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Russia offers Pakistan 10 Helicopters to enhance better understanding

S300 or S400 we must demand, that's it.

Nothing else.

In a world where we are cash strapped and India has a huge lobby at the Kremlin, this ain't happening.

This thread is about Choppers...let's stay on it.
Although S-300 was/is still one of the best SAM in the world. We have many SAM's. But SAM has limited role

After few years (2014-2016), ABM technology will make huge difference. SAM won't have any major impact.

Arrow-2,3 (Israel)
Patriot/Thaad (USA)
AAD/PDV - AD-1,2 (India)
S-500 (Russia) - It's not SAM.
???? (China also planning something by 2020)

UK/France/Japan might use USA or own new ABM technology after 2015.

SAM is only good for specific strategic asset and not to protect whole country.

Pakistan should start working for ABM.

Excellent development by India. I hope, Pakistan can work on ABM but not decided to do. They are currently working on MIRVs. And China already have ABMs as well as Anti-Satellites. Let's see and wait.

My favorite about S300V/S400 is its effective hot pursuit quickly in respond to intrusion jets.

In a world where we are cash strapped and India has a huge lobby at the Kremlin, this ain't happening.

This thread is about Choppers...let's stay on it.

Alright, I agree with you. I just don't like unarmed Choppers stuffs, we must demand high level of quality machines.
I really feel that Super Jet 100, is a great investment for PIA (Pakistan Airlines) 12 such planes can work on domestic routes
and finally PIA can sell their old Jumbo planes which was severely outdated (As much as I love the old classic)

Fuel efficiency, entertainment capacity of the planes , and safety should be top priority

The Mi 17 helicopters are perfect for rescue missions
WOW .... Great NEWS.
Russian Markets Slightly opened to Pakistan for arm sale. long awaited step for Pakistani Russian arm lovers.
i am lovin it

If Pakistan decides for a Russian Gunship Helo, then i hope it goes for something like the MI-28 Havoc.


Bro Havoc is inferior to Apache ... if they offered us attack helicopters, we should chose one of these


On topic, I think these transport helos are needed considering that it makes rescue operations and MEDEVAC easier compared to the cramped up smaller Alouttes.

i am really feed up from our idiotic minds .russia again and again offer us to make with him defense and other relations and we run to old US junk .are planners of pakistan are really dump idiots? why the hell we never balance it ? the time when russia india vs pak china is over since 10 years now every one is moving to every other side so why the hell we still are same as 80s?

pakistan at least get some more from Russia to balance the equipment in forces we should have more mixed then current equipment .

No. There's a reason for that and that is Russia prefers transactions that are a two-way traffic i.e. it wants money in return and doesn't have standing Military Assistance Programs unlike US does. The reason why Vietnam was given a credit line of $ 1 billion is because Vietnam is an old customer of Russian weapons dating decades back and has enough confidence of the Russians.

That's the reason why you have no option but US or at the most China.

Russia will not sell anything that it hasn't sold to India before as a better version.
Till India has the Russians by the cojonies in terms of defense investments.
Sit back and enjoy the little tidbits.

That was the smartest answer given by anyone here.

Pakistan should get Mi-35


Anything directly offensive in terms of weapons doesn't go to Pakistan. I don't think you heard about us and Russians having agreed on that in return for defense partnership.
i think pakistan must look for some huge purchase combined with ToT and local production
All **** members before you jump from your seat .............watch India will block this deal.
Nothing too special about Mi-17s. It is a good and a reliable transport chopper.

And guys, forget about getting combat helicopters from Russia - it just won't happen! Best bet is either USA (if relations improve) or China. Or maybe even Turkey, but that'll take a long time.

Combat helicopters should be a priority for a country like Pakistan, given the nature of their adversary - India. But no doubt, it'll be a difficult road to actually get hands on one of those that are on par with the likes of the Apache - if there are actually any out there.
Well there is no need for a abandonment or blocking of the deal

a) These are supply / cargo like operational planes very valuable for strategic projects
b) There is no need for hypertension , and lose motion its a 10-20 may be 40 helicopters needed for support activities

Support helicopters are needed now , and the attack helicopters are secondary for time being as we have ample Cobras and JF17 thunders (For areal missions)

Seeing the Mega Alliance is almost a reality China + Russia + Turkey + Pakistan + Iran

Its safe to assume that we can expect some Russian cooperation in strategic areas as our national policy is similar to Russia or Even china
New friends new ways new block new deals are going to happen soon.Things are turning in different ways.
Both Russia and Pakistan coming closer slowly.

---------- Post added at 11:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

Don't you think recent Veto from China and Russia in Security council in favor of Syria alarms new Defence block?
Yeah surely , its a sure tell all Sign where the world is going

China and Russia Vetoed because they saw what happened in Libya, its just a blatant war now we will see Al Qaeda flourish in Libya
before it was a beautiful country , opening up its oil business and it had a endless future before it

But Russia + China + Pakistan + Iran + Turkey

What we are seeing now happening in our life time is revival of the "Old Silk Route"
an ancient route which used to the source of revenue for Past empires / civilizations

This ancient pathway has been altered , disrupted many times in Past and most recently in WW1 when Ottoman Empire wanted to construct a RAIL route to compete against British Traders who used the Sea route and charged taxes on these trades, for her royal Majesty

This was replaced around time , when British took their Navy ships and destroyed all opponents at sea and controlled trade routes

Now we see a reverse happening , people are going back forming old alliances and its Cheaper to trade via Silk route vs shipping things by Sea route

Russia + China + Pakistan + Iran + Turkey makes complete sense , and if one Day India gives up its Weapons purchase desires and shakes hand with Pakistan and China who know SCO

S C 0 might be a bigger organization the NATO can ever imagine to be why ?

Because all the RAW material comes from SCO nations

And if really look closely ,

Russia , and Pakistan really had a good if not Best relations at time I mean who set up Pakistani Steels mills ? Russia !!! Not US they would have asked us to ship items to USA and then buy back stuff
and finally PIA can sell their old Jumbo planes which was severely outdated (As much as I love the old classic)

Why should old jumbo planes be sold off, why not send them back to Boeing for modernization and refurbishment and make 3 of them as mission specific Air Refuellers and transport planes for PAF. It could cost us as much as $300 Million for 3 airframes, avionics and other Air Refueller specific upgrades and modernization, good enough for next 15 years.
Well the old Jumbos are Fuel guzzling machines , greater weight = more engine power needs more fuel to operate these gas guzzlers LOSS of profits

Its more about small , sleek and fuel efficiency
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