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Russia is now offering Antei-2500 to Iran as a replacement for S-300PMU1

Oooh.... How nice)) Peole who killed dozens of millions of Indians, Australians and others, steal their lands and bombinf other nations to steal their oil nowadays is loughing, that other people work hard and had to economize to reech space.

Dude! Atrocities committed by Russians throughout history could only match those of Mongols! So I think you should be the last to complain about "stealing and bombing and killing"!

USofA is a multinational state, everyone is welcome, that is of course if they earn their keep!
Just look at the map of Russian Federation - Yakut Repiblic, Chechen Republic and so on. And look at the map of USA. What? Where are Cherokee republic? Where are Mohegan republic? I do not see them. That is the difference - when some tribe or nation become a part of ancient Rus or Russian Impire or USSR - it had it's land. Nobiles and gentles of tribe or kingdom become nobiles and gentles of Russian. And people of tribes become patrials of Russian Tsar. 1150 years past and non-Russsian peoples lives now at thier land. Where are American Indians now? They have nothing. Anglosaxonians did castrate them till middle of 20 century. In Australia Ministry of Flora and Fauna took care of native people till 1940-years. Anglosaxonians thought they are animals.
BTH - dozens of tribes and kingdomes ask Wight Tsar (that was a medieval name of Russian tsars) to include their state to Russia.
Just look at the map of Russian Federation - Yakut Repiblic, Chechen Republic and so on. And look at the map of USA. What? Where are Cherokee republic? Where are Mohegan republic? I do not see them. That is the difference - when some tribe or nation become a part of ancient Rus or Russian Impire or USSR - it had it's land. Nobiles and gentles of tribe or kingdom become nobiles and gentles of Russian. And people of tribes become patrials of Russian Tsar. 1150 years past and non-Russsian peoples lives now at thier land. Where are American Indians now? They have nothing. Anglosaxonians did castrate them till middle of 20 century. In Australia Ministry of Flora and Fauna took care of native people till 1940-years. Anglosaxonians thought they are animals.
BTH - dozens of tribes and kingdomes ask Wight Tsar (that was a medieval name of Russian tsars) to include their state to Russia.

Welcome to the real world! The real world can be cruel, ever heard of "survival of the fittest"?
American natives (or Indians as you would like to call them) had inferior cultures and civilizations, and they were ultimately replaced by an advanced civilization.

Dude! Joseph Stalin killed more than 20 million Russians alone! You better not worry about Native-Americans! Be worry about your own fucked up political system that is actually continuation of Stalinism!
Welcome to the real world! The real world can be cruel, ever heard of "survival of the fittest"?
American natives (or Indians as you would like to call them) had inferior cultures and civilizations, and they were ultimately replaced by an advanced civilization.

Dude! Joseph Stalin killed more than 20 million Russians alone! You better not worry about Native-Americans! Be worry about your own fucked up political system that is actually continuation of Stalinism!
it's all about lack of morality in politics, Russians chinese or Americans have no difference, each one has done whatever they thought it's beneficial for them. yet Russians are by far better than Angelosaxons. so you think native Americans vanished because they had inferior cultures? no, dear it's called genocide, they vanished because some creatures inferior to animals mass murdered all of them.
the same thing in Australia, a month ago I saw a documentary about the condition of Aborigines in Australia, the way Australian treat with them is worse than animals, human rights is a joke in there, be an Aborigine and drink alcohol, you will end up in jail.
Angelosaxons took the Aborigine children from their families to cut their relations from their pasts, even talking with their native language would be answered by punishment.
Be worry about your own fucked up political system that is actually continuation of Stalinism!

Too bad more and more Americans stop worryng about others political systems, as how Washington controlled media teach them, and start to worry about how US is turning to the military junta with non-existant opposition, no free media and complete disregard of basic human rights. No surprise US government started to block access of its citizens to foreign media :lol:
Dude! Joseph Stalin killed more than 20 million Russians alone! You better not worry about Native-Americans! Be worry about your own fucked up political system that is actually continuation of Stalinism!

This is the western propaganda, Stalin was responsible for the industrialization of Russia.

Because Russia has faced the threat from the capitalist countries around the world, Stalin had no choice but to implement the decision to make radical industrialization.

Of course, many Russian farmers died of this cause, but in this difficult era, there was no one to blame, if Stalin didn't implement this decision, Russia would have been invaded and divided into pieces by the western nations.

This is coming from a Chinese guy who really dislikes Stalin, he had done many things that harmed China, but from the point of view of Russia, he has done more good than harm to Russia.
Too bad more and more Americans stop worryng about others political systems, as how Washington controlled media teach them, and start to worry about how US is turning to the military junta with non-existant opposition, no free media and complete disregard of basic human rights. No surprise US government started to block access of its citizens to foreign media :lol:

Technically , US is a Democratic Dictatorship !
Welcome to the real world! The real world can be cruel, ever heard of "survival of the fittest"?
American natives (or Indians as you would like to call them) had inferior cultures and civilizations, and they were ultimately replaced by an advanced civilization.

Dude! Joseph Stalin killed more than 20 million Russians alone! You better not worry about Native-Americans! Be worry about your own fucked up political system that is actually continuation of Stalinism!
It is western world, dude! In Russia we carefully rase cultural level of native. Many nations get althybets. Many nations were free from being slaves in other Impires - for examples Finnland peolple got their own principality in Russian Impire - first
nationhood ever.
What is the slogan of Western Impires? "Divide and rule". But the one of Russian state - "guide and unite".
As for Stalin - 630000 were perished 1923-1953. And do not forget - it was Revolution, Civil War. USSR was in isolation and whole West try to destroy it and hondreds thousends of spions and agents of influence were in USSR. Stalin was the greatest leader in Russian history and one of the greatest in the humanity history. Of corse, western propaganda do it's best to blacken his gloriest name... But future generations will know the truth. BTW - you may read what Ruzvelt and Cherchill and others told about Stalin when he was alive.
This is the western propaganda, Stalin was responsible for the industrialization of Russia.

Because Russia has faced the threat from the capitalist countries around the world, Stalin had no choice but to implement the decision to make radical industrialization.

Of course, many Russian farmers died of this cause, but in this difficult era, there was no one to blame, if Stalin didn't implement this decision, Russia would have been invaded and divided into pieces by the western nations.

This is coming from a Chinese guy who really dislikes Stalin, he had done many things that harmed China, but from the point of view of Russia, he has done more good than harm to Russia.

Agree ... :tup:
It is western world, dude! In Russia we carefully rase cultural level of native. Many nations get althybets. Many nations were free from being slaves in other Impires - for examples Finnland peolple got their own principality in Russian Impire - first
nationhood ever.
What is the slogan of Western Impires? "Divide and rule". But the one of Russian state - "guide and unite".
As for Stalin - 630000 were perished 1923-1953. And do not forget - it was Revolution, Civil War. USSR was in isolation and whole West try to destroy it and hondreds thousends of spions and agents of influence were in USSR. Stalin was the greatest leader in Russian history and one of the greatest in the humanity history. Of corse, western propaganda do it's best to blacken his gloriest name... But future generations will know the truth. BTW - you may read what Ruzvelt and Cherchill and others told about Stalin when he was alive.

so much investion on Military & Space program destroyed USSR ...

for example Buran project ... so much for nothing !!!
so much investion on Military & Space program destroyed USSR ...

for example Buran project ... so much for nothing !!!

The massive military budget has stagnated the Soviet economy, but USSR wouldn't have collapsed if they have followed a good economic reform, it was the radical westernization that destroyed USSR.
Bankers-Wall Street dictatorship! I

That's why Russia is aligning with China to fight against the western imperialist.

And i do appreciate Putin's determination to fight against the western imperialist, but does he still believe that the western capitalist is superior to communist's state-capitalist? He must realize it was the de-communization that has greatly weakened Russia.

Imagine if USSR has followed the same reform road as China did, then USA would be the one who collapsed.

The word freedom is just bogus, 100% freedom means an anarchist state, humans are evolved from animals, communism is necessary to suppress those harmful human animal instincts and brings more regulations to our society. It was the beaucratic corruption that every communist states need to fight against, but because of the existed beaucratic corruption to abandon the communist idea and to switch to the capitalist idea is completely wrong.
@Penguin I knew you were going to come up with "Patriot wasn't known to be an Anti-ballistic missile system", anyway you missed my point, U.S. has already tested its system against the Russian junks, my point was/is the U.S. technology superiority over the Russian garbage, superiority of the Western weaponry is a fact, deal with it.

Tell me what else 'you knew'... About this testing: when? where? source? Please substantiate that claim.

I said: 'was not initially designed for ABM'.

Many people disagree with you:

Richard E. Hawley (retired USAF General, served as fighter pilot with more than 3,000 flight hours and 438 combat missions flown over Vietnam and as the commander of U.S. Air Force Air Combat Command from 1996 to 1999) begs to differ.
David versus the Gargoyle: The S-300PMU-1 - National Military and Civil Aviation | Examiner.com
The Cutting Edge News

Air Force Association President Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Mike Dunn stated, "Only the F-22 can survive in airspace defended by increasingly capable surface-to-air missiles" such as the S-300.
The Cutting Edge News

Over the last 22 years, our military has fought four major regional conflicts—Kuwait, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, with the smaller-scale enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 over Libya concluding just 18 months ago. However, our security challenges persist across the globe from transnational terrorism in Africa, to regional instability in the Middle East, to a nuclear-armed North Korea. Our technological advantage is threatened by the worldwide proliferation of advanced air defense systems such as the Russian-built S-300 which has garnered recent headlines in Syria. Moreover, countries are developing fighters on par or better than our legacy, fourth-generation fleet. For example, China and Russia are currently testing fifth-generation fighters, with China recently flying two new advanced stealth fighters—the J-20 and J-31. These world-wide technological advancements are occurring at time when our fighter fleet numbers about 2,000 aircraft and averages 23 years old, the smallest and oldest in our history.



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