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Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

But contexts are different.. Those countries don't have territorial problems with their neighbours thus their focus is not territorial integrity but civic matters. If such an agreement occurs between Greece and Turkey, there would be no such a case to be seen in the court.

btw Kosovo ruling of ICJ is not related to what I just wrote. Just wanted to point it out in case you wanted to bring it up :)

A courts' juristictional power is what it is, one cannot recognise power of one type of subject and not another. This nulifies the foundation of the concept.
I accept that, but my point stands true, the two nations are different,

some Turks are of Greek descent, some others of other anatolian descent, but overall the two nations are not the same whichever way you look at it, the composition of the current turkish populus is not an issue here..
We Turks are proud to be different from Greeks. Thank God we are Muslim...
We in Pakistan identify with Mughal Empire which was founded by Turkic people from Uzbekistan. So it is not just religious but ethnic also.

You identify with the Mughals thats cool. You know basically every emperor after Akbar the Great was half rajput Indian.. :tup:
You identify with the Mughals thats cool. You know basically every emperor after Akbar the Great was half rajput Indian.. :tup:

Yeah, so? There are many Rajputs in Pakistan, my own cousins are. And he said it was founded by Turkic people from modern Uzbekistan (Ferghana to be more precise)
Yeah, so? There are many Rajputs in Pakistan, my own cousins are. And he said it was founded by Turkic people from modern Uzbekistan (Ferghana to be more precise)

Yup, founded by Mongols. Mughal means Mongol in Persians. Later they made alliance with Hindu Rajputs and they mixed. Most emperors were half Rajput. So they have Indian/Hindustani in them.

On topic

Turkey has no real threat in its region. Russia isn't hostile to Turkey. So not much of a problem.
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