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Featured Russia is preparing to supply Iran with an advanced satellite system that will boost Tehran’s ability to surveil military targets, officials say


Jan 28, 2012
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Russia is preparing to supply Iran with an advanced satellite system that will give Tehran an unprecedented ability to track potential military targets across the Middle East and beyond, according to current and former U.S. and Middle Eastern officials briefed on details of the arrangement.

The plan would deliver to the Iranians a Russian-made Kanopus-V satellite equipped with a high-resolution camera that would greatly enhance Iran’s spying capabilities, allowing continuous monitoring of facilities ranging from Persian Gulf oil refineries and Israeli military bases to Iraqi barracks that house U.S. troops, the officials said. The launch could happen within months, they said.

While the Kanopus-V is marketed for civilian use, Iranian military officials have been heavily involved in the acquisition, and leaders of Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have made multiple trips to Russia since 2018 to help negotiate the terms of the agreement, the officials said. As recently as this spring, Russian experts traveled to Iran to help train ground crews who would operate the satellite from a newly built facility near the northern city of Karaj, the officials said.

Details of the agreement were described by a current and a former U.S. official as well as a senior Middle Eastern government official briefed on the sale. The three officials spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing sensitivities surrounding ongoing intelligence collection efforts. The Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow did not respond to an email request for comment.

The disclosures came as President Biden is preparing for his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The imminent launch of a Russian-made Iranian satellite could add to a long list of contentious issues that have strained relations between Moscow and Washington, including most notably recent Russian hacking operations and efforts to interfere with U.S. elections. Opponents of the U.S. reentering the nuclear accord with Iran are also likely to seize on the disclosure to argue against any engagement with Tehran that doesn’t address its military ambitions in the region.

If fully realized, the deal would represent a significant boost for an Iranian military establishment that has struggled in its own attempts to put a military reconnaissance satellite into orbit. After several prominent failures, Iran last year successfully launched an indigenous military satellite dubbed Noor-1, but the spacecraft was quickly derided by a senior Pentagon official as a “tumbling webcam.”

Under the agreement reached with Moscow, Iran’s new satellite would be launched in Russia and would feature Russian hardware, including a camera with a resolution of 1.2 meters — a significant improvement over Iran’s current capabilities, though still far short of the quality achieved by U.S. spy satellites or high-end commercial satellite imagery providers. More importantly, Iran would be able to “task” the new satellite to spy on locations of its choosing, and as often as it wishes, the officials said.

“It’s not the best in the world, but it’s high-resolution and very good for military aims,” said the Middle Eastern official familiar with the satellite’s hardware package. “This capability will allow Iran to maintain an accurate target bank, and to update that target bank within a few hours” every day.

Equally concerning, the official said, is the possibility that Iran could share the imagery with pro-Iranian militia groups across the region, from the Houthi rebels battling Saudi-backed government forces in Yemen to Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon and Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria. Pro-Iranian militias have been linked to repeated rocket attacks on Iraqi military bases that are home to U.S. troops and military trainers.

While key aspects of the satellite’s capability have been kept under wraps, Iran and Russia both publicly disclosed their intention to go into the space business together. As far back as 2015, Iran’s Press TV news service reported that Iranian and Russian companies had entered an arrangement that would allow Iran to acquire a “remote-sensing system which can be employed for collecting information about the Earth’s surface, atmosphere and oceans.”

The article listed the deal’s Russian partners as NPK BARL and VNIIEM, two firms that would build and launch the satellite in a partnership with the Iranian state-operated trade company Bonyan Danesh Shargh and the Iranian Space Agency.

Independent experts and analysts said Iran’s new spying capabilities would be especially worrying, given Tehran’s recent advances in missile guidance systems. Iran is producing an array of ballistic missiles and drones that are able to strike distant targets with precision, and access to improved satellite imagery could make them even more effective, some said.

“Having this kind of on-call data feed may open up technical and operational possibilities that the Iranians previously didn’t have,” said Christopher Ford, the State Department’s top nonproliferation official under the Trump administration. “It sounds like a significant upgrade, not just a slight slide up the slope in terms of potential military applications.”

Other experts noted that Iran has previously managed to acquire high-resolution images by presumably purchasing them from commercial satellite companies, although Tehran’s ability to obtain real-time data about potential military targets was limited.

“A domestic capability to take those pictures is something the military wants, because it’s valuable to them,” said Jeffrey Lewis, a nonproliferation expert and professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, Calif. He added that acquiring Russian technology essentially would allow the Iranians a faster path to a capability they would have acquired on their own, given enough time.

“Is Iran’s military delighted? Yes, it is, and this is a real change,” Lewis said. “But it was going to happen sooner or later.”

Photos from a Kanopus-V satellite as examples of its resolution:




every time Russia sells such sensitive equipment to Iran, it is a testament that Iran is not far from acquiring such capability by itself. They compute that Iran is probably only a few years away anyways so why not make a buck while they can...
every time Russia sells such sensitive equipment to Iran, it is a testament that Iran is not far from acquiring such capability by itself. They compute that Iran is probably only a few years away anyways so why not make a buck while they can...

This is some really good news then given the progress Iran has been making with its own satellites.

Although...lol, quite sleazy of Russia to swoop on by and try and sell Iran some technology it was on the cusp for developing for itself anyways (?), hints of the S-400 still ringing in my head (don't need it since BAVAR-373 is a reality).

I wonder what other tech Russia is going to oh so graciously offer when Iran reaches that respective threshold.
This is some really good news then given the progress Iran has been making with its own satellites.

Although...lol, quite sleazy of Russia to swoop on by and try and sell Iran some technology it was on the cusp for developing for itself anyways (?), hints of the S-400 still ringing in my head (don't need it since BAVAR-373 is a reality).

I wonder what other tech Russia is going to oh so graciously offer when Iran reaches that respective threshold.
For them it’s an economical and geopolitical balance. In some fronts (energy transport and Caspian Sea resources) they are direct competitors. So a strong Iran is not beneficial in those arenas.
Personally I think they are extremely shortsighted! The truth is that Russia has no interest to truly challenge US domination. And they are content with their current regional skirmishes. Balance of power will not be disturbed and western powers are therefore not really alarmed.
If they really wanted to challenge US positions, then Iran would have a been a perfect long term partner and we should have seen much more military collaborations and TOT weapons sales.
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Photos from a Kanopus-V satellite as examples of its resolution:

These examples are not suitable in this case, since max resolution of Kanopus-V satellite - 2.1 metres, but for Iran was made special variant on upgraded Kanopus platform with resolution around 1-1.2 metres. I.E. this sattelite for Iran will be able to take photos of better resolution.
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I dont know

There are upcoming talks between Putin and Biden, so this could be a chees play from Putin, to go with stronger "cards" into the talk, the timing is very suspicious

Dont forget the cancelled fighter jet project between Iran and Russia or the S-300 deal + history shows us Russia ins not reliable

We will see...
There is a difference between Arab countries, Turkey etc. with Iran. We should develop all systems as much as possible on our own. There is no pride in getting Russian sat tech. I prefer it to take another 10 years but to be a domestic product (as much as possible). Same goes for all other military, civilian products.

Iran should reject this agreement.
I dont know

There are upcoming talks between Putin and Biden, so this could be a chees play from Putin, to go with stronger "cards" into the talk...

Dont forget the cancelled fighter jet project between Iran and Russia or the S-300 deal

We will see...

The timing is suspicious but the Russians didn't leak this story; the Americans did. So it seems like there are elements in the US that want to poison the upcoming Putin-Biden summit by highlighting this agreement.
Remember this remark by the former chief of IDF's military intelligence two months ago?

“Still, Ze’evi-Farkash said using force by itself is not a long-term solution. “We cannot repeatedly attack them [like with Iraq’s and Syria’s nuclear programs]. They are too smart, have too many precision-guided missiles, and will soon have satellites to watch us just like we watch them.”

So it seems like this agreement between Russia and Iran is known for a while in the intelligence community.

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