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Arihant propels India to elite club

I don't understand why Indian members here want an SSBN to be armed with an cruise missile. I don't see any advantage as such. Or if we can put 4/2 Nirbhay missiles in place of a single K-4/15 then I see some operational advantage.

But then the Nirbhay carrying nuclear warhead is still uncertain since it has an imported turbofan and MCTR won't allow it to carry nukes. Or is GOI planning something else...

cruise missile and ballistic missiles are stored in separate places in a submarine....
Building a nuclear ballistic missile submarine is no easy feat, and building a reliable SLBM is even harder. But SLBM's are one of the most essential parts of any country's nuclear arsenal. Secondary strike capability is essential to any kind of nuclear deterrence.

Arihant is not an SSBN, its an SSN.
Tarikh pe tarikh .. tarikh pe tarikh..Induction date plz

China does not really give a crap what the west thinks when it comes to national security and so has built both hydrogen bombs and ICBMs. Apart from Russia, only China is thought to have the capability to obliterate the a west off the face of the planet.

And India doesnt have TNs & ICBMs ?
congrats to India, itts not easy to produce a nuclear submarine, even though its with Russia help/mainly imported parts, atill its an major acheivement. Only the P5 have such indegenious nuclear submarine production capacity. Hopefully India will soon fully indigenise all parts/produce them locally and won't soon need any Russian assistance. Because full self sufficency in defence is a must for an aspiring power esepcially for critical weapons.
Congrats India.:cheers:
Does IN, IA and IAF has the capability to fight a war with Pakistan???
Of course we have. Though we will suffer great losses incase we are the attackers. Vice versa is true too,i.e we'll kick their butts in case they attack us first.
lets see how long it takes the mighty blue ocean indian navy to collide this "elite club certificate" with some fishing trawler or sink it in the harbour
oh comeon man, is it necessary showing average pakistani mentality, talking nonsense?

Does IN, IA and IAF has the capability to fight a war with Pakistan???
u want to test us kid?
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No Never! As we know your power. What do you think about future of Pakistan taking in account the condition of KPK, FATA, Balochistan and Rural Sindh.

Punjab- you missed Punjab- and Azad Kashmir-
Arihant is not an SSBN, its an SSN.
It is an SSBN.

congrats to India, itts not easy to produce a nuclear submarine, even though its with Russia help/mainly imported parts, atill its an major acheivement. Only the P5 have such indegenious nuclear submarine production capacity. Hopefully India will soon fully indigenise all parts/produce them locally and won't soon need any Russian assistance. Because full self sufficency in defence is a must for an aspiring power esepcially for critical weapons.
Congrats India.:cheers:
Everything in Arihant from the nuclear reactor to the nuts and bolts was manufactured in India
The design was Russian which was modified as per our needs.
The problems are in the mentioned region and not at all in the regions you mentioned. Ok Sir.
We have water- electricity problems in Punjab and Indian problem in Azad Kashmir, the people hate india-
It is a clear cut edge against pakistan navy and any other navy in Arabian Sea. In response Pakistan is attempting to arm itself with more chinese AIP powered submarines with SLCM capability. Babur armed on future submarines with increased range would definitely be a counter punch.
No you idiot.

Its not an edge against Pakistan. It has nothing to do with Pakistan.

Arihant is for assured Second Strike Capability. Pakistan does not even have a quarter of the resources required to mount a debilitating first strike on India such that all of India's nuclear weapons are destroyed.

Arihant ensures that in case of a nuclear first strike, we always have a ready nuclear arsenal to retaliate ie a guaranteed second strike capability. It is not a platform for conventional wars.
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