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Russia planned nuclear attack on China in 1969

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Dec 28, 2008
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The Soviet Union was on the brink of launching a nuclear attack against China in 1969 and only backed down after the US told Moscow such a move would start World War Three, according to a Chinese historian.

Andrew Osborn in Moscow and Peter Foster in Beijing
Published: 6:09PM BST 13 May 2010

The extraordinary assertion, made in a publication sanctioned by China's ruling Communist Party, suggests that the world came perilously close to nuclear war just seven years after the Cuban missile crisis.

Liu Chenshan, the author of a series of articles that chronicle the five times China has faced a nuclear threat since 1949, wrote that the most serious threat came in 1969 at the height of a bitter border dispute between Moscow and Beijing that left more than one thousand people dead on both sides.

He said Soviet diplomats warned Washington of Moscow's plans "to wipe out the Chinese and get rid of this modern adventurer," with a nuclear strike, asking the US to remain neutral.

But, he says, Washington told Moscow the United States would not stand idly by but launch its own nuclear attack against the Soviet Union if it attacked China, loosing nuclear missiles at 130 Soviet cities. The threat worked, he added, and made Moscow think twice, while forcing the two countries to regulate their border dispute at the negotiating table.

He quotes Soviet ministers and diplomats at the time to bolster his claim.

On 15 October 1969, he quotes Soviet premier Alexei Kosygin as telling Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev that Washington has drawn up "detailed plans" for a nuclear war against the USSR if it attacked China.

"[The United States] has clearly indicated that China's interests are closely related to theirs and they have mapped out detailed plans for nuclear war against us," Kosygin is said to have told Brezhnev.
That same day he says Anatoly Dobrynin, the Soviet ambassador to Washington, told Brezhnev something similar after consultations with US diplomats. "If China suffers a nuclear attack, they (the Americans) will deem it as the start of the third world war," Dobrynin said. "The Americans have betrayed us."

The historian claims that Washington saw the USSR as a greater threat than China and wanted a strong China to counter-balance Soviet power. Then US President Richard Nixon was also apparently fearful of the effect of a nuclear war on 250,000 US troops stationed in the Asia-Pacific region and still smarting from a Soviet refusal five years earlier to stage a joint attack on China's nascent nuclear programme.

The claims are likely to stir debate about a period of modern history that remains mired in controversy.

Mr Liu, the author, admits his version of history is likely to be contested by rival scholars. It is unclear whether he had access to special state archives but the fact that his articles appeared in such an official publication in a country where the media is so tightly controlled is being interpreted by some as a sign that he did have special access.

USSR planned nuclear attack on China in 1969 - Telegraph
I really love this great man.


Goddamn commies of China betrayed the entire Asians during the world war II by allying with the commie Ruskies against the Japanese brothers.

Why did Mao Tse Tung, who seems to have had no vision, support the Slavs and betrayed the Japanese brothers?
In another thread here on defence.pk somebody posted that Britain had plans for Nuclear attack on China if China reclaimed Hong Kong.Don't remember though that was it a personal opinion of the poster or did he provided some source.
if true, it shows USA is not all bad.
^^^ US cannot imagine Soviet taking over china. Same way that China cannot tolerate a US friendly Korea.

If China falls then SE Asia is effectively in Soviet hands

Say Russian Hands.

Soviet was a fake identity the Russians used as a cover.

By the way, China cannot imagine Central Asia as well as South Asia falling in the Russian hands.

But both the KMT who refused Hitler to provide some raw materials for weapons manufacturing by German forces as well as the CPC who later joined the Russians against Japanese were both responsible for the loss of Asian lands to the hands of the Russians.

We, always misunderstand Japan and accuse it for practicing so called imperialism but from a different point of view Japan was merely trying to unite the Asians and save Asian lands which needed to be re-settled after the first world war. And as Asians themselves Japanese had the obligation as well as right to unite the Asians.
May be..bt now russia cannot afford a war with china..
Say Russian Hands.

Soviet was a fake identity the Russians used as a cover.

I used the term soviet to distinguish it from the current government in russia

We, always misunderstand Japan and accuse it for practicing so called imperialism but from a different point of view Japan was merely trying to unite the Asians and save Asian lands which needed to be re-settled after the first world war. And as Asians themselves Japanese had the obligation as well as right to unite the Asians.

can't say I agree with that. For one thing the Japanese did not treat other Asians as equals. They just want resources and ambition to rule over others as a master race.
Goddamn commies of China betrayed the entire Asians during the world war II by allying with the commie Ruskies against the Japanese brothers.

Why did Mao Tse Tung, who seems to have had no vision, support the Slavs and betrayed the Japanese brothers?

Jeez, you would rather support an imperialist power that massacred Chinese civilians indiscriminately - Japan, and a fascist nation that tried to exterminate Jews - Germany, over a Proletarian State based on Marxist principles? Some "Communist" you are......
I used the term soviet to distinguish it from the current government in russia

I was not talking about any govt, I meant to say the russians themselves.

can't say I agree with that. For one thing the Japanese did not treat other Asians as equals.

So what man, so what? After all, the Japanese Asians took the initiative and were doing everything, so they deserved certain extra privileges from other Asians. At a certain point of time, other Asians would have been completely mixed with the Japanese Asians in a natural way.

They just want resources and ambition to rule over others as a master race.

Japanese are as same as the Chinese, Koreans and also other Asians in terms of DNA that is what actually matters. Culturally they are different and slightly in physical appearance because of dwelling in different environments.
On a lighter note...Soviets shuld have done that..
One less enemy to take care off....:D
I was not talking about any govt, I meant to say the russians themselves.

There is a difference between people and government.

So what man, so what? After all, the Japanese Asians took the initiative and were doing everything, so they deserved certain extra privileges from other Asians. At a certain point of time, other Asians would have been completely mixed with the Japanese Asians in a natural way.

Japanese are as same as the Chinese, Koreans and also other Asians in terms of DNA that is what actually matters. Culturally they are different and slightly in physical appearance because of dwelling in different environments.

That does not justify the action they took.
Infact I think if Japanese had not meddled in China's affairs China would have gotten stronger by themselves alot faster.
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On a lighter note...Soviets shuld have done that..
One less enemy to take care off....:D

It's not that simple. One of the regions the Soviets will take over first would be Tibet highground and Xinjiang. Then they have advantage overlooking India. Ambitions of a person or a nation can be limitless. They will always go after the next strongest power after collapse of the current one because it poses the greatest threat to them.
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