spyder is SR SAM and S 400 is ABM cum LR SAM. Don't smoke

The global ender for MMRCA will really have annoyed them. too...with so many western contenders.
They came and told you or what?

Akula class subs where to be delivered by end of 2009 and give india a excellent sub launched nuke strike deterrance...
Again Smoking. The leased sub comes stripped of nuke capability
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